Another liver surgery so soon

PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member

i had a colon resection , without an ileostomy  as well as an abalation and resection to my liver on march 31. I found out yesterday I have to have another liver abalation (scheduled for next Thursday) due to a new lesion that showed up in my liver ( seen on CT, PET scan)   Chemo is on now hold till after post op  

anyone else out there have surgeries this close together?   How did you do?   I feel like we're playing wack a mole here.   my strength had returned and I was feeling just great , and now this.  

Its a bit disheartening.  I'm trying to stay positive, but darn it all anyway. 


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    I hate to hear this news. It brought back the horror of sitting with my Oncologist and hearing the same news. I can honestly say, I know how you feel and it saddens me. 

    I know there are several old timers on this forum, who have had more than one liver resection, though I don't know how close together they were. I hope one visits the forum today and is able to help. 

    You are allowed to feel disheartened and disappointed and hurt and angry. Let those emotions flow, and then flow away, so that you can face this new surgery with the same strength that you faced the others. 

    Thursday is on my calendar, and you will be in my thoughts and prayers each and every day until then and as you recover. 


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I'm sorry to hear this. I don

    I'm sorry to hear this. I don't know about having two surgeries close together, it sounds awful. On the other hand, when I had several things go wrong one after another it was horrible at the time but looking back I'm glad it was one ruined summer and then it was over with. I was miserable for months but I'm glad I wasn't miserable over several summers. I wish you all the best with this latest setback. And good health once they get this out of the way.

    Sending you hugs and strength,
