The C: Section Chronicles – My Cancer Adventure



  • Bob Watt
    Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member
    Just a mouthful of water...

    28 June 2017

    The C: Section Chronicles - Food Adventures 3
    Had two scrumptious pieces of KFC last night. The dry mouth makes for an interesting eating experience, but with a glass of water by my side, it helps things go down. Dry food is extremely difficult to swallow, so it is nibble bites, the washed down with whatever drink I have. The plus side is that everything tastes as it should.

  • Bob Watt
    Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member
    edited August 2017 #23
    Week 14 Post Treatment

    4 August 2017


    The C Section Chronicles - Progress is slow but great

    An appointment at the ENT Clinic had been booked in for the 31st of July, but that was postponed until 19th August. Now this appointment has been postponed until mid September. This is frustrating as I want to discuss a PET scan being done earlier than 2 years as my oncologist had suggested. To me that is not good enough as I want to be able to have peace of mind that the cancer has really gone.

    Is there such a thing as post cancer depression? At the moment I have some weird moments that the whole ordeal has been some surreal experience... although I am woke from this with the dry mouth and constant phlegm that is difficult to get rid of. Perhaps it's just me being weird.

    On the food front, I'm eating most things. Dry food is still a problem. The dietician is happy with my weight stabilising at around 99 kg. I lost about 16 kg since starting the treatment. I wouldn't recommend radiation as a weight loss programme however. My dentist is fixing up a lot of old fillings at the moment so instead of a mouth full of amalgam fillings he's restoring them with pearly white ones... Laughing