Getting nervous

Have an appointment with my old ENT guy on Monday, having some problems that need to be addressed. Over the past three or four weeks have had on and off sore throat, also ear was giving me some pain, last Tuesday I was in the emergency room at my local hospital for heart palpitations, that cleared up and the doctor said it was caused by anxiety which I think is dead on. Next morning woke up to no voice, I have also had a little cough for the same period as the sore throat. My voice is reduced to a whisper most of the time, this all reminds me of the lead up to my larynx cancer treatment in 2009. Will see him on Monday, little edgy just now. Denis


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    Lifting prayers for peace

    I'm sorry for anxiety.

    How long since you saw your ENT?

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    I hear you.


    Anxiety is a funny, but real creature.  For me, my introduction was getting PET scans and wearing the mask.  I had no idea I was a candidate.    Gives me a cold sweat just thinking deeply about it.

    I hope anxiety is your only bedfellow; at least the solution is a Lorazepam away.  You have been under constant surveillance and any issues which creep up should be identified and remedy quickly.

    May the peace of being OK be with you.


  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597
    edited January 2017 #4

    Lifting prayers for peace

    I'm sorry for anxiety.

    How long since you saw your ENT?


    two and a half years

  • joannaw81
    joannaw81 Member Posts: 185 Member
    Hello denistd!

    I just went though a scare with my mom recently, it turned out nothing. I believe You will be fine. You are in my thoughts.

  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597
    joannaw81 said:

    Hello denistd!

    I just went though a scare with my mom recently, it turned out nothing. I believe You will be fine. You are in my thoughts.


    Thanks you all, saw the man today and he did a very thorough scope of my nasal cavity and throat, nothing unusual he said just a bit of laryngitis, voice came back to normal over the weekend and the soreness and earache went away, just a reminder how cancer can dominate your life when things go a little awry. Denis

  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member

    Sometimes cancer is the first thing on your mind in the morning and the last thing at night.

    Glad for a happy result!


  • SASH
    SASH Member Posts: 421 Member
    The White Coat came out today

    Had my semi-annual follow up with ENT this morning.  BP was 194/129 and that was after taking a short acting BP med and an Ativan to calm me.

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    edited January 2017 #9
    Happy for you

    Denistd, Hooray, you've been through enough~~~you're right, every time some little thing, seems a little off, chills run down my spine~~it's all a part of being abi-normal. I'm thanking God you're okay


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    edited February 2017 #10
    denistd said:


    Thanks you all, saw the man today and he did a very thorough scope of my nasal cavity and throat, nothing unusual he said just a bit of laryngitis, voice came back to normal over the weekend and the soreness and earache went away, just a reminder how cancer can dominate your life when things go a little awry. Denis

    Glad you are ok.

    Yes, cancer is like ringing a bell. You can't unring it. Once you hear that word it stays and is always in the background.  Now I am not trying to make a joke, but stay away from Hospitals if you can. Now of corse if you nee to go that is different. Don't visit if you can help it. Too many are sick and so many nurses just spread it.  Being a neck breather I know I should stay away as I can catch things easier, but My Brother was really bad so of corse, I went. Well, they never put up a sign he was infectious. Had his door open so I went in to say hi and check up on him.  Then he says, Oh, you need to put on gloves and suit up. Really, where the heck was the note and his door should never be open. I asked the nurse what he had and she made it like no big deal, and I didn't even need a mask. She didn't even wear one. Well what he had was very bad and airborne as well. I said I will see you when you get cleared by the "Infectious disease nurses" in 3 days. how can they be that careless?   

    Just glad to hear you  only had laryngitis, and are ok.
