
Hello everyone,

My names Calvin, I'm 23 years old, and I was diagnosed with Classical Hodgkins Lymphoma two weeks ago.

I've never posted on a forum before but I thought I might need some advice for the coming months.

In terms of staging, the PET Scan showed an enlarged node in my neck, chest (this is the largest at 3cm) and three small spots in my vertebrae. So I've been staged at 4B (I've had a few nights sweats).

I start my 6 months of ABVD this friday, so I just wanted to say hello and ask if anyone had any advice for the first day?



  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    edited March 2017 #2
    Welcome, Calvin!

    Welcome does not seem to be the correct word, but welcome you are! You do not sound panicky, so that much is very good. Hodgkin's has a very high "lifetime remission" rate. Treatment is well established, research is ongoing and the future for Hodgkin's patients looks ever better. First day... hmmm, it depends somewhat on the facility. Take reading material, snack or lunch, electronics within reason. If they use chairs, then you may end up discussing things with other patients. If they use beds, you can just crash or maybe watch TV. Lots of water and keep the nutrition up over the coming months. This is very general, and 'Max' and others will give you more specific advice and information.

  • PBL
    PBL Member Posts: 366 Member
    edited March 2017 #3

    Hello Calvin,

    I found that, when you're spending several hours in a hospital room, comfortable clothes that allow you to relax (or even crash, to quote Po18guy) are essential. I always took a pair of pyjamas, toothbrush etc. to chemo - and was very glad I had them when they kept me overnight. A plaid is also a good idea - in fact I always carry one with me to the hospital for my maintenance treatment or imaging tests. Mints and your favorite tea bags as well as a travel mug (they can most likely refill with hot water as needed) can also help you feel comfortable and warm.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member
    edited March 2017 #4
    po18guy said:

    Welcome, Calvin!

    Welcome does not seem to be the correct word, but welcome you are! You do not sound panicky, so that much is very good. Hodgkin's has a very high "lifetime remission" rate. Treatment is well established, research is ongoing and the future for Hodgkin's patients looks ever better. First day... hmmm, it depends somewhat on the facility. Take reading material, snack or lunch, electronics within reason. If they use chairs, then you may end up discussing things with other patients. If they use beds, you can just crash or maybe watch TV. Lots of water and keep the nutrition up over the coming months. This is very general, and 'Max' and others will give you more specific advice and information.

    I'm sorry you are facing this

    I'm sorry you are facing this at so early an age, but Lymphoma and Leukemia are among the most common cancers in youth and young adults. As Po noted, they are among the most treatable and curable of all cancers, and late stage disease is not usually much tougher to beat than early stage -- a fact very different from what usually is the case with organ cancers.

    ABVD is the almost universal first line treatment for classical HL.  Expect a long first day; they will go slow with the delivery she they test your tolerance. IV Benedryl may cause you to sleep a bit. Most clinics require that someone come to drive the patient home, especially the first infusion. I recommend some for of WiFi.

    Keep asking questions,


  • Kaniksu
    Kaniksu Member Posts: 54

    Frown Calvin, I hate to hear this are such a young man..I am happy to read from the previous comments that this is among the most treatable..I hope because of your youth you will remain strong and your life won't be so interrupted..Take care of yourself,ask questions, ask your Dr about constipation from the anti nausea drugs..You will find a wealth of knowledge and comfort here...Big hugs to you!

  • Calvin93
    Calvin93 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2017 #6
    Thanks for the advice!

    Thank you all for replying so quickly. It really helps to know that there are places of support like this forum.

    As per everyone's advice I've been getting ready for tomorrow, i imagine I'll just have to take the day as it comes.

    I'm feeling really positive and I'll try not worry unless my Dr tells me otherwise. If I have any concerns I'll be sure to ask.

    Again I really appreciate the advice.

    I'll keep you all posted.


  • Jeff148
    Jeff148 Member Posts: 184
    You'll do fine

    Rather than retype my advice...if you click on my picture it will take you to my page where you will find the address for my blog. It kind of tells what I went through during each chemo day. The ony thing that is missing from my blog is that I would advise anyone going through chemo to just take miralax from before the start of chemo until after they are done (or some other constipation med that your dr. approves). It is harmless but prevents contipation which is harmful and if prevented, will be one less pain in the keister.

  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member
    edited March 2017 #8
    some notes

    I was diagnosed with follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma. Even though the treatment is different there are certain things that are the same. I realize that when you read this you have gotten through your first treatment. One thing that can't be emphasized enough is drinking water. I thought of it as my life line. You need to drink a lot to flush out the un-used drugs and dead cells as quickly as you can. I had a couple of time after treatment where I didn't feel quite right a few days after treatment. Every time it was because I hadn't kept up with drinking a lot of water. My goal was to drink 2 liters day of treatment(s) and for at least 5 days after.

    Snacks are also important. My standard was my yougurt (chocolate), apple cut up with skin removed and cheese-its (or cheese nips). All right this last is not really healthy but for osme reason starchy food & snacks seem to be a favorite of many going through cancer treatments. 

    Where I went for R-Chop it was 1 day. I brought a book, the daily cross-word puzzle and watched tv, if I wasn't napping. I Was at a hospital for RICE treatments which was 3 days. There I also brought my laptops to keep me mentally going. 

    Jeff is right about the constipation. What ever you use start taking it the night before the treament to get ahead of the situation. 

    Most of all - keep your positive attitude. Don't get upset with yourself if you have a day you are less than positive. I totally believe that we all deserve a down day now and then. Wallow in it for a day and instruct yourself to be positive the next day. At least that is what I did.

    Good luck Calvin and welcome to the club that no one wants to be in.  LOL

  • Chris17
    Chris17 Member Posts: 175
    edited March 2017 #9
    You have come to the right

    You have come to the right place, this online group is great with answering questions and have good advice, i am so sorry that you have to go through all this being so young. I was diagnosed with Follicular non hodgkins lymphoma 9 yrs ago this month, am in remission now, good luck with treatment, and again the people here are great.

  • 123Kra
    123Kra Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2017 #10
    My husband started last

    My husband started last Wednesday. He also has stage IV. Have you had any side effects? How are things going?

  • Calvin93
    Calvin93 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2017 #11
    123Kra said:

    My husband started last

    My husband started last Wednesday. He also has stage IV. Have you had any side effects? How are things going?


    Hi 123Kra 

    Overall i feel pretty good. I haven't experienced any severe side effects yet, just had really mild nausea. Since the treatment the lymphnode in my neck has melted away and the cough I was developing on Thursday/Friday has stopped all together.

    I get my PICC line put in next week so it's looking like it's going to be a busy week.

    All the best,
