Just diagnosed

GregP Member Posts: 22

Hi all...just got back from the dr after being diagnosed with the dreaded "C" word. So my journey started in Oct 2016 with a ct scan to find the cause of blood in the urine. Drs couldn't tell anything definite with the ct, so I had an Mri done. The Mri showed an approx 2 cm mass but it was not dense and they said to wait about 3 months and see if it changes. Well had another mri done last week and and yes it did grow to 3. The dr gave me my options and he going to try for the partial nephrectomy using robotics. He also told me that unfortunately the tumor is in a very difficult place and there is a chance he may have to remove the entire kidney. The good thing is that it hasn't spread and that it is stage 1.... my wife doesn't know yet...she's at work so I needed to tell my story and look for support. I am not sure right now how I am feeling...maybe just numb from getting the news....but I have read a lot of posts in here and it is very encouraging....waiting to get scheduled for the surgery....thank you all!


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hey, Greg, we'll be here for

    Hey, Greg, we'll be here for you all the way, if you want us to be hon. They caught this dreaded c tumor early so your changes are HIGH that the cancer will go with the surgery. That is how I told my kids and family.

    I am 3 plus years NED (no evidence of disease) and will be monitored 2 more years. I was stage I but my tumor 4. plus cm. was in a precarious place so they took the whole kidney. My other kidney is functioning fine.

    Also robatic/laproscopic surgery is less invasive than OPEN sugery which I have had previous surgeries. I found the recovery much easiser. It is till major surgery and you'll be healing for months. I was not allowed to exercise for 30 days while insides were healing.

    We'll answer any questions or concerns, Greg I came here first, even before I went to confirm the MRI with the surgeon. Glad I did as I was much more prepared and could ask better questions.

    Still.. be prepared. Yes a shock to hear the "c" word. But again, this is treatable and your chances are excellent!

    Hugs, Jan

  • GregP
    GregP Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2017 #3
    Hey Jan

    Thank you so much for the encouragement....it definitely was a shock to hear. I'm glad you are doing great it's nice to hear since the way the dr explained it, it will be tough not to remove the entire kidney. I am 57 and work out regularly...I just want to stay strong for my family and try to ease their worries.

  • GregP
    GregP Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2017 #4
    Hey Stub

    Thank you ...I definitely will be on here needing you guys' support...I will keep updating and hopefully I will get to the point where I can help others

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited March 2017 #5
    Welcome, Greg

    Sorry to have to "meet" like this, but you've come to a great network of knowledgeable and supportive people.  Don't worry, what you are feeling right now is normal.  Since you haven't talked with your wife yet, make sure you get your feet under you.  Your tumor is pretty small.  The chances that surgery takes care of your cancer without reoccurance are incredibly good.  My doctor threw out a figure in the upper 90's.  I'm not a betting man, but I like those odds.  Keep us updated on the surgery date and ask questions that you have.  

    Take care,


  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    Hang in there Greg and thank

    Hang in there Greg and thank goodness for an early find. My wife had a kidney stone that sent her to the ER and in doing so found. 3.5 cm mass. It was removed with the DaVinci robot 3 weeks ago tomorrow. She's doing great. Started back 1/2 days at work today.

    this is a great place to be considering. You will do great.


  • GregP
    GregP Member Posts: 22
    Thank you boondock.....glad

    Thank you boondock.....glad to hear she is doing well...this place is very informative and comfortin!

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hey Greg...

    Hey Greg...

    Welcome to our forum. Sorry to hear your news...difficult to hear that news. But it sounds like you are managing it well. Once your surgery date is set, you will feel a little better. And once the surgery is done....it is amazing how quickly you feel better.

    Please keep us posted!



  • GregP
    GregP Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2017 #9
    Thank you Jojo...much

    Thank you Jojo...much appreciated!

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited March 2017 #10



    At 3 cm your suspected tumor is just a little puppy. The surgery alone (not fun) should be a total cure at that size. Mine was almost 15 years ago.



  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    Welcome Greg

    My case was similar to yours. My right kidney was removed 2 months ago because of a 4cm stage 1 tumour in a difficult location. It was a shame to lose the whole kidney, but at least I got to keep the adrenal gland.

    I will be very interested in your posts and your progress.

    It's kind of weird but I might start listing kidney cancer as one of my hobbies.


  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Greg

    Welcome to this site, there are so many cool people here who have a lot of wisdom and love to help you through this. A lot of us are surviving withe one kidney and doing well. Keep us posted, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • GregP
    GregP Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2017 #13
    Thank you so much everyone...

    Thank you so much everyone.....it is truly a blessing to have this sight in order to share thoughts fears and experiences....I definitely need you guys in order to keep my head straight...thanks again!

  • GregP
    GregP Member Posts: 22
    Here's a question.....as they

    Here's a question.....as they are doing the surgery, do they biopsy a section immediately before finishing the surgery?

  • pamstayner
    pamstayner Member Posts: 111 Member
    edited March 2017 #15
    As I remember it

    they do look at it while you are still on the table... but the official pathology is not ready for a couple of weeks...  The on the table look is to see if they got clear margins .. they don't like to leave anything they can see behind.  Good thing!  Seems to me, we want the instant "It WAS cancer" statement right away.  So as to avoid the was this really necessary ?  funny aren't we.  The pathology will tell us the type of cancer.  One of five categories of kidney cancer.  My best wishes for successful, uneventful, easy recovery... keep up posted.



  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    edited March 2017 #16
    You've the right place Greg,

    You've the right place Greg, no one wanna get it, but when you do. Here is where you will find ppl that will truly understand how you feel ;)

    Nephrectomy is a very safe and sophisticated surgery. So just focus on being healthy and prepare for it. You will be just fine.

  • GregP
    GregP Member Posts: 22
    Thanks Pam.....you are so on

    Thanks Pam.....you are so on target with your observation of how we want to know right a way to see if it truly was cancer...thanks for the info

  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member
    Sounds just like my story

    Hi Greg! First off, breathe, you caught it early. Your story sounds like mine to a T, except mine was 2cm and had not grown after 3 months, but still 3cm is small and should be easy to get it out and move on. I am sitting at home recovering from my robotic lap partial nephrectomy that took place Monday afternoon. Serioulsy it was not near as crazy as I thought it would be. Mine was in a hard to operate place to, but they managed to do the surgery as planned and actually got away with taking only 20% of my kidney vs 30%, so lets just say when I woke up I was very very happy to hear that. I will not tell you not to freak out because you will, but I can tell you that given my experience with this, I know you will be fine. Make sure you get a good surgeon. I am lucky and live in St. Louis so I have Washington University 20 mins away and I got myself a very experienced surgeon. I wish you well and you will do fine. This group helped me a lot when I was having anxiety about the big C. 

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    edited March 2017 #19
    Hi, Greg -

    By now hopefully you've had an opportunity to share the info with your wife (or will be, soon). 

    The waiting for the surgery is probably THE worst thing about joining "Club Neph." Not freaking others out by our (over?) reactions is an excellent goal. Having someone who'll listen is good, too. 

    As was said above, your kidney mass is pup-sized (small is good) and we're here if you need / want us.

    All the best. Keep us posted.

  • GregP
    GregP Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2017 #20
    Thanks again....just got my

    Thanks again....just got my surgery date....April 26.....didn't know you had to prep like a colonoscopy for it...just glad to have a date for kicking it's ****!