lump on top of shoulder

My mother(78 years old )  has stage 4 colon cancer. ( below is the finds after surgery ) 

Her treatment plan is Chemo (oxaliplatin) by port once every two weeks and xeloda for two weeks. She has been doing this November. 

Her first PET scan  ( Sept. 2016) showed lymph nodes that was involved also with the addition of the para-aortic being involved on the opposite of the colon cancer find. 

The second Pet Scan ( early Feb 2017) showed no new places and a big decrease in size of all Lymph nodes involved. 

Fast forward to last week. We have a lump on top of shoulder. Its about a inch from the base of her neck. Lump is soft and zero pain or tenderness .

We are seeing her Dr. this week. Just wondering if anyone had a lump show up out of the blue like this . 








Right colon 


Gross Description 

The specimen is received in formalin in one container labeled with the 

patient's (Name ) and "right 

colon". The specimen consists of a portion of bowel measuring 15.0 x 11.0 

x 6.8 cm in greatest dimensions. Two staple margins are identified. The 

proximal staple margin is identified, and there is an appendix present. 

The ileocecal valve is identified. The serosal surface is pink-tan, and a 

darker area is appreciated that is tan-brown to black measuring 2.8 cm. 

The specimen is opened along its length revealing white-tan-pink colonic 

mucosa and an area of ulceration with an exophytic mass that measures 6.1 x 

4.3 x 2.2 cm in greatest dimensions. This mass is within 0.6 cm of the 

ileocecal valve, within 3.5 cm of the proximal margin, within 6.7 cm of the 

distal margin, and within 1.3 cm of the radial margin. The staple margins 

are shaved and submitted. The mass is sampled and submitted. Normal 

mucosa is sampled and submitted. The appendix present measures 3.4 x 0.6 x 

0.4 cm in greatest dimensions. The serosal surface is pink-tan and 

otherwise unremarkable. The appendix is cross sectioned revealing pink-tan 

cut surfaces that are otherwise unremarkable. No fecalith is identified. 

Representative sections are submitted as per the summary of sections. 



A Proximal margin 

B Distal margin 

C-G Representative sections of the tumor 

H-I Presumed normal colonic mucosa 

J-K Representative sections of the appendix 

L-V Lymph nodes, 11c 

(Cassettes L and M contain one bisected lymph node 


cassettes N-V contain multiple single lymph 






Right colon: 


Procedure - Right hemicolectomy. 

Tumor site - Right colon. 

Tumor size - 6.1 cm in greatest dimension. 

Macroscopic tumor perforation is not identified. 

Histologic type - Adenocarcinoma with mucinous component. 

Histologic grade - Low grade. 

Microscopic tumor extension - Tumor invades through the muscularis 

propria into the subserosal adipose tissue. 

All margins uninvolved by invasive carcinoma. 







Distance of invasive carcinoma from closest margin - 1.3 cm from 



No history of prior treatment. 

Lymph-vascular invasion is present. 

Perineural invasion is not identified. 

Tumor deposits are present (2) - The largest measuring 0.6 cm. 

Seven of twenty-four lymph nodes are positive for metastatic neoplasm 


Immunostains on the neoplasm are pending. 

Appendix - No pathologic changes 


Pathologic staging - pT3 pN2


  • Rcreese68
    Rcreese68 Member Posts: 5
     Guessing no one has ever had this

     Guessing no one has ever had this. We seen the oncologist today. It is a Lymph node. . Size 3 cm x 3 cm . She is having a cat scan late this afternoon. ( Just had a PET scan in Feb and this did not show up 

  • Joan M
    Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member
    I haven't had any enlarged or

    I haven't had any enlarged or cancer in lymph nodes, but others on the forum have.  I am surprised none of them responded to your initial question.  That is frustrating to seek information and not get any.  

    I hope your mother is doing well.  Did her doctor explain why the PET scan didnt show the lymph node in February?    

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited April 2017 #4

    I too am sorry that nobody has responded to your post. It must have slid down the forum page unnoticed, while I was on vacation. 

    My brother had a lump on his shoulder that turned out to be non-cancerous, but they did a biopsy on it regardless.  I have not heard of anyone here on the forum having this experience, but there may be someone. 

    I hope that all turned out well for your mum, and that the lump was not anything serious.  How is she handling her chemo? Its not fun, and no doubt harder on the older person (our member Danker) did chemo at a higher age, but now, apporaching 85, he is doing wonderfully. 

    I wish your mum the best of luck, and I hope that you post back on the forum and forgive us for not answering your post promptly. 
