33 diagnosed with 2.2cm Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma



  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    edited March 2017 #22
    Kat23502 said:

    My recovery wasn't bad at all

    My recovery wasn't bad at all! I had pain when sitting up from a lying down position and sometimes trouble getting comfortable when sleeping. I didn't take much more than Tylenol after the first couple of days. I will say that there were good days and bad days. The incisions are so small that it was easy to forget I had pretty major abdominal surgery. So I will say be careful not to overdo it, even when you feel great. You'll get pretty tired easily for a few weeks. For me, being so young and a mom and wife, the mental aspect of it all after the dust settled was a little difficult. At first I was in "get the job done" mode. Once I was back to work and felt mostly healed the mental aspect of CANCER hit me a bit and that I would have this history for what I hope to be a very long life. It has gotten easier. Getting the scans still causes some anxiety but again, it is a tiny bit easier as I go. Feel free to ask anything! 

    CT or Xray

    Hi Kat, just wondering are you getting chest Xray or CT? Thanks. Carmen

  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member

    CT or Xray

    Hi Kat, just wondering are you getting chest Xray or CT? Thanks. Carmen

    Hi Carmen!

    Hi Carmen!


    i got a chest CT at 3 months post op then will get a chest x-ray yearly. 

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    edited March 2017 #24
    It sucks to hear this, specially at your

    age but you will be fine!

    It's a good thing to have found us before your surgery!  I hadn't and because of that my wait was very much in the dark and scary. had only the doctor to trust wich is the most important of course but so is talking to people who have already traveled that road.  Ask away any doubts or questions but it sounds like you are in very good hands!

  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member
    edited March 2017 #25
    Thank you everyone for

    Thank you everyone for sharing your stories! It truly is making me feel much more at ease about this whole journey. You know I think maybe we are  the special one's and everyone else should be like us. LOL!!! 

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    edited March 2017 #26
    Mine too

    My tumor was 2.2cm also...  So congratulations on catching it so early and so small.  Back 2015 they found a mass on my right kidney and then 4 months later I had a robotic partial nephrectomy.  I waited so long because I went and got a second opinion and I am glad I did because they found a second mass on that same kidney.  This mass was very small at only 0.8cm.  There is a good chance you've had this tumor for several years, so take your time.  The American Urological Association estimates the average urologist sees six cancer and non-cancer kidney tumor cases a year.  Find someone who sees more than 6 a year, please.

    Surgery wasn't too bad, but it wasn't all that great.  I was in the hospital two days, then in a hotel room for four days, and then I flew home by myself.  I was off work six weeks.  Most people don't need that long, but I had so much sick leave that I just took it anyway. 

    When you have time please watch this video about the treatment for the small renal mass.  This presentation was done by a urologist at MD Anderson in Houston.  It will answer a lot of your questions and help give you peace of mind.  A video just like this helped me a great deal.

    Options for Managing the Small Renal Mass Surena F. Matin, MD


    I am not going to lie the next year or so is going to be hard, mentally.  You will make it and be a stronger person for it, I promise you.

    Keep us posted and post any questions you have or you can inbox me too.