My first CT Scan after surgery

donnavb56 Member Posts: 3

I had my 1st CT scan yesterday after my radical Nephectomy of my right kidney 5 months ago which was all confined within my kidney. My doctor told me they got all the cancer and I needed no treatments, which I felt very lucky but still feeling very anxious they will find something else. I go to doctors next week to here results which I feel pretty positive about but worry. i am a very healthy person but just need a little support to get me thru the weekend without making myself sick. Thanks Donna


  • CRashster
    CRashster Member Posts: 241 Member
    My first scan.

    my first two scans after my surgery were clear, my third is in a couple months. I understand the anxiety, but you'll be ok. Enjoy your life.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited March 2017 #3

    Donna,  What was the size and grade of your tumor? That way others and myself can respond as best we can. We all hope for clear results. With small tumors clear scans are usually a matter of course. With larger ones they catch anything less than perfect in the bud.






  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 619 Member
    The anxiety will always be

    The anxiety will always be there.  I had my first post-op scan in January and I'm not (too) ashamed to say I was shaking like a leaf.  The tech asked me if I was cold and gave me a couple of extra blankets, but it wasn't cold.  It was nerves.  The scan came out with no evidence of any return of the disease or a spread to ther abdmonal areas.  A chest x-ray done in December also came out clear.

    I think (hope? pray?) the anxiety will lessen with each scan I get. 

  • donnavb56
    donnavb56 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2017 #5
    icemantoo said:


    Donna,  What was the size and grade of your tumor? That way others and myself can respond as best we can. We all hope for clear results. With small tumors clear scans are usually a matter of course. With larger ones they catch anything less than perfect in the bud.






    It was a clear cell type

    It was a clear cell type,fuhrman nuclear grade 1 8cm. Carcinoma Is confined to renal capsule. Margins are negative for carcinoma. The Doctor told me I was very lucky with a tumor that size that was slow growing for years. He got it all out thank god. Thank you for your support. I am new to these discussions boards So any advice is helpful. I am a healthy 60 yr old . I feel very good and getting stronger everyday. 

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    From one Donna to another

    I'll be praying for you that all is well.  I suspect NED will be paying you a visit.  (NED = No Evidence of Disease)

    Unfortunately, the anxiety just goes with the territory.  I'm pretty sure we all feel a bit anxious until we get definitive results. 

    Best wishes, Donna~

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 620 Member
    edited March 2017 #7
    Welcome Donna

    I can relate to your scanxiety as many here also do. I think it is a normal thing to feel anxious. My prayers are with you.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    I'll say it again

    Look forward to your scans. From the day of your dx, until your last day of life, there is not a single thing that you can be doing for yourself that is more proactive. You cannot have peace by not knowing. Your scans provide you with the earliest warning system to stay on top of staying alive and healthy. After your scans, head right out to celebrate with pizza and beer! If you don't learn to think positive, then the rest of your life will suck. Then you die. Everyone gets their choice.

  • donnavb56
    donnavb56 Member Posts: 3
    foxhd said:

    I'll say it again

    Look forward to your scans. From the day of your dx, until your last day of life, there is not a single thing that you can be doing for yourself that is more proactive. You cannot have peace by not knowing. Your scans provide you with the earliest warning system to stay on top of staying alive and healthy. After your scans, head right out to celebrate with pizza and beer! If you don't learn to think positive, then the rest of your life will suck. Then you die. Everyone gets their choice.

    Thank you that was great

    Thank you that was great advice! My husband tells me the same thing. I will go out for that pizza and beer lol! 

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    H Donna! Im not a newbie anymore

    but I can relate totally to waht you say!  I am going to take for me too that great advice you got from Fox.   We should really look at scan check-up time the way he says.

    Sending healing thoughts your way.


  • Ree_Maryland
    Ree_Maryland Member Posts: 161 Member
    foxhd said:

    I'll say it again

    Look forward to your scans. From the day of your dx, until your last day of life, there is not a single thing that you can be doing for yourself that is more proactive. You cannot have peace by not knowing. Your scans provide you with the earliest warning system to stay on top of staying alive and healthy. After your scans, head right out to celebrate with pizza and beer! If you don't learn to think positive, then the rest of your life will suck. Then you die. Everyone gets their choice.

    Well said Fox, MY scans

    Well said Fox, MY scans coming up in April YIKES . Like you said, better to know what is going on than just ignore it . Hoping my scans are Ned. thanks for your imput .