breast cancer

Angela1@ Member Posts: 1

I was diagnosed  with stage 1 breast cancer er and pr+.... had a bilateral mastectomy.... was put on tamoxifen, but had to have my prozac switched to effexor, didnt do well, so onc took me off both, and put me back on prozac.... he is suggesting that i dont do any endocrine therapy.... my index of it coming back is 14%...... I dont know if i should be worried or not.... went off tamoxifen about a month ago... started my period again yesterday...i was premenopause... had problems before bc with bleeding for 3 months straight.... so was put on medroxyprogestrone to regulate my periods.... just conscerned about cancer coming back or about uterine cancer....anyone have any input???


  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member

    Since you are ER+ and PR+ did your ob/gyn  say why you were being prescribed the medroxyprogesterone? Did your oncologist consult with the ob/gyn about this? It has been my understanding that women with hormone receptive tumors are not usually prescribed this type of medication. I think it is at least worth inquiring about. I wish you only the best of luck.

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    Stage 1

    Hi, I also was diagnosed with stage 1 and triple positive, no node involvement. I am just wondering why you had bilateral mastectomy? My surgeon said no. I thought I could do that and avoid chemo, but she said that would not help me prevent recurrence at all. Wondering why it seems there is no standard of care.

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    not a box

    we are all the same yet very different.  wish there was a cookied cutter method. 



  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I was post menopausal-was on

    I was post menopausal-was on tamoxfin after 3 1/2 yrs i started bleeding-i had total hystertomy due to enlarged uterus (known side effect of tamoxifen). After the surgery I went back on the tamoxifin-that was about 5 yrs ago.
