Clitoridectomy advice please.

Hi guys. I'm new here. 

I have just come out of having surgery to remove tumors from my clitoral wall. Vulva cancer entered my life in october 2016.Have had a partial clitoridectomy and removal of lymph nodes in either side of groin.  Habe spent 7 days in hospital and my amazing gynecological oncologist Dr Peter Grant has been my guardian angel as he was able to cure me of this night mare. This was my third surgery in as little as 3mths, and needless to say this one was the worst to recovery from.  The pain at my clitoris site is insane. There is no sign of infection but I'm losing sleep over the ongoing pain i am encountering. Has anybody felt what I'm going through?. Im taking Endone regularly along with ibprofen and paracetamol but it's still so hard to deal with. How long is it going to be like this? Is there any light at the end of the tunnel with full recovery?


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,545 Member
    Dear Aussie, I am so sorry to

    Dear Aussie, I am so sorry to hear how you are suffering.  I do not have your type of cancer so I cannot offer any advice.  I can tell you it gets quiet on this board with not a lot of activity but please keep searching for answers.  I am sure there is something out there.  Don't hesitate to ask your gyn onc for help or maybe try an alternative type of therapy - acupuncture???  Good luck and please let us know if you find anything that helps.  Your feedback may help someone else

  • Laura2051
    Laura2051 Member Posts: 34 Member
    Dear Aussie,  God Bless you

    Dear Aussie,  God Bless you my sister. I had my clitoris and lymph nodes in groin removed a little over 5 months ago. Not only my entire clitoris but a clean margin all the way around so the whole top portion is gone.  The pain does go away. You state that you had a partial clitoridectomy so I don't know what is left or how to advise you except to talk to your oncologist about the pain.  For me I took oxycodone before I went to bed so I could sleep. I had a catheter in for 2 weeks and the drainage bags. For me walking every day helped me heal faster. Every day I walked even with the pee bag and drainage bags. I still walk as a part of my healing from 32 radiations and 6 chemos. Walking is good for strengthening your pelvic floor. Pray, rest, and try to think positively. As you think your body will follow. I will pray for you and be glad to talk to you anytime.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,545 Member
    Laura, thank you for

    Laura, thank you for commenting.  There is nothing better than hearing from someone who actually went through it!  You help your sisters more than anyone else can.  I am interested, and I hope you don't mind me asking, do you have lymphedemia?  Do you wear compression garments? 

  • Laura2051
    Laura2051 Member Posts: 34 Member

    Laura, thank you for

    Laura, thank you for commenting.  There is nothing better than hearing from someone who actually went through it!  You help your sisters more than anyone else can.  I am interested, and I hope you don't mind me asking, do you have lymphedemia?  Do you wear compression garments? 


    Yes I have some slight lymphedema. I have compression stockings but hate to wear them. When I go to the gym I do wear compression pants. I also learned how to drain my lymph fluid into my arm pits. There is a wonderful program at the YMCA called Live Strong. It is for cancer survivors and it's a free 12 week program. I just started it and they tailor excercises to the individual. My class is all women survivors and they are wonderful. You all should check it out if they have it in your city. Still healing one day at a time! Thanks for always suporting your sisters No Time!