Very depressed

Sslee723 Member Posts: 54

I've been so depressed lately, I feel kind of useles.  I can't remember the last time I cooked dinner.  I just always feel like crap.  I drag myself out of bed every day and I try but by noon I'm just done.  It's killing my spirit and that scares the hell out of me.  I have such a great family and my grandson is the light of my life but I don't have any umf!  I just don't know what to do .  


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 973 Member

    Sslee--there is no doubt you've had one heck of a kick in the butt with this cancer and the SE of cabo.  Are you seeing a counselor?  If not, I'd encourage you to seek one out--and not just a run-of-the-mill counselor; I'd encourage you to seek one out that specializes in health issues.  Perhaps the hospital can help you with this.  

    I know from some of your earlier posts that you are an action oriented person use to working 10 hour days and staying busy.  To come to terms with your new normal will take some time and some help.  Good luck!


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    I agree with stub, make an

    I agree with stub, make an appointment with a counselor. No matter how supportive and wonderful our family is there's nothing like an impartial, unbiased, "outsider" to listen to us and when appropriate, make suggestions on how to pull ourselves out of feeling like you're feeling. Also, give yourself time; you went through a lot and feeling depressed is a natural reaction to being slammed with this horrible disease. Hugs to you!

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    I was diagnosed almost three

    I was diagnosed almost three years ago, I was terrified, hopeless, shoked and in disbelief for months following the diagnosis and surgery. Aall i ciuld think about was a 10 cm tomur in my right kidney, the possible recurrence was all I could think about, I spent hours and hours googling information about kidney cancer, I was a total mess. But I then decided to talk with a therapist, it was a realy good decision, he helped me come back on the track, I joined a book club, registered my name in dance class, began to go to the gym after months of not going there, opened up with my hubby about all my fears. Began to plan for a trip and began working on a new project at work. These things helped me a lot, although it wasn't easy to get rid of those scary thoughts , I felt better day by day. He helped me remember what I used to do befor the diagnosis and also ehat I I'd always wanted to do so I had a goal to achieve, a dream to follow and a plan to make.
