Really scared, Can't see a gastro for nearly two months

Venny Member Posts: 3

Hi,  My name is Venny as you can already tell.

I am currently suppose to go in to see my gastro due to blood in my stool, along with pain in my side and other various minor things--This started to crop up late last year, but my gastro at the time said it was nothing to worry about due to my rather sensitive stomach. Then skip to this year, and the same issues are cropping up again. Including bad heartburn that i'm on omperazole for. The doctors suspect I may merely have an ulcer or one thats starting, but all the symptoms I'm experiencing seem to perfectly line up with cancer...

I'm only 22, and was just about to start moving out of my rather poor home life to a better one. But this has completely stopped it in its tracks, and I'm afraid my life might be completely over due to not getting checked out last year. I can't see the Gastro until June 2nd due to him being booked. I'm absolutely terrifed and I'm just unsure what to do. I've been slowly beating depression before this, but this just seems like my life is about to end due to my personal failure of presuing it further at the time.

Is there any members of this forum that have any advice, or possible comfort? I'm just at a loss. I'm sorry if this is rambling but the last few weeks have been some of the worst I've ever experienced.


  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    Take a deep breath

    Yes, those sypmtoms go with many other things, other than cancer.  And yes, there is a remote possibility it could be cancer.  But if your primary felt it was urgent, they would have gotten you in to see the gastro more quickly. If drs think cancer is a strong possibility, they are not going to make you wait.  In all likelihood, it is one of the more benign conditions.  Keep yourself busy.  We all understand how long the wait is.  Assume the best right now.  And then deal with your reality when you know it.

  • EissetB
    EissetB Member Posts: 133
    edited April 2017 #3
    Same issue on stool

    Before I had diagnosed of colon cancer, my stool was sort of bloody Jello type of thing...I thought my hemorrhoids was inflamed and that causing the discomfort & bloody stuff. It went on for 3 weeks. I didn't feel well after those weeks and started losing weights unintentionally. Got real worried, seen a doctor for colonoscopy. Then sure enough, it was a colon cancer stage III. A devastating news for me and for my family! So my advice for you is to see another doctor and take precautions...As soon as possible!! 

  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    edited April 2017 #4
    Deep breaths

    It's hard I know when you're scared, but try not to worry.  The symptoms line up with other things, like Crohn's, ulcers, etc.  One thing you have going for you it that it's unusual for a 22-yr old to be diagnosed with colon cancer.  If you can't wait try finding another gasto doc that isn't quite so busy.  Best of luck to you, Traci

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    edited April 2017 #5
    You're quite young for it to

    You're quite young for it to be colon cancer but anything is possible. I had IBS as long as I can remember which is why mine went undiagnosed until I had more symptoms. I've always had issues with blood in my stool. There was no way to know when it went from just a part of having IBS to cancer. I know it's impossible but try not to worry, I doubt its cancer. Blood can come from several other things that aren't life threatening. Good luck!


  • Venny
    Venny Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2017 #6
    Hey all,

    Hey all,

    I'd like to thank you for your kind and comforting messages. I apologize is making this topic was perhaps insensitive in anyway, but I lack any sort of resource to even begin talking about this with anyone I currently know. This is coupled with the fact it was my own parents rather callous 'jokes' that I might have cancer that spurred my now two weeks of stress regarding this.

    I'm going to do my best in keeping my cool until my visit, and hope for the best. Once again, thank you for your support. I wish you all the best in yoru endeavors as well.

  • zx10guy
    zx10guy Member Posts: 273 Member
    Another option is to see if

    Another option is to see if your GI doctor has a nurse practitioner.  When I think back to when I was first diagnosed, I saw my primary care for blood after having a #2.  He did a FOBT in the office which came up positive for blood.  He immediately gave me a referral to see a GI doctor.  The first consult I had wasn't even with the GI doctor I now see.  It was with his nurse practitioner as that was the earliest appointment I could get.  She had full authority to order a colonoscopy which she did after going through my symptoms.  She didn't screw around.  I met my doctor for the first time at the colonoscopy and he was the first to tell me I had a mass in my descending colon.

    I'm not trying to scare you.  But you know your body better than anyone.  If this is causing anxiety, find another way to be seen sooner.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Absolutely not

    Your post was not at all insensitive and this is definitely the place to be posting.  Your fears are not unfounded, as more young people are being diagnosed with CRC. 

    Of course, we all want your diagnosis to be something other than Cancer, but the truth is, it may be Cancer, and it is wise of you to come looking for help. It might also be wise for you to try to get a colonoscopy earlier than June if possible. If not, then its going to be a long May for you, waiting for June 2nd. If it is indeed Cancer, I think it will not grow exponentially in that one month. 

    Please feel free to post any and all questions and share your fears. This is why the forum was created. We are here for you, us old timers and newbies alike.  


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member
    edited April 2017 #9
    Delayed appointment

    I have had luck getting appointments moved up by speaking with the person who schedules the appointments and does reminder calls.  Let that person know that you will take any cancellation.  Check back with him or her at least once a week.  With that flexibility it is likely you can get in in a number of days, not months.

    Also, your primary care physician (if you have one) might be able to call the specialist and ask him/her to make a special accomodation for you.  That has worked for me as well.

    Your health is at stake in this matter.  Make it your top priority and use multiple strategies to get the medical care you desire as promptly as possible.

    Good luck!

  • Venny
    Venny Member Posts: 3
    Thank you for your wonderful

    Thank you for your wonderful suggestions! I will be doing all of these to try and speed up my appointment as soon as possible. I've never had to deal with this much medical stuff before in my life, so I'm still quite new to working around it. 

    Will hopefully report back with a much closer appointment!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    edited April 2017 #11

    Delayed appointment

    I have had luck getting appointments moved up by speaking with the person who schedules the appointments and does reminder calls.  Let that person know that you will take any cancellation.  Check back with him or her at least once a week.  With that flexibility it is likely you can get in in a number of days, not months.

    Also, your primary care physician (if you have one) might be able to call the specialist and ask him/her to make a special accomodation for you.  That has worked for me as well.

    Your health is at stake in this matter.  Make it your top priority and use multiple strategies to get the medical care you desire as promptly as possible.

    Good luck!


    Wish there were a LIKE button.  Great post, SandiaBuddy!

  • ssuand1
    ssuand1 Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2017 #12
    I had same problem with my

    I had same problem with my husband and he was already requiring blood transfusions but we had no idea where cancer was. He got very weak spike to oncologist and was advised to go to ER and get admitted.  It worked cancer was found in 3, days surgery performed on 4th.  We have a long road.  If you haven't been seen yet so to a ER tell them your to sick to go home and can not get apt for weeks for tests.  It does work. Thank you to our oncologist