

Hi, I'm Mary. I'm new here. I'm 54 and in January was finally diagnosed with colon cancer after playing games with a pulmonologist who found nodules on my lungs. It took three weeks for him to send me to another doctor. Finally I went to Virginia Cancer Specialists and they helped out. I've been diagnosed stage iv. A real shock and fear inducing. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself.




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Welcome Mary

    Sorry about your diagnosis. It is something that even to this day, fills one with fear. Fear of the death because for many years Cancer and death were synonymous. We've all heard stories about chemo, so you fear that. 

    But we have come along way in treating Cancer, and luckily for us, CRC is survivable, especially if caught early. 

    This is a wonderful forum, filled with every Cacner patients of every stage and also caregivers. It runs slow sometimes, and replies can take days, but they will come. 

    We're here for all of your concerns and joys. 

    Look forward to getting to know you. 


  • IcyMoonstone
    IcyMoonstone Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2017 #3

    Welcome to a safe place to voice your fears and concerns.  We are here for you.  We all are fighting a similar battle and are here to help each other.  I can not even begin to express how appreciative of this great group of people. 


    Voice your concerns.  As any and all questions.  we are here for you!!! 

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Sorry you're here Mary. I

    Sorry you're here Mary. I pray that one day there will be no need for this forum and no new members. Welcome, you've come to a safe place where you will find lots of information and support.


  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member
    Hi Mary.  I was also recently

    Hi Mary.  I was also recently dx stage 4. I do know what you're going through right now.  Give yourself time to process and feel your feelings. Once you have a treatment plan in place it gets better ( at least it did for me). 

    Try to take it day to day.  And educate yourself, but don't get caught up with the statistics.  They are outdated and don't apply.  Enjoy the days when you feel well. 


  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member
    edited February 2017 #6
    Ok so this posted twice. I

    Ok so this posted twice. I have no idea why. 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    PamRav said:

    Ok so this posted twice. I

    Ok so this posted twice. I have no idea why. 

    Back button

    Sometimes when you hit the back button after a post, it will repost.  Best to got ot he top and hit the Colorectal Cancer button. 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    This is a wondeful group that can help you get through all the stages you are going through.  Sorry to hear that it took you so long to find out what is going on.  I'm wishing you the best and come here whenever you have questions.  There is usually someone that has been where you are.


  • babywatson
    babywatson Member Posts: 9
    What bothers me is how

    What bothers me is how advanced itt was before I had an inkling that something was wrong. I thought and was told by many docs I had allergies. And a cough that never went away. After two years I demanded a chest xray never dreaming they'd find cancer. And the they found a four inch mass on my liver. Then they did a CT scan and they said it was colon. So quick and no symptoms! Unless you count the cough. Sure I had frequent constipation, but I kind of thought that was normal. How could it sneak up on me?

  • blessed39
    blessed39 Member Posts: 90 Member
    edited February 2017 #10
    IV Colon Cancer

    Mary, sorry you are here, but you are among friends. You are

    not alone in this journey and it is a journey. I know exactly what you are experiencing

    and also the fear. I too was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer several years ago.

    If you would like to read my story just go to my blog and you will see

    "How I Beat Stage Four Colon Cancer." My prayer for you is that you will find comfort and hope in my story.

    God bless you


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    edited February 2017 #11
    That's how cancer works,

    That's how cancer works, usually. I've had IBS my whole adult life so I had no idea, either. And I could tell you several stories of people who the doctors didn't look for cancer and were advanced by the time it was found. With 47% of us getting it I think they ought to be more on the alert for that. It's pretty sad but doctors need to get it togther and check for it. I know here in Canada they don't want to do tests they don;t have to because it's all covered by the government but they need to rethink this. It's cheaper for them to get it when its early stages rather than later.

    I'm sorry you're so frustrated and upset. We've all been there and can really relate. It does get easier but that's not much of a help right now. Take care of yourself, don't let anyone get you down and try to remain hopeful. That's the most important thing. Your body will have a harder time healing if you're negative. Being positive is the best thing you can do for yourself. Tell yourself you're going to beat this. A liver can regenerate. There are plenty of stage four people on here who are alive well past what a doctor would have predicted. And miracles do happen. I got one so I know this is true. Long story, it's in my profile, but I shouldn't be here now and every day, no matter how miserable, is a gift.


  • Joan M
    Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member
    There is hope!

    I was also diagnosed at Stage 4, as too many people are.  Hearing that you have cancer is devastating - hearing it is stage 4 makes you feel like your life is over.  However there are really good treatments for cancer now even for stage 4 patients, and this forum has many that have survived for 10+ years.  

    I have been lucky and have did well on chemo for 10 months, and am now undergoing some new procedures to rid of the tumors in my liver and lungs.      

    My first oncologist said I had 6-18 months to live.  That was a year ago, and I am feeling really well.  Because the chemo has worked will for me, and my blood work continues to be good, my doctors say I will likely live for "many" years.  

    I believe in Miracles too!
