Over the hump today

frokker68 Member Posts: 49 Member

Today was chemo #4 of 7 and radiation #18 of 35.  Over the halfway point, but not without issues.  

On one hand I am happy as I now have less to do.  On the other hand it's  getting harder, rougher and tougher.  Knowing the closer I get to the finish line the worse things will get.

I am still dealing with low blood pressure.  I even blacked out in the shower this past weekend.  I know it's a hydration issue.  I am doing my best to get more water in me but its not so easy.  I cannot swallow, not ever water.  So I use the peg tube.  The trouble there is I am so bloated I can't put anymore water in.  Ugh.   

I am extremely constipated.  Probably from the paid meds.  Went a week without a bowel movement which added to bloating and overall stomach pain.  Today I got some meds for that and finally was able to move my bowels.   Starting to feel better there.

Last Monday I was itching the back of my neck and my fingers were covered in hair.   From the bottom of my neck to about up to a height of my middle ear, hair has fallen out.   Doc said it was in the field of radiation and normal to have happen. 

Painful throat and back of tongue with a new canker sore inside upper lip.  Lots of saliva however its extremely thick and ropey,  can't swallow, hurts to spit due to sores.  Today I asked the Doc about getting some sort of suction machine, like a dentist uses.  Hopefully they will prescribe me one.

Dispite all of the above I am doing good mentally.   Posititve attitude.  Staying strong.  A lot of that is due to this forum!  I've learned a lot from all of you reading topics.  The encouragement from you has been great!  Thank you!





  • Sprint Car Dude
    Sprint Car Dude Member Posts: 181
    edited June 2017 #2
    You got this

    Keith, Keep plugging along my friend. All those symptoms are scary and disheartning. But hey, guess what? They will start to pass in a month. One by One you will start to notice the little changes. But for now Keep on Fighting. Its going to get a little worse before it gets better. It might be a good time to ask you Chemo nurses to set up daily or every other day IV hydration appointments as well as there is an IV constipation medication that is really smooth. Not violent like some the more commonly used ones. I think the Chemo and your pre Chemo medication as well as the pain medication set all of us up for failure in the pooping department. Keep us in the loop. I know it will be a hard thing to do over the next month. Good Luck and Fight the Fight.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Here comes Keith past the halfway point


    Your  past halfway, constipated, fainting and can’t swallow, how do you really feel?

    You need to try swallowing and sipping water, it is important that (believe it or not) you don’t forget how to swallow. I use magic mouth wash for mouth, tongue and throat discomfort.  My vintage really worked (some don’t).

    One day at a time, keep hydrated and PEG up on nutrition.  It is hard, but you will make it.


  • soonermom
    soonermom Member Posts: 155
    In Treatment

    My husband had exactly the same issues.  Please realize as your treatment goes on these can actually have an impact on your future recovery.  I cannot stress enough the way constipation can be an ongoing problem that you must deal with in a way that works for you.  We had a management protocol set up by our medical oncology team but it was not efective in dealing with the constipation or extreme reflux that also became a problem.  We actually made an appointment with a GI specialist and it was hands down the best step we took during treatment.  He was much more agressive in dealing with both issues.  Said we were being undertreated based on my husband's lack of repsonse to the protocol.  Getting those two problems under control improved my husband's life drastically.  Do not hestitate to speak up and ask for help.  Dehydration is nothing to take lightly.  It finally landed my husband in the ER.  You still have a ways to go on this path.  Understand that nutrition and hydration cannot be underestimated as critical to your recovery.  You will make it through this time in the process.  It was frustrating that people could not understand that you cannot just put the recommended food or liquids in the PEG.  You have it, why can't you just use it.  Oh my, it is way more complicated than that unfortunately.  My husband was not being stubborn, diffficult, depressed or unwilling to comply with the nutrition and hydration recommendations.  He physically just literally could not PEG enough sometimes for the reason you described and others including being too sleepy from the pain meds. It is all a hard balancing act and every patient is different in how they repsond.  My husband says I kept him alive.  Being a caregiver is hard too.  There is just no easy role in this journey.  I am sending positive thoughts your way as you get through these last few weeks. Also, I can only say that for my husband the two weeks after treatment were the most diffcult of all.  My husband was taken back by this even though I tried to prepare him.  He just could not wrap his mind around it.  

  • Chicklette
    Chicklette Member Posts: 225
    Halfway there!

    That's great that you've passed the halfway point!  My husband had awful constipation, but fortunately he was able to cut back on the anti nausea medication and while it's still not "normal ", he can still move his bowels.  Have you asked about cutting back on zorfran?  Today is chemo 5 and rad 21 for hubby.  Two more chemos and 15 more rads to go.  

  • Andy13460
    Andy13460 Member Posts: 115
    over half way we should finish treatment about the same time

    20 of 35 radiations done today no feeding tube's ( The Irish system trys to never let us stop swallowing). Can eat eggs,  mushrooms, icecream and main nutrition is now Forticip Nutricia 300 calories in 125ml. baking soda mouthwash works well at keeping the mouth clean, I have to get magic mouth wash today, back of the throat is starting to get fairly sore, water tastes rank but Im drinking a lot of tea I just sip my way through 4 pints a day. Hair burnt off at the back of the neck in the radiation line. Pain meds are Paracetamol & Codeine Effervescent tablets. Constipation im juggling with Senakot tablets and Molaxole powder in water.  Ringing in ears after Cisplatin, generaly more tired. Reading the posts on here I wonder about the eating/swallowing but its the way they do it here.

  • mapdan
    mapdan Member Posts: 33 Member
    edited June 2017 #7
    You WILL make it Keith!!!

    Things are tough but listen to us folks that have fought the battle. The same battle and we are here giving you encouragement. Swallowing, constipation, pain all the above we have experienced and with help from friends, family and caregivers we get through it. keep hydrated no matter what. get IV's do anyth

    ing. I had a suction machine and it did help the mucas issues. Magic mouthwash, the cure all for me and as I have read for lots of folks here. Use it to help you. Stay tough Keith, it isn't over by a long way but it will get better for you. I am so glad I found this site with a bunch of characters to give the great advice. And I mean that in a good way. So day by day Keith, day by day. Good luck to ya! 

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    edited June 2017 #8
    I celebrated everything....the first of which

    was hitting the halfway point!  Next celebration before the BIG one, will be hitting single digits!  One day at a time....that's the number one rule for fighting this...stay in today, tomorrow will be here soon enough. 

    You have more than pain meds dueling it out with your bowels....anti-nausea meds, lack of fiber, and dehydration add to the mix....making pooping a campout in the bathroom.....TV, books, maybe even a sleeping bag, if it's bad enough.  I used to tell my husband I didn't know when I'd be returning to the living room...LOL.  Maybe add Colace everyday to help things out??