Surgery tomorrow scared



  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member

    Evelyn: as the spouse of the patient, I can truly relate to you. My husband's nephrectomy came after a laminectomy for mets to the spine and a subsequent 16-day stay for intestinal blockage. So, the nephrectomy was a walk in the park. 

    I well remember the laminectomy, the embolization the night before and the wait which was blessedly shorter than anticipated. I was initially alone but then joined by my sister-in-law, mother-in-law and son joined me which was needed for the first night in ICU. He received 10 transfusions and experienced intense pain until the right narcotic combo was found. I am sorry that you will be alone tomorrow and you will be in my thoughts. Think of this not as doomsday but as your first step to health. And, if possible, stay connected with us here.

    my best wishes 


  • Wife of kidney cancer fighter
    edited March 2017 #23
    Thank you so much! All of

    Thank you so much! All of your words made me way more positive and hopeful! I am awake and ready to take the drive to the hospital to get him admitted and have surgery! Threw up twice but I am tough and I will be strong for him! I am glad our kids are staying home so they don't see me break down after they take him!

  • CRashster
    CRashster Member Posts: 241 Member
    Be strong.

    Don't break down, he'llbe fine. Yes, it's scary, but they are probably saving his life. You have to let them work. He needs you and wants you to be strong.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Thinking of you both and

    Thinking of you both and wishing you the very best. He'll be fine once they remove it. It's the waiting and the anxiety that's the worst. Hang in there! Hugs.

  • I am waiting! He is having

    I am waiting! He is having the kidney embolization done! I can see him after before surgery! I wonder how long it takes.... I am shaking and scared! 

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    It's normal to be scared. I

    It's normal to be scared. I was so scared when my husband was having his colon resectioned and he was scared for me when I had my nephrectomy. Sometimes I don't know who has it worse; the person getting it done or the one waiting while it's being done.

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    It is normal to be scared

    It might be more difficult for our loved ones in the surgery waiting than the patient who is out of it and not worried at all...I am 6 months from an open nephrectomy to remove a 20 cm tumor and I am doing well. Hoping and praying your hubby will recover and heal up soon.

  • EBD
    EBD Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2017 #29
    Jan4you said:

    Oh dear, that is doctor talk

    Oh dear, that is doctor talk allowing you to know he'll have a bit of a challenge with his surgical skills due to this size. Let me tell you that my brother in law had a MASSIVE tumor envelping his whole kidney and he did fine. 20 years later he's doing very well in his life with never, ever any complications. He did have an "open" incision, due to the size, but back then they did not offer robatic surgery.

    Trust in the skills of this surgeon, pray for him and his staff. Trust your "faith" whatever that may be. Will you have anyone with you?

    Do "centered breathing" exercises.


    Jan..just read your post

    Jan..just read your post about your brother in gave me hope.

    My husband's tumor is 4" long.  I am worried sick about surgery but I know that is probably the only treatment.  what stage was your brother in law's cancer?  So encouraging to hear he is doing fine 20 years later.  I am so happy I  found this group..I am sick to my stomach about this.. my husband is strong and he says he is not afraid and will take on whatever he needs to do.  We have a son who is probably going to get married in the next couple years and I want my husband to be around for that.  thank you for any info you provide.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hi Wife,

    Hi Wife,

    I hope that you are holding up okay. I know your husband's surgery is today. It is rough for both of you, but hang on, because you will get through this!

    Your husband will be sore - even more so because he is having the open surgery. But after today, each day will get better. Please stay focussed on that.

    Sending hugs and good thoughts your way!


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    EBD said:

    Jan..just read your post

    Jan..just read your post about your brother in gave me hope.

    My husband's tumor is 4" long.  I am worried sick about surgery but I know that is probably the only treatment.  what stage was your brother in law's cancer?  So encouraging to hear he is doing fine 20 years later.  I am so happy I  found this group..I am sick to my stomach about this.. my husband is strong and he says he is not afraid and will take on whatever he needs to do.  We have a son who is probably going to get married in the next couple years and I want my husband to be around for that.  thank you for any info you provide.

    Hello EBD!!

    Hello EBD!!

    Don't know what stage of  brother in law, Jim's tumor. I do think it was necrotic or died by was enveloped by the kidney. It never spread but by size along was probably stage III.

    Mine was  just over 4cm. So do you think your husband's is 4cm and not 4 inches? Yes, it will be gone with the surgery. He'll recover and this will be a blurr behind you, except for the 5 year monitoring. Hope it is not a stubborn bugger of a tumor, comes out nicely and they get to keep most of his kidney.

    Keep us posted. When is his surgery?


  • beemurguia
    beemurguia Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2017 #32
    I hope that your husband had

    I hope that your husband had a successfull surgery! and that you are now breathing and more at ease! Wishing ya'll well! We are all sending good vibes! 

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Yes, hope all went well.

    Yes, hope all went well. Anxious to hear how your husband is doing.

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member

    Sending continued cyber hugs your way...

  • damatken
    damatken Member Posts: 16
    surgery update?

    I have followed your husbands journey and prayed for some direction.  Please know my prayers will continue as he recovers.  Do keep up posted.  Much love!


    Surgery was a success! They removed a 21 cm and 10.5 lbs large tunour along with his left kidney and one lymph node! We were worried about so many other things like his bowels, his spleen and more! But all was good! He is recovering well and might even be sent home tomorrow! I am so thinkful to have found this forum as I am blessed to have had you all with your encouraging words! I could have not done this without you guys! I will keep you all posted on our recovery! <3

  • amyjoe23
    amyjoe23 Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited April 2017 #37
    Great news

    I am so happy to hear your good news. My husband had a 13 cm tumor, but they were unable to remove it. It spread so fast within a 6 week period after diagnosis. No one would touch it. We live in SW MO, and even made the trip to St. Louis to have it removed. They ended up removing a tumor from his spine instead. 

  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    Hi Evelyn

    Thank you for posting the update. I was also worried, because of the size of the thing.

    You seem to be feeling better too. That's great.


  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member


    Surgery was a success! They removed a 21 cm and 10.5 lbs large tunour along with his left kidney and one lymph node! We were worried about so many other things like his bowels, his spleen and more! But all was good! He is recovering well and might even be sent home tomorrow! I am so thinkful to have found this forum as I am blessed to have had you all with your encouraging words! I could have not done this without you guys! I will keep you all posted on our recovery! <3

    Great update


    that was a huge tumor but so wonderful to have it out and behind you; thank you for letting us kn. Now, get some solid rest before the patient goes home.


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    Good news!  Just make sure he

    Good news!  Just make sure he follows all the doctor's instructions and, when they tell him to walk, get him to walk!

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    now refocus

    nothing but positive energy leading to a routine recovery and long life ahead. Good for u guys.