Truth About Cancer Series

JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

I've been getting ads for a series of videos on Facebook. It's called The Truth About Cancer. It runs over several days at something like an hour each day, I'm not sure. It sounds like a person might have to pay for it, I didn't delve that deeply into what's involved. Does anybody know if it's something of value or just a bunch of people with their own agenda and little knowledge or facts? It lists off a number of doctors as contributors but I don't know who they are and anyone can get a doctorate and not be an expert in something.

Any idea if this is something we might be interested in? If I sign up for it I don't want to see a bunch of crap about going to Mexico and getting some whacky 'cure' there. I don't have the time or patience for people who prey on people who are trying to live and looking for hope and I think hucksters who would offer hope in the form of something that is a hoax and take their money from them should get cancer themselves. It's just evil.

Thanks for any information on this series.



  • zx10guy
    zx10guy Member Posts: 273 Member
    Here's the website for The

    Here's the website for The Truth About Cancer:

    You can also see the video series and other videos on Youtube:

    Here's an article which talks about the Truth About Cancer series and Ty Bollinger:

    Here are links to another series about cancer based on the book The Emperor of All Maladies.  This book has been reviewed by the NY Times and the author awarded a Pulitzer Prize.  The docu series was aired on PBS.

    And the follow up to the series with Katie Couric interviewing the various people tied to the docu series including the author of the book:

    I'll leave it up to you to form your own judgement about The Truth About Cancer.  But it's pretty telling the Emperor of All Maladies has the support of PBS and Katie Couric who's husband died from Colon Cancer.

  • zx10guy
    zx10guy Member Posts: 273 Member
    Here's a blog you should read

    Here's a blog you should read:

    The creator of the blog is Tom Marsilje.  He's a PhD and cancer researcher who is ironically working to find his own cure.  He's currently dealing with Stage 4 Colon Cancer.  Tom has been very active in advocacy such as being part of the March on Washington sponsored by CCA along with creating a clinical trials database to help people search through trials that might pertain to you.  He also updates his Facebook page often.

    ETA: I just realized Tom is also in Episode 3 of the Emperor of All Maladies docu series.

  • mozart13
    mozart13 Member Posts: 118
    edited May 2017 #4
    Whishy whashy

    Jan, all this natural stuff is ok if you are healthy, will it cure cancer, no, it is good stuff but dosage is small.

    None of that stuff has concentration of chemo, you've been on chemo, and know all the side effects, it kills every thing in you, and yet some times fails to kill cancer cells. 

    I've seen some stories where people have managed to prolong their life with juicing from few months to few years, which is great.

    It is big bussiness, a lots of sites try to take advantage of sick people that are desparate, writing fake reviews, etc.

    Take every think with grain of salt, we are all still around, not beceause of natural stuff , but approved medical treatments.

    Just my opinion!

  • mozart13
    mozart13 Member Posts: 118
    edited May 2017 #5

    Just to add up my experience on juicing.

    My hemoglobin was 130 after I finished chemo/rad, surgeon told to bring my hemoglobin up as much as possiblle, to prepare myself for surgery, so I got myself  ninja professional juicer, went to fruit market and literally put fruit market in juicer: carots, strawberry, blueberry, roseberry, watermellon, kale, spinach, pomegrade juice, kiwi, orange, aronia juice, small amount of beetroot.

    All that brought my hemoglobin to 143 in about 6 weeks, and potasium from 3.2 to 4.1, my energy level went up, my color improved, I felt good.

    Than surgeon suggested to hold on surgery, started folfox, had to stop juicing , not to counter act chemo, but will start again once this stuff is finished.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    I believe it is free....

    and at the end, you have the option of ordering the DVDs of the series, and they are not free. 

    I have watched the first series and I liked it.

    Like most things in life, you have to study up on all things, and this is one good way to study the more natural side of treating Cancer. 

    I would say I was impressed with about 90% of the program. Some things I use in my life, others I wouldn't touch with a barge pole. I think its a great way to become more informed, and then make your own mind up, using your intuition and past experiences. 

    So yes, I would say it is definitely worth a watch. 

    TRU  - Oh look! This is my 3333rd post.  Maybe I should stop now. HA!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thank you so much everyone!

    Thank you so much everyone! Its a long series so I doubt I'll watch it. If you guys have seen it and found nothing of any particular interest then I'm not going to bother. I find things like this rather depressing to watch. I really appreciate the input!


  • zx10guy
    zx10guy Member Posts: 273 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    Thank you so much everyone!

    Thank you so much everyone! Its a long series so I doubt I'll watch it. If you guys have seen it and found nothing of any particular interest then I'm not going to bother. I find things like this rather depressing to watch. I really appreciate the input!


    I saw the first few minutes

    I saw the first few minutes of one of their episodes.  For me, it doesn't seem like something I would continue watching.  The format and feel just rubs me the wrong way as it (to me) is presented very much as an infomercial.  If you compare the Truth About Cancer to the Emperor of All Maladies, it's a night and day difference.  The 3 part 6 hour long Emperor of All Maladies documentary has interviews with people from NIH, NCI, Memorial Sloan Kettering, MD Anderson, John Hopkins, etc, etc.  I don't think anyone would dispute the reputation and caliber of these individuals.

    But everyone is free to do what they feel is right for them.  In the end, you have to do what you feel is right for you.  I haven't shunned anything naturapath related.  To me, having a combination of conventional and alternative treatment method is a good thing.  Plus the other part which is equally controversial which is one's mental/spiritual health.

    If you haven't looked at Tom's blog, you really need to.  As I said, he's in a unique position where he's researching a cure for his own stage 4 colon cancer.  I can't imagine anyone in the world of cancer research with more motivation to find a cure than someone like him.  Being a scientist he approaches different treatments with that mindset.  His discussion about fasting prior to treatment is something everyone should read who are going through active chemo therapy treatment.  Tom's advocacy has been immense where numerous media outlets have published his articles and done interviews with him.  He continues to do this while dealing with the advancement of his disease which is taking a toll on his body.  He does all of this without asking or charging any money.

  • mozart13
    mozart13 Member Posts: 118
    Thx zx

    for mention of fasting, it looks there is some positive research on it, I am gonna try it , 24 hrs beforeand after, will see how it goes.

  • Woodytele
    Woodytele Member Posts: 163
    I have watched it

    There is some interesting topics and discussions in the series. Basically it's against traditional treatments, (chemo, radiation etc). They are in favor of natural cures, fruits, vegetables etc.. to cure cancer.  However if you are diagnosed with cancer, you got to think to yourself how many salads and fruits will I have to eat to cure my cancer.  There is no magic formula to battle cancer, some may be cured this was, but I was in pain and could not count on eating salad to cure my colon cancer.  I used to eat a salad everyday before being diagnosed, and there are plenty of vegetarians who get cancer.  Most of us don't have the time to hope and wish fruit juice will cure us.  That's why there is Chemo, it starts attacking everything right away. 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    zx10guy said:

    I saw the first few minutes

    I saw the first few minutes of one of their episodes.  For me, it doesn't seem like something I would continue watching.  The format and feel just rubs me the wrong way as it (to me) is presented very much as an infomercial.  If you compare the Truth About Cancer to the Emperor of All Maladies, it's a night and day difference.  The 3 part 6 hour long Emperor of All Maladies documentary has interviews with people from NIH, NCI, Memorial Sloan Kettering, MD Anderson, John Hopkins, etc, etc.  I don't think anyone would dispute the reputation and caliber of these individuals.

    But everyone is free to do what they feel is right for them.  In the end, you have to do what you feel is right for you.  I haven't shunned anything naturapath related.  To me, having a combination of conventional and alternative treatment method is a good thing.  Plus the other part which is equally controversial which is one's mental/spiritual health.

    If you haven't looked at Tom's blog, you really need to.  As I said, he's in a unique position where he's researching a cure for his own stage 4 colon cancer.  I can't imagine anyone in the world of cancer research with more motivation to find a cure than someone like him.  Being a scientist he approaches different treatments with that mindset.  His discussion about fasting prior to treatment is something everyone should read who are going through active chemo therapy treatment.  Tom's advocacy has been immense where numerous media outlets have published his articles and done interviews with him.  He continues to do this while dealing with the advancement of his disease which is taking a toll on his body.  He does all of this without asking or charging any money.

    The book

    I have the book 'Emperor of All Maladies' and have started reading it. It isn't for the casual reader, thats for sure. I must have watched the series, but I can't remember much of it. 

    Any and all research is a good thing, regardless of wether you are going to follow it to the letter. 

    Thank you so much, XR, for all of the links. I will get to them over the course of the week. Your imput is VERY much appreciated. 


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I agree with doing things to

    I agree with doing things to enhance treatment while still using conventional methods but I don't agree with doing them in place of. And I have a major issue wth complete BS 'cures' that wipe out bank accounts and do nothing. It always makes me think of the movie The Man in the Moon with Jim Carry playing Andy Kaufman. He'd played tricks on people his whole life and was dying of cancer. He ended up trying some cure in the Phillippines and saw the guy palming a hunk of meat to use to pretend he'd pulled it out of Kaufman and cured him. He just lays his had back and starts laughing. Of course, he died months after.

    I think giving someone hope is a truly great gift but giving someone false hope is cruel. And selling it like a snake oil salesman is dispicable.

    Anyways, thanks for sharing the links zx10guy. I'll look those up. I'm certainly open to ideas we can easily do and that may help.
