Have my first urologist appointment Monday have a3.8 cm nodule not a cyst.


  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member
    edited February 2017 #2
    Can you give us more

    Can you give us more information? Symptoms, how was it discovered? Etc. Also, I noticed your name, are you a Gator fan?

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member


    I assume by the word nodule you are referring to a mass on your kidney that is not a cyst as you are seeing a urologist for an evaluation and you have posted in this forum. Tell me if I am wrong. Worst case scenerio is you have what is still a small (and yes I said small) tumor which will most likely be cured by surgery alone. Mine was about that size when discovered almost 15 years ago. Not fun coming on this board after hearing the C word. We have all been there and done that. It takes a little while to absorb at first, but if you post details and specifics we will help you thru this.




  • Gator8463
    Gator8463 Member Posts: 9
    Kat23502 said:

    Can you give us more

    Can you give us more information? Symptoms, how was it discovered? Etc. Also, I noticed your name, are you a Gator fan?

    Found during MRI on my back.

    Found during MRI on my back. Hurt while on duty as deputy sheriff. My nick name is gator. I live in South Carolina.

  • Gator8463
    Gator8463 Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2017 #5
    icemantoo said:



    I assume by the word nodule you are referring to a mass on your kidney that is not a cyst as you are seeing a urologist for an evaluation and you have posted in this forum. Tell me if I am wrong. Worst case scenerio is you have what is still a small (and yes I said small) tumor which will most likely be cured by surgery alone. Mine was about that size when discovered almost 15 years ago. Not fun coming on this board after hearing the C word. We have all been there and done that. It takes a little while to absorb at first, but if you post details and specifics we will help you thru this.




    Hurt my working as deput

    Hurt my back working as deput sheriff. It was found during MRI on my back. It's scary never had anything like this

    before. It is on the upper right kidney. I hope you are right you have made me feel better already. 

  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member
    Gator8463 said:

    Found during MRI on my back.

    Found during MRI on my back. Hurt while on duty as deputy sheriff. My nick name is gator. I live in South Carolina.

    Renal cell cancers are being found more and more incidentally. If this is malignant, the chances that it will be cured by surgery alone are very, very high. I would suggest exploring these message boards and using them as a source of information. That being said, I would also avoid Dr. Google as the information is largely outdated or not a complete picture. 

  • Max57
    Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member
    2.5 cm

    Mine 2.5 cm almost 2 years ago I was scared....did I said scared !! Yes C word no one want to hear 

    In April I will complete my 2 years of  my surgery I will have my roten scan also .....you going to be alright bro 

  • Gator8463
    Gator8463 Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2017 #8
    Max57 said:

    2.5 cm

    Mine 2.5 cm almost 2 years ago I was scared....did I said scared !! Yes C word no one want to hear 

    In April I will complete my 2 years of  my surgery I will have my roten scan also .....you going to be alright bro 

    Thank you max. You all have

    Thank you max. You all have made me feel much better. Iam retired military and just retire from a Sheriff Dept. after a total of 50 years in uniform it was time for me to hang it up.

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Gator --

    Welcome to the club nobody really wants to join, but if you're got the diagnosis, this is the place to be. 

    My kidney mass was a similar size, similarly placed on the left kidney. Small is good! Found it earlier in the year during an ultrasound to check out my kidneys for kidney stones. I had surgery to remove it in December. I've pretty much gotten back into my usual activities. It's good. 

    Keep us posted, Gator --


  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    edited February 2017 #10

    Hi Gator!

    Sorry you are hear, but I am glad you found us.

    You are dealing with a lot on your plate right now so I will keep it brief.  No one will know for sure what this is until they get it out of you or do a biopsy, but I suspect they will want to remove it.  3.8cm is considered a small renal mass which is good so hopefully you will get to keep your kidney.  


    When you have about 30 minutes please watch this video.  A video just like this gave me a lot of comfort and peace of mind.  The man giving the presenting is a urologist at MD Anderson.

    Evaluation and Management of the Small Renal Mass, Surena F. Matin, MD



    The best advice I can give you is to find a urologist who has experience in this area.  The American Urological Association estimates the average urologist sees six cancer and non-cancer kidney tumor cases a year, find someone who sees more than six a year.  You have time.  There's a good chance you've had this little growth for several years so you have time to get a second opinion, if needed.

    I am not sure how you hurt your back, but there’s a good chance it might have saved your life, if this in fact cancer. 


    Any questions please feel free to ask and hang in there.  


  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    edited February 2017 #11
    Hi Gator

    Sorry to hear about your situation.  My lower right kidney tumour was found in October and was removed two weeks ago today. I am doing well.

    I just wanted to back up what others have said.  You have time to think and investigate and better understand your condition.


  • Gator8463
    Gator8463 Member Posts: 9
    First appt with urolo


    Just got back from urologist he said he is sure its RCc he wants to wait 90 days and scan it again. He said its kind of in a difficult area and he may be able to just take part of the kidney. He said either way I have a 99% cure rate.Not really sure why he wants to wait 90 days. 


  • DAC677
    DAC677 Member Posts: 59
    Gator8463 said:

    First appt with urolo


    Just got back from urologist he said he is sure its RCc he wants to wait 90 days and scan it again. He said its kind of in a difficult area and he may be able to just take part of the kidney. He said either way I have a 99% cure rate.Not really sure why he wants to wait 90 days. 


    Second opinion

    If your not sure or have doubts then I sa get a second urologist opinion or ask to consult an Oncologist. My only regret looking back on things is that I didnt get educated sooner and come on these dicsussion boards and take more control of my own healthcare. I had mostly great docs and trusted and am ok, but dont be afraid to ask for another opinion.

    also dont miss the chance to enjoy the good news. A cancer diagnosis freeks us all out at first and I think its possible it can be worse on our familys. Dont forget that he said a 99% cure rate and as an expert he felt like your situation could last 90 more days before making his next treatment decision. That tells me you found this at the right time and things will work out fine. 

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    edited February 2017 #14
    Gator8463 said:

    First appt with urolo


    Just got back from urologist he said he is sure its RCc he wants to wait 90 days and scan it again. He said its kind of in a difficult area and he may be able to just take part of the kidney. He said either way I have a 99% cure rate.Not really sure why he wants to wait 90 days. 



    RCC doesn't generally grow like crazy, so a bit of a wait when it's small is not at all unheard of. But still, to do what he just did again, after only 90 days seems... odd. It might not be a bad idea to contact him and say, just curious, what does he hope to learn in repeating the scan after just 90 days? Perhaps he wants to rule out it being a rare fast growing type of RCC, but... Who knows? 

    Has your urologist got a lot of experience doing RCC surgeries? Finding a surgeon who indeed does lots of these RCC surgeries, laparascopicaly, both full (the whole kidney goes bye-bye) and partial (only part of the kidney goes bye-bye, then a reconstruction of what's left of the kidney is done) would be the best. 

    About getting a second opinion - It's always a good idea. When I told my surgeon that I was going to get a second opinion, he told me that HE was getting a second opinion, too. I got a kick out of that. Oh, and his second opinion person got back to him before mine did, but both seconds agreed. 

    Keep us posted - 


  • Gator8463
    Gator8463 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2017 #15
    Surgery date.

    Great I have a surgery date of 25 April. Doc believes he can save 60% of the kidney. Hate the waiting though.


  • mlph4021
    mlph4021 Member Posts: 76 Member
    That is great news

    on saving 60%. The thing that freaks me out the most is that I "only" have one kidney left. I have been doing just fine with only one since Dec. 3rd though. My tumor was a lot bigger than yours though. The waiting killed me too, but you will get through it. As big as mine was, it hardly grew at all between learning of it and removal. 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited March 2017 #17
    Hey there Gator, glad you

    Hey there Gator, glad you found us! Your tumor being under 7cm is most likely stage I and will that nasty "c" word, will be gone with the surgery. Have you ever had any surgery before? Most are doing robatic, laproscopic surgeries. Its little incisions, about an inch or less. Not sure why the surgeon will wait, but April is perfect. Yes, waiting is hard, but be glad to use that time to live and work. You'll be off of work for awhile as your remaining kidney/incisions needs to heal. If you start to feel better do not push it or you'll regret it. We've all been there and will answer all your questions.

    Does your family/friends know yet? I told my family/kids that for me, the cancer will go with the removal of my kidney, or in your case, with the portion of your kidney that is survived. You'll be in and out of the hospital and recooping at home. No exercise for at least 30 days.

    Here for you buddy!

    Hugs, Jan