High cholesterol/aromatase inhibitor connection?

Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member

Has anyone experienced a spike in cholesterol readings after starting Armidex or Femara?  My LDL was 159 in December.  I resisted going on meds and was faithful to eating low fat diet and increasing movement.  Now my level jumped to 178!  I am still not ready to add yet another drug into the mix, but I will take my PCP's advice for 3 months then see if it makes a difference.

i've also had several gallbladder attacks - not serious enough to send me to the ER, but enough that I know it's happening.   Just when I celebrated one year post BC surgery (3/3) I thought I was moving in a positive direction. I guess it will always be something just around the corner . . .




  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    edited March 2017 #2
    not sure,but

    I don't know for sure about the cholestoral ones, I take them. But I do know that both statins and AI's requre liver monitoring.

    Hope this helps a bit

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Total cholosterol 'through the roof'

    I've been on Femara/letrozole for 7 years and my total cholosterol is 'through the roof'.

    My LDL is quite low/mid range but my HLD is incrediably high so total is 'through,the roof'.   My total has been on the high side for many years (long before IBC, chemo, Femara/letrozole) but it has always been the HDL that ran it up.  So I don't worry about the total - just watch every 6 months to be sure that LDL stays low.  I've been told by more than one Dr that I'm just 'weird' and to not be concerned unless LDL takes a jump up.  That our bodies are each 'unique' and all do not 'fit the norm'.  Hubby's total stays very low - he's been asked several times over the years if he was a vegan - NO WAY.  He loves his ham/bacon and eggs.

    You definately are moving in a positive direction!   There will be 'road bumps' along life's journey going forward as there has been many times in the past that we got over/past.   'Life' (all of life) is a challenge BUT each challenge makes us stronger if we,choose to.

  • Mariangel43
    Mariangel43 Member Posts: 79
    edited March 2017 #4

    Hi, ladies, there is a relationship between high cholesterol and AI. Since I discovered I had high bad cholesterol I talked my family physician and she prescribed atorvastatin 20.  Cholesterol descended and I started using it every two days.  I told her about it as well as my breast surgeon and MO and they said it was fine.  Still cholesterol is low and I am happy. Besides one of the changes I made was to cook in a microwave cooker without oil, no eating fatty foods (meat or otherwise) and cholesterol descended very quickly.  Everyone is happy and my clogged arteries and veins problem was solved.  

  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member

    I saw my PCP today and discussed the situation at length.  She told me that she has had other post-treatment BC patients whose cholesterol spiked - no reason, no explanation.  Reluctantly I am beginning 20mg of atorvastaton(Lipitor).  I agreed to take it for 3 months to see what happens to levels.  I really did not want to add another med; I was just switched from Armidex to Femara because of a reaction last month.  Before BC I took ONE pill for acid reflux.  Now I feel like a personal pharmacy.  Chemo and radiation were a breeze compared to the daily unknowns of all of these inhibitors and supplements.  Will I ever be able to  stop any of these, or is it a situation of once you take it, you're set for life.  I already know the AI will be for 10 years, but I wonder about what all of this will do to my liver in the meantime.

    Don't get me wrong, with 2 graduations and a wedding coming in 2017 I am most grateful to be here!  I just wonder if I will be able to walk to the ceremonies.  Too young for this . . . I still have a lot of living to do!


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Just read back

    You mentionned gallblader isssues.  Gall bladder sludge (sludge is a medical term) that can happen after chemo.  It may resolve itself or it may go on to form 'stones'.  

  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    Thanks, Rague

    I know that I do have stones.  Drs don't want to do anything about them right now.  If attacks come with fever and vomiting they will take action, but since they are sporadic right now, no action.  I know chemo has changed my bodiy's reactions - for example, I took Amoxicillan/Penicillan for over 40 years for various infections.  Since chemo I can't have it - results in a rash and swelling.  It's as if everything inside has changed, and it is only with each experience that I find out just how different this new normal is.

  • Mariangel43
    Mariangel43 Member Posts: 79

    Teach76, hi, with your last explanation I can understand why I can eat cake and not vomit now.  I do feel strange now. I wished that my late years were filled with relative health and I now I'm stuck with the C word.  When I have to take 13 pills during the mornings and in certain days the number go up to 16, I feel that I have no life. But I realize that I am still alive and feel blessed and grateful like you.  We still have a personal agenda to do on Earth and when we are done, we will be able to move to the next plane without regrets.  So, dear Teach76, with pills or without them, lets go on living.  And really, your Just Be natural design is awesome.  I love it.  Take care. Time to sleep for me.


  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    edited March 2017 #9


    Teach76, hi, with your last explanation I can understand why I can eat cake and not vomit now.  I do feel strange now. I wished that my late years were filled with relative health and I now I'm stuck with the C word.  When I have to take 13 pills during the mornings and in certain days the number go up to 16, I feel that I have no life. But I realize that I am still alive and feel blessed and grateful like you.  We still have a personal agenda to do on Earth and when we are done, we will be able to move to the next plane without regrets.  So, dear Teach76, with pills or without them, lets go on living.  And really, your Just Be natural design is awesome.  I love it.  Take care. Time to sleep for me.




        Thank you for your kind and understanding words.  Life certainly is different for us now, and in some ways I think we can be even more positive than others who have never had our experience.  When I consider how family, co-workers, and friends look at me and say, " oh, you look good; glad you are all better now," I wish they knew that I really am so much more than better, I am a better person in so many ways.

    Enjoy each adventure and smile!


  • williamrap
    williamrap Member Posts: 1
    I am not quite sure about it.

    I am not quite sure about it.

  • booksandnumbers
    booksandnumbers Member Posts: 30
    edited June 2017 #11

    Since starting on Arimidex back in November my cholesterol has steadily gone up. I know it's not my diet. So tired of side effects and being prescribed more and more meds for each of them. Wonder how I would feel if I stopped all of them. Not willing to take the risk though.

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    edited June 2017 #12
    Side effect

    Hi! High cholesterol is a known side effect of Aromatase inhibitors! I am surprised they didn't tell you that! 

  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    Lipitor doing the trick

    After visiting PCP and MO this week, they both agree that the Lipitor is working well.  Although I really do not want another drug ( pre-cancer I took 1, now I take 9), I know I just have to stay on it - at least until it starts affecting liver or kidneys - but wait, I'm sure there is a drug just waiting for me for that, too.  What do they say?  Better living through modern chemistry?!?!?   The ironic thing is that my daughter is a doctoral organic chemistry candidate.  I told her to get on this in her research!

  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    edited July 2017 #14
    Yes it has...

    Mine used to hover around 160, now it's close to 235, they haven't put me on anything for it though, I feel like stopping the anastrozole since it supposedly only protects you against breast cancer and not other cancers. Well I no longer have any breast tissue, for the most part it's gone. 

  • Mariangel43
    Mariangel43 Member Posts: 79

    Hi, friends, I visited the female MO and she congratulated me because I had 15 on Cholesterol and my lipids were less than 100.  Triglicerides were on the 90s.  I've been on Lipitor around two or three years with the lowest dose possible.  She asked how and told me to rise the cholesterol. I told her no.  My cancer is almost a year since diagnosis and I have been on AI since june 1, 2016. I have not had increase in the lipid panel (thanks God).  The worst side effect has been my joints; now my tendons are calcifying and they hurt a lot.  As we say, palo si boga, palo si no boga.  


  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    Trying another 6 month run

    After seeing PCP, onco, and surgeon I agreed to stay on the Lipitor for another 6 months.  I really do not feel any different, but the test results are very impressive.  Now if I could just get a handle on the fatigue.  Anyone on Femara(Letrozole) and/or Lipitor experience fatigue?  Now that it is summer I am trying to eat "fresher", but I still have several days of extreme fatigue.  Maybe it's age, maybe still recovering, maybe just too stressed - it is hard to tell.  Taking so many pills and supplements, I would like to blame it on that, but maybe I need to shut down my brain and cognitive files of every problem that crosses my path.

    thanks for letting me vent.  Stormy night here in PA and too much on my mind. . .


  • peony
    peony Member Posts: 306 Member
    My cholesterol was slightly

    My cholesterol was slightly higher when I saw my PC in June. I was already on Simvastatin, so maybe that's why it didn't "spike".  I've been on Arimidex for over a year. I recently went out of town and was putting my pills in one of those 7 day pill-holders.  Well the one I bought was too small.  I could barely fit a weekend's worth in the 7 day box. So, I guess that's where I live for the moment.  Still, I was on my way to NYC for a weekend and I had a ball, so life is good.  If we have more baggage, we can still take the trip!  Best wishes.

  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    peony said:

    My cholesterol was slightly

    My cholesterol was slightly higher when I saw my PC in June. I was already on Simvastatin, so maybe that's why it didn't "spike".  I've been on Arimidex for over a year. I recently went out of town and was putting my pills in one of those 7 day pill-holders.  Well the one I bought was too small.  I could barely fit a weekend's worth in the 7 day box. So, I guess that's where I live for the moment.  Still, I was on my way to NYC for a weekend and I had a ball, so life is good.  If we have more baggage, we can still take the trip!  Best wishes.

    Thanks for sharing!

    It is good to know I am not alone.  Sometimes when I go to the onco office they are quick to compare me to their other patients.  I look at several webpages that support the SE I experience, so I just deal with what they offER and I keep mentioning my fatigue to every appointment.  Down the road I believe someone will connect the dots.  In the meantime I just go to bed when I am exhausted and keep trying to do what I can through diet and activity.  

    I have 42 people coming tomorrow for my daughter's bridal shower - a happy occasion, but I am sure they will still be partying when I am fast asleep!
