Chemo help

MMDowns Member Posts: 318
Mar 26, 2017 - 5:22 pm

Hey All. any help would be appreciated.  Tomorrow my husband goes back to the clinic to see if he can receive the second dose of Cisplatin. This was supposed to happen last week.  I know I've mentioned severa times that his kidneys are really taking a beating from the chemo. He's been pushing fluids like crazy at home and even went in on Friday for 2L of fluids. The oncology nurse called me on Thursday to discuss how concerned they were about his creatinine levels. They keep fluctuating even with fluids given via IV. So we are at a crossroads. When do we say that chemo isn't in the cards for us? The nurse even said "you don't want to end up with kidney dialysis In your future". Has ANYONE in this forum had to forgo the chemo due to  health issues and still achieved NED? I need some help. We need some help.  we want the best outcome with out irreversible damage to his kidneys. 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Hey yourself


    I did not have Platinum based chemo, but many on here have and quite a number have stopped a few infusions short of their original plan.  Others have switched to less aggressive dosages, reduced dosage or different chemo drugs and YES they cross the finish line and see NEDs every 3, 6, or 12 months.

    You are trying to stay super hydrated and flush your system, so you are doing that right.


  • bebo12249
    bebo12249 Member Posts: 181 Member
    The oncologist will tell when

    The oncologist will tell when it is no longer safe to continue with the original dose. I couldn't take the original dose of Cisplatin so the dose was reduced as needed. My last scan was NED at 14 months post treatment.

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    edited March 2017 #4
    CivilMatt said:

    Hey yourself


    I did not have Platinum based chemo, but many on here have and quite a number have stopped a few infusions short of their original plan.  Others have switched to less aggressive dosages, reduced dosage or different chemo drugs and YES they cross the finish line and see NEDs every 3, 6, or 12 months.

    You are trying to stay super hydrated and flush your system, so you are doing that right.


    He did end up getting chemo

    He did end up getting chemo yesterday, a lower dose of the Cisplat.  They are also going to monitor him very closely and he will be going in everyday for fluids, anti nausea meds (if needed) via IV and a extra dose of Dexamethasone on Friday so we are set for the weekend.  I feel some solace knowing  that he will be seen every day this week.  Best place to be if he's feeling crappy or his kidney's go all wonky again.  Two down and possibly one more to go.  Plus, today is our halfway point!  That's a milestone for us!  Still pushing fluids, fluids.  

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    edited March 2017 #5
    bebo12249 said:

    The oncologist will tell when

    The oncologist will tell when it is no longer safe to continue with the original dose. I couldn't take the original dose of Cisplatin so the dose was reduced as needed. My last scan was NED at 14 months post treatment.

    Yes, he did end up getting a

    Yes, he did end up getting a reduced dosage of Cisplatin.  They are not even going to discuss the possible third dose for awhile.  We have to see how the kidneys respond this time.  But we are halfway thorugh and the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer and closer!