New awaiting appointment with colorectal surgeon

Hello, this is my first post.  I just received my colonoscopy results and am being referred to a colorectal surgeon to ensure all the "bad" cells have been removed.  The concern is a polyp located at the dentate line:

High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL)/Moderate squamous dysplasia (AIN2).  Measuring 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.1 CM

There was also a hyperplastic poly removed that was much smaller.  This is my second colonoscopy in three years, the first involved polyp removal as well though all confirmed as benign.  I have a strong family history of colorectal cancer, so I'm on a accelerated testing schedule.

Needless to say, I'm fairly freaking out right now.  I'm awaiting insurance approval for my appointment with the colorectal surgeon.  I already know he'll do another scope procedure when I see him, that's what his office told my gastroenterologist's office.  The waiting is killing me right now, I've gotta say.  My husband was stunned when I told him, his best friend passed away from colon cancer a number of years ago.  It really left an impact on him, and he's also religious about testing, thank goodness.

Any other ideas or thoughts on what I should expect?  I mean, is it common to have another procedure to remove any additional tissue?  Would they recommend any medications or treatments other than "watch closely"?  That almost sounds like a ticking timebomb to me right now.






  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Welcome to the forum, Sammie

    I am sorry you have found yourself here. Its not people's first forum of choice. 

    I think you will find that the first plan would be to determine if the Cancer has advanced through the wall of the colon (this is just a very uneducated guess) and then they may decide wethe to put you on a Chemo regime or just a wait and see.  They may even ask which you would like. I find that very hard, as they are putting your own life back in your hands, and you have to try to make a decision based on facts and not fears. 

    Please keep us updated.  I am sorry it has taken so long for a response, but the forum is running slower these days. 


  • bluetechseeker
    bluetechseeker Member Posts: 3
    Thank you, Tru.  I finally

    Thank you, Tru.  I finally received the call this morning, the colorectal surgeon would like me in ASAP.  Appointment is this Thursday 1000 hrs.  NO prep, he's discussing my biopsy results and recommending treatment(s).

    I've been discussing our family health with my dad, he's had colon cancer surgery twice - has 19" less "innards" (as he says) as a result.  His mom had colon cancer, had a colostomy.  His younger brother, Uncle Dan, had colon cancer and passed from it.  His sister, Aunt Nancy, had ovarian and colon cancer, also passed away.  I thought it important to be fully informed as to the family history before meeting with the doctor and making any kind of decisions.  I wasn't clear on what they'd all passed from, now I can discuss with the doctor and go from there.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    edited March 2017 #4
    Sad family history

    That is definetely a concerning family history. I am glad that your Oncologist is jumping right on it, and you can get yourself sorted, and be a survivor along with your father. 

    I would take a notebook in with me, filled to the brim with info and questions for my Oncologist. Nothing was too small or insignificant, or embarrassing. It sounds like you are getting yourself well prepared as well. Will you have someone going in with you? I think that helps. 

    We will watch this space for news, and will be here for you every step of the way if you are heading into this Cancer journey. 


  • bluetechseeker
    bluetechseeker Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2017 #5
    Thank you.  I've been

    Thank you.  I've been spending hours and hours on this site, reading many others questions, suggestions, and following their journeys.  I'll definitely be making a list of questions to ask.  If I don't write them down, I'll go totally blank once the doctor starts talking, I know I will.  My husband has offered to go, I'm actually on the fence having him there or not, I don't know why.  Like, maybe it just makes it more REAL needing him there.  Likely be, I'll have him there - he is my rock.

  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member
    edited March 2017 #6
    Hi, sorry you're here, but it

    Hi, sorry you're here, but it's a good place to be!

    Definitely take  your husband with you, he is on this "journey" too.  And it's always good to have a second set of ears just to be sure you catch everything that is presented. 

    Good luck hope all goes well for you.