Erectile Dysfunction Success Stories



  • Juma
    Juma Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2019 #22
    Against All Odds

    It's November and men across the world are leaving the moustaches unshaved to pay tribute to men's health. The idea behind Movember and No Shave November is meant to remind the world of the hair men and women lose when undergoing treatment. This is also a good reminder that there are little things in life that humanity tends to take for granted like being healthy and in shape. Those are things money can't buy here in this world. So, let's all appreciate the opportunities life has to offer and be supportive to the quest of good health management practices.

  • r656565
    r656565 Member Posts: 3
    3 Months Out...

    I am 3 months out from my surgery, 54 years old and in great shape.  Had sex 4-5 times a week before surgery.  After about 4-5 weeks post surgery I was getting 3/4 of an erection with 20 mg Cialis.  A week later I got 3/4 of an erection with nothing at all.  I thought I was on my way.  Now well over a month later I am stuck in the same spot.  I even tried 20 mg Cialis with 100 mg Viagra and it made no difference.  I did try the Viagra before the surgery to see the effect and it worked like I couldn't believe, so I know it works on me.  I even tried the trimix the other night and it got me to the same spot (although I could blame the mental aspect of sticking the needle in which left me shaking, plus it did hurt some).

    Has anyone that has had success hit a wall like this at any point?  My doc is telling me that I'm doing great and to be patient, but I just hate not seeing any progress.  I am doing what clevelandguy said and making sure I do have orgasms at least a couple of times a week.

    Any positive words would help.  Thanks!

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member


    Hi R6,

    In my opinion at 3 months out you still have a lot of healing to do.  I noticed ED improvements well past my first year and leveled off around two years.  So give it some time, every case is different so there is no one fits all time frame. I agree with your doc, be patient and keep getting the blood flow to that area by any means possible.  Taking the Viagra on a daily basis might not be a bad idea.

    Dave 3+4


    Similiar to Cleveland,  I continued to have improvements up to the three year point or even beyond.  There is absolutley no reason to think that you will not continue to get additional improvements over time.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,257 Member

    Hi R6,

    In my opinion at 3 months out you still have a lot of healing to do.  I noticed ED improvements well past my first year and leveled off around two years.  So give it some time, every case is different so there is no one fits all time frame. I agree with your doc, be patient and keep getting the blood flow to that area by any means possible.  Taking the Viagra on a daily basis might not be a bad idea.

    Dave 3+4

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member
    75 %

    Well, I am still hovering around 75% recovered from ED (20 months post RARP) and I am able to penetrate.  Look we all know we will never be the same after having our prostate gland, seminal vesicles, maybe some lymph nodes removed, maybe bladder neck reconstruction.  The physical intervention causes problems (incontinence; urethra shortening; ED).  This is not an easy journey.   I keep telling myself with all of the side effects (most of which I am doing fine with, I am 69).  I tell myself, just maybe, with all the surgery and side effects that I may have dealt this cancer a knock out blow.  At this time, I am doing just about everything I was doing before the prostate surgery.  Impact to Quality of Life minimal.  So, take care on your journey.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,257 Member
    Right on

    Hi All,

    Diddo on what Lighterwood said, my robotic surgery has not slowed me down one bit. Yes I wear a light pad daily and yes I am not as firm as I was but still get the job done according to my wife. I am not going to allow my cancer to slow me down or change what I want to do.  If I need to I adapt.

    If I had it to do all over again I would still choose surgery as I hope it has removed my cancer for good(four years undetectable) thanks to great doctors and facilities.  Let just hope all of us that have had some kind of treatment remain cancer free as long as possible.  The lasting side effects for me are well worth the chance that I will be cancer free. The future will tell............

    Dave 3+4

  • Grinder
    Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member
    edited December 2019 #28
    Vacuum pump

    I was a year removed before I had complete recovery of erectile function ... my only complaint was I was significantly shorter .. But Stubby was just as rock hard as before surgery at age 62 three years before.

    But I did want to mention the vacuum pump... it draws blood into the corpus cavernosum which helps heal surrounding tissue and nerve endings.

    They are easy to use and not painful at all and they create enlargement to help get you on the way to erectile function. 

  • garygaspari
    garygaspari Member Posts: 1
    Effects relationship

    h1>Erectile dysfunction(ED)</h1> undoubtedly effects relationship and self-esteem very badly. Whether you are suffering from it or not. I thought this issue is caused by mental problem and insecurities not until I discovered different aspects causing it.image

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member

    Effects relationship

    h1>Erectile dysfunction(ED)</h1> undoubtedly effects relationship and self-esteem very badly. Whether you are suffering from it or not. I thought this issue is caused by mental problem and insecurities not until I discovered different aspects causing it.image



    Many things cause ED, sometimes as a sole agent, sometimes as a composite of several factors.   Diabetes, surgery in the pelvic region, hormonal factors, stress, drug or alcohol use, PCa, prostatitis, and on and on.

  • MK1965
    MK1965 Member Posts: 233 Member
    Success with penile implant

    I wish I can count myself in this success stories, unless penile implant qualifies me as successful recovery.


  • john2020
    john2020 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2021 #32

    Has anyone that has had success hit a wall like this at any point?  My doc is telling me that I'm doing great and to be patient, but I just hate not seeing any progress.  I am doing what clevelandguy said and making sure I do have orgasms at least a couple of times a week.

    Any positive words would help.  Thanks!



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  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,257 Member
    Surgery time?

    Hi John,

    How long has it been since your surgery?

    Dave 3+4

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member
    edited June 2021 #34
    Success Stories

    Well, I am 68; Gleason 4+3=7; RP; Badder neck Reconstruction; Pelvic Lymph nodes dissection; RP 3/2018 Davinci.  I am fully continent (this happened around the 4 to 6 month time period).  I am experiencing ED issues, but at this point I am able to get around a 75% erection capable of penetration without the aid of Viagra or Cialis anymore.  More importantly, my PSA is undetectable. I am what they call a NED (no evidence of disease).  I too like success stories whether you choose, AS, AT (Active Termination RP), or hormone and radiation or any other of the myriad of options available.  I am not doing as good as some, but I am doing better than some.  The main thing is I am still doing.  Wish you luck on your jouney.