Pains please help


I am 35 years old and mother of 2. In 2014 (3 years ago) i was diagnosed with carcinoma in situ and a cone biopsy was done. Pap smear have been done since with no bad results. I just went to the dr to have my pap done and waiting on results. I am writing bc i am concerned... since the surgery in 2014 i really have not think about it and was happy everything was gone, but about 2-3 weeks ago, pain started and I am just confused and wanted to see if anyone of you could give me any advise. About 2-3 weeks ago i started to have not a constant but persistant most days pain on my left hip that radiates to my tigh, specially if i am walking a bit, it just hurts so much and it feels warm, pressure like pain on my pubic area... is like a pressing pain as if someone is pressing with their hand on top of my hair area on my pelvis, it persist but here and there i get like a stabbing pain, i get super bloated after eating anything as well. I went to my gp but they gave me bactrim for a possible uti, however, they ran the urine exam and it came back with some blood but no bacteria. I went to my obgyn (new one bc i move out of state), he did the pap and pelvic exam, he said everything looks good and added 4 more days to the bactrim that my gp gave me, also checked my breast and said that he can feel some stuff but it could be bc i am not on birth control pills so he prescribed me those to make my periods less painful and to control and be more acurate on breast exams. I explained to them that after the cone biopsy my periods have been terrible in comparision with before. Now they are super painful and getting closer to each other, I think is bc of the surgery but as i said, this is all more new than a normal all the time/life thing. Both the gp and gyno didnt really care about the hip/pelvic area pain but think i have a uti. Also, i have 2 weird growth on my vulva. One looks like a cauliflower warty looking growth by the clitoris in the inner labia, a bit darker than the rest of the skin, the other one same side is in the inner labia but this one is more like skin color and looks like a little ball by the mid vulva. The obgyn didnt see the darker one, i actually had to point it out to him after he fail like 5 time to see it. He said that it looks like a wart, but my hpv results were negative(just over a year ago i was tested), he wanted to treat it with acid and did hurt so bad...but i asked him if he didnt thought it could be prudent to do a biopsy, as of course my mind is going wild...he said bc of the spot at where it's at and it is so sensitive, to treat it and if it doesnt go away to go back in 2 weeks. I am usually not paranoid or complaint about pains at all... but this constant pains had me thinking, the only thing done after the cone pressedure was paps, no ultrasounds or scans, i am worried that something is going on, i know i dont have a uti bc i had one like 10 years ago and didnt feel nothing like this plus my urine exam came clean only blood was found...i am scared that they will come back and tell me that the pap is fine, and i brush away all this pains and ignore them...even on my way to the dr, i was like... may be is all in my head, i am such a wooze... and i got a sharp pain on my pelvis, and i was like..nope... something is up. My grandma die of colon cancer and when she was told only had 3 months and passed. Please let me know what ur thoughts are and i truly thank you for your time and any info you can give me... thanks for reading this long post...


  • Hma4
    Hma4 Member Posts: 38
    Concerned- -

    Sorry this is going on with you- did they do blood work on you? since you had carcinoma  did you have an oncologist- if so maybe you should try and schedule an appointment with him/her. Hope you get answers and don't let it rest till you do- hugs and prayers

  • concerned22
    concerned22 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2017 #3
    Hma4 said:

    Concerned- -

    Sorry this is going on with you- did they do blood work on you? since you had carcinoma  did you have an oncologist- if so maybe you should try and schedule an appointment with him/her. Hope you get answers and don't let it rest till you do- hugs and prayers

    Hi Hma4, they did blood work

    Hi Hma4, they did blood work at the gp and everything is good she said. I was never refered to an oncologist either... basically, the ob diagnosed and did surgery and then paps from there. move to a different state and now i am starting over with new one... any time i eat anything, doesnt matter how little, my stomach inflates so much and painfully, dh thinks i have IBS with all the symtoms... and that i should drink more water... i got the results from my last pap about a week ago, the nurse emailed me saying it was normal, which is a complete relieve! now i am here thinking that may b like dh says is in my head and i am just scare and not know what to do since ob told me my next visit is in a year since it was normal and gp is done since my blood work came back fine. i am not one to complaint and borderline feel that if i do i am weak... lol ... i know weird but this time is different, and now the one time in my life that i am voicing a concerned i feel like i am not being heard... thank you for ur reply, i really appreciate it. i am scared that the growth in my labia is bad and that the pains and all are a hidden issue raising from cervical. 

  • Hma4
    Hma4 Member Posts: 38
    Dear concerned

    Maybe your primary doctor will order a Ct scan or MRI don't give up. No one knows our aches and pains better than we do.