Doesn't matter to me, but I care

icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

I am 73 and on Medicare so my medical needs are taken care of. Wouldn't it be nice if none of our members had to worry about their medical hospital or presription costs. Instead of taking a step forward to universal health care it looks like we are about to take a big step back.




  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    Australian viewpoint

    My entire treatment so far has been at no cost to me (except a small percentage of my income as tax).

    We have the option here of private health insurance but I have never taken it.

    Private insurance has advantages, of course. Some people recommended finding the best available specialists and hospitals. I did not have the means to do that, so I just went where I was told to go.

    Having said that, I feel I had excelllent care from everyone (except one cardiologist I didn't like).

    I will never know if a better surgeon would have avoided the internal bleeding that required emergency surgery. But it all worked out ok in the end so I am happy with our public system.

    All the same... If I was wealthy I would have had more options and explored them all.



  • adman
    adman Member Posts: 336

    Regardless of your political beliefs, the facts are the facts;  22 million American's are in real jeopardy of losing their insurance. Myself included. I can't be without coverage.

    Is the ACA perfect; NO it is not. Premiums are going up, among other issues. We can all agree the program can be improved in several ways that will ultimetly help save people money, but still provides care to those that need it at a reasonable price that doesn't bankrupt your family each month, or in the event you need to use it (Deductibles).

    Who knows what is really true about all of this; whether insurance companies really need to keep raising rates. Maybe they're not losing the money the claim they are. What a better argument for trying to eliminate the program than telling everyone the numbers don't add up. Who knows; I think we all can agree that most people are very sceptical of banks and insurance companies. For whatever that is worth! 

    LIFE is WAY harder than it used to be; our politicians should do the right thing and make at least one thing easier on us all. Also, people's work lives & structure have changed. More people are earning a living without being with a company; which means they need to secure health insurance on their own. People change jobs more often as well. Not to mention all the small startup companies being formed. People could do more of that if they weren't worried about insurance for their families. Leaving that secure job.

    Wouldn't it be nice if none of us had to worry about where / how we get insurance? Damn right it would. 

    Talk about lifting people up! we could ALL focus on making a living; that would raise output and productivity for the country. 

    Sadly, I'm 54. I've had kidney cancer, and now skin cancer. It's very sad that I wish I was 11 years older so I would qualify for Medicare. 

    The ONE thing I do know; these people in Washington that make our laws, and the Governors and Legislators in our home states; ALL of them should be subject to the same insurance the people are forced to use.

    Something tells me that would make for a big difference. 






  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    adman said:


    Regardless of your political beliefs, the facts are the facts;  22 million American's are in real jeopardy of losing their insurance. Myself included. I can't be without coverage.

    Is the ACA perfect; NO it is not. Premiums are going up, among other issues. We can all agree the program can be improved in several ways that will ultimetly help save people money, but still provides care to those that need it at a reasonable price that doesn't bankrupt your family each month, or in the event you need to use it (Deductibles).

    Who knows what is really true about all of this; whether insurance companies really need to keep raising rates. Maybe they're not losing the money the claim they are. What a better argument for trying to eliminate the program than telling everyone the numbers don't add up. Who knows; I think we all can agree that most people are very sceptical of banks and insurance companies. For whatever that is worth! 

    LIFE is WAY harder than it used to be; our politicians should do the right thing and make at least one thing easier on us all. Also, people's work lives & structure have changed. More people are earning a living without being with a company; which means they need to secure health insurance on their own. People change jobs more often as well. Not to mention all the small startup companies being formed. People could do more of that if they weren't worried about insurance for their families. Leaving that secure job.

    Wouldn't it be nice if none of us had to worry about where / how we get insurance? Damn right it would. 

    Talk about lifting people up! we could ALL focus on making a living; that would raise output and productivity for the country. 

    Sadly, I'm 54. I've had kidney cancer, and now skin cancer. It's very sad that I wish I was 11 years older so I would qualify for Medicare. 

    The ONE thing I do know; these people in Washington that make our laws, and the Governors and Legislators in our home states; ALL of them should be subject to the same insurance the people are forced to use.

    Something tells me that would make for a big difference. 






    English Viewpoint

    Well, I think you know the English viewpoint. For what its worth I think Bismark got it about right.

  • adman
    adman Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2017 #5
    that's not the answer...

    We're a capitalistic country; WE SHOULD stay that way. But some things shouldn't be for profit, and healthcare is one of them, IMO!

    It's just about greed. And too much greed at that! 




  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited March 2017 #6
    Good topic of discussion,

    Good topic of discussion, Iceman. We need to add Universal, or Mediare for all, as an option. It is the insurance companies who are so greedy for profits, along with Big Pharma that keep making out costs /premiums go up due to so many sick folks. The ACA was flooded with folks who were waiting for any kind of insurance as they already were sick or had pre-existing conditons. Then many were bankrupt or lost their homes as Insurance companies had put a cap on the amount they could use for healthcare. Many ran out of the alloted monies for a lifetime until the ACA LAW was enacted.

    Yes, let's stop being political and save lives darn it! But no, now they want to gut Medicaid and privatize Medicare. Enuff I say!


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Pity the working class

    In this country the better off get outrageously generous insurance benefits on top of high salaries. And the poor get everything for free. We get stuck paying for everybodies benefits, plus we have huge deductibles. No middle class american can afford it anymore.

    Obamacare cost a fortune for my healthy wife. I'm fortunate to have medicare. Very fortunate to be getting my cancer drugs free or deeply discounted.

  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member

    English Viewpoint

    Well, I think you know the English viewpoint. For what its worth I think Bismark got it about right.

    Ignorant me...

    Everything I know about Bismarck I learned from google :-(

    What was he right about?


  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    Right on Fox!

    Agree 100%


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    edited March 2017 #10

    Ignorant me...

    Everything I know about Bismarck I learned from google :-(

    What was he right about?



    Free healthcare provided by a number of competing not for profit insurance companies.

  • adman
    adman Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2017 #11

    really surprised at how little interest this post attracted. 

    Maybe most of our members have Medicare or a company sponsored insurance plan, so they don't really care much. 

    I realize a lot of poeple have a very heated and highly passionate perspective on this subject that is 

    highly motivated by political affiliation & party lines.

    Anyway, I guess the old saying holds true, "If it doesn't affect me or my family, I could give a ****"


  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    It's overwhelming

    It's overwhelming to me. The year before the ACA went into effect, way more than 50% of my income went towards health insurance, for a policy that denied me coverage for certain pre-existing conditions. 

    Without some sort of affordable healthcare insurance, I have no idea how I'd even afford the CT scans and follow-ups. Another surgery or two and my savings and retirement funds and home could be in jeopardy. Even right now, just thinking about this and responding, my heart rate has increased and I'm having to stop, focus on my breathing, and calm... down. 

    So maybe our not responding to this thread isn't just about whether or not we give a rodent's tushie about this subject. Maybe we're appreciating that others understand and care, and knowing our own grief and limitations, having already made our opinions known... and known.  

    Yes, I've contacted my government reps. But you can bet I'm going to throw one heck of a party when I hold my Medicare card AND my insurance card in my hand. 

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 620 Member
    I do care about this subject

    I am fortunate to have health insurance through my job. I kind of relate to jerzygrrl, it is overwhelming and appalling to me that this isn't something that everyone has available to them. I also am overwhelmed and a bit stunned by what is happening now with our president and congress. It seems like we are moving backwards for some kind of healthcare plan for all. I will protest through my vote and make my views known to my legislators. Thanks for bringing this topic up. I cannot imagine how anyone without insurance can face the costs associated with cancer care. I have met my out of pocket twice in my lifetime and still had to ask for assistance with my payment schedule. That is with insurance. Okay enough for now. God bless you all


  • Hd67xlch
    Hd67xlch Member Posts: 151 Member
    I met my out of pocket for the year Jan 3rd 2017....

    I have a $4000 out of pocket with my BCBS through my job and after my left lung wedge resections Jan 3rd, I  met my responsibility for 2017. I have definatley noticed the Drs offices dont seem to want to see you as much or spend as much time with you once they find out they are not getting that $50 co pay from me everytime they see me. Future medical costs are the only thing keeping me from stopping work and applying for ssdi, which I may do anyways.


  • adman
    adman Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2017 #15
    Issue with this proposed plan....

    Here's a legitimate/ 'real world' concern of this proposed plan:

    If I get a full-time job and go on an employer sponsored plan, and then I either lose my job or leave, and 18 mths later when Cobra expires I try to get back on the 'ACA' plan, or whatever it will be called at that time, the pre-existing condition that I am currently covered for will no longer be an allowed condition.

    That is a very realistic scenerio.