Waiting to find out, 4.9cm complex mass



  • suki1724
    suki1724 Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2017 #22

    I just got a call from Dr. Dalton's nurse.  She said that he had another radiologist go over my MRI results and that he wants to see me in his office on Monday regarding this.  I'm thinking he will recommend removal of the lesion or a biopsy?  I'm not happy to have to wait until Monday, but really curious and nervous to see what he has to say. Do they really make people who might have cancer wait this long???????Frown

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    suki1724 said:


    I just got a call from Dr. Dalton's nurse.  She said that he had another radiologist go over my MRI results and that he wants to see me in his office on Monday regarding this.  I'm thinking he will recommend removal of the lesion or a biopsy?  I'm not happy to have to wait until Monday, but really curious and nervous to see what he has to say. Do they really make people who might have cancer wait this long???????Frown

    Oh, yeah

    We often get to wait this long and longer. The majority of us don't get biopsies, we either get to wait and watch or wait and have surgery. Or, some of us get to wait and watch and wait and wait and have surgery. The good news is that kidney cancer tends not to grow like crazy, so waiting is not totally unreasonable medically. It's "just" potentially totally crazy-making for us doing the waiting. Got any counter tops, cupboards, closets, or a garage to clean? Casseroles to bake and freeze? 

    You've got this. Just a few days more. 

  • suki1724
    suki1724 Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2017 #24
    Hey JerzyGrrl!

    My daughter is a 911 dispatcher and I'm cooking dinner and dessert for her and her co-workers, AND I have a feeling I'll be tackling the master bedroom closet this weekend!  I agree about the how this is all "crazy-making" for sure!  Thanks for the support, it is appreciated!   

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    You've got this Suki

    So sweet of you to cook for the group and be sure to set aside a bit for the freezer.  You're on a roll, cooking & cleaning, good plan.  Less you'll be fretting about in your recovery phase.....assuming that bugger needs to make an exit.

    Best wishes, keep us posted,


  • suki1724
    suki1724 Member Posts: 37
    hardo718 said:

    You've got this Suki

    So sweet of you to cook for the group and be sure to set aside a bit for the freezer.  You're on a roll, cooking & cleaning, good plan.  Less you'll be fretting about in your recovery phase.....assuming that bugger needs to make an exit.

    Best wishes, keep us posted,


    Thank you Donna

    The support is SO appreciated, I'm used to having chronic health issues, and I had a scare with a thyroid nodule, but this is a whole new level of stress!  Being busy definitely helps. 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Glad you finally heard

    Glad you finally heard something! Under 7cm is still stage I, but it also depends on WHERE it is inside the kidney that has to be considered. 

    No, biopsy is usually not recommended as they don't want to pull cancer cells outside the kidney is what I heard. 

    Make sure your Urologist /surgeon does laproscopic (small incisions) done robatically. It is an easier recovery, at least for me who has had 4 surgeries, 2 were robatic/laproscopic. 

    And I also learned most surgeons want a CT with/without contrast. If you feel uneasy at all, yes, get another opinion. 

    But remember, worrying is a waste of energy. Do some nice centered breathing, in through your nose and out, very slowly, via mouth, teeth and lips slightly apart till you notice your body settle down and relax. Helps to go someone pleasant in your mind while doing breathing technique.

    Keep us informed. We're here for you all the way. You can DM me on here (email section) for any other questions.

    Sending you calm, gentle hugs,



  • Hezzmeg
    Hezzmeg Member Posts: 1
    Waiting for answers

    I have had a complex cyst on my left kidney for two years, it started out a little over 3cm.  In April this year it was 8.  I have been having a lot of nausea, weight loss and lower back pain so I had an ultrasound done and now it is 12cm.  Two years ago my biopsy was benign, this thing has grown so fast I'm pretty sure they are going to take my kidney.  I'm just looking for someone to talk to that understands what I'm going through. 

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited August 2017 #29
    Hezzmeg, so sorry you're here

    Hezzmeg, so sorry you're here but why don't you start your own thread so it doesn't get "lost" in this one that's Suki's? You'll get a lot of support here.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    Welcome.  First and foremost--Are you seeing a RCC specialist?  If not, get to one ASAP.  If you give us an area that you are living, perhaps we can be of assistance in helping you locate one.  With the size that this "thing" is, you'll need to have it taken out.  As APny said, start a new thread and many will chime it to offer comments and support.


  • bmickowski
    bmickowski Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2017 #31

    My tumor was a measley 2.9 cm

    My tumor was a measley 2.9 cm, but I had 2 opinions that said it should come out.  I initially opted to wait 6 months for the surgery, but then I opted to have it done sooner rather than later.  Due to having what the doctors called a hostile abdomen from a major prior surgery for something else robotic/laparoscopic was not an option.  I went for an open surgery. 

    One factor that weighed in favor of removal was my tumor was in a tricky place.  Thanks to Dr. Russo at MSKCC, they took the tumor and only 5% of my right kidney.  I'm three years down the road, and expect a full NED report tomorrow. 

    Always better to get a second opinoin.  My first urologist thought they would have to take my entire right kidney because of the location of the tumor. I am glad I went to MSKCC for a second opinion.

    Great to hear about Dr. Russo

    We have an asppointment with Dr. Russo this Friday. Tumor is 3.5 in right kidney. Hoping for some good news on how to proceed. A partial  removal would be great. 

  • Supersum
    Supersum Member Posts: 109 Member

    Hello Hezzmeg how are things going? I hope the tumor has been removed or there are plans to remove it soon. If you would like to, you could let us know how things are progressing so others can offer advice and support from their own experiences.