Scared to feel good

EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member

Since the beginning of December, I've been feeling better and better.  Some of it is, I'm sure, having my thyroid medication raised substantially.  But I think the other reason is because it's been a year since my last chemo and I'm FINALLY healing from the damage - I noticed on Saturday I was using my left hand to eat again (I'm ambidextrous but after the neuropathy I thought I'd never use my left hand equally with my right again).  I also noticed that I can read a book without having to write down the main characters or go back and reread.  In my heyday, I could read a book a day - now I'm down to one every two days but, a year ago, I couldn't read a book a week!

So, what's the problem??  I'm scared that if I let up my guard and feel TOO good, I'll be punished by the cancer coming back because I see so many recurrences here!  When I was feeling miserable I didn't worry too much about it coming back because I couldn't have felt much worse.  But, now that I'm feeling pretty dang good, I'm scared.  I don't want to lose "this" again.  I'm not a superstitious person or a religious person and I know, in my head, I can't jinx myself so, then, why do I feel like this??  I was putting away the Christmas decorations this morning and I thought I should check all the lights so next year blah blah blah.  Then I thought I probably won't even be here next year!  Why would that pop into my head??  UGGGGG!  

I check this board every day and I have come to the conclusion, I don't think it's good for my mental health right now.  I try to be supportive as so many of you were supportive to me but as my oncologist's PA said, the women who get better tend to move on and it skews your view.  So, I'm going to take a break for awhile from the Facebook support group and here.  If you need to get in touch with me, please send me a message - it goes right to my email.  I love you all and this doesn't mean I don't wish you all the very best because I truly do.




  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited January 2017 #2
    Smart Move

    You'll be missed Eldri, but it's a smart move for you to live your life without thinking constantly about what scares you. You are probably what I'd call "gun shy" after what you've had to live through and you deserve to be able to enjoy what you've endured so much to achieve. Thank you for not just dissappearing on us, though! You know we'd be worried if you did that! Enjoy yourself and feel free to chime in whenever you'd like. God bless you and keep you dancing with NED! <grin> Love you tons! Pat

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Eldri, you can't help anyone

    Eldri, you can't help anyone unless you help yourself, right?  I understand the break and think you are making a good decision.  I remember there were posts I couldn't read when I first joined because I couldn't accept this - so we all have to do what is best for us.  

    Please take care of yourself.  You deserve time for YOU.  

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Dear Eldri,

    Dear Eldri,

    Thanks very much for letting us know. We always need to do what is best for us first. You will be missed.

    Now, I'm so happy that you are feeling better. It seems like that 1 year marker makes a huge difference. While I didn't have nearly the issues that you had to endure, I have noticed a marked improvement in my stamina. Almost like a light switch. Anyway, I hope you find a sense of peace and can put all of this behind you are just live your best life. Take care my friend.

    Love and Hugs,





  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Eldri, I understand

    Eldri, I understand completely.  While I still check this board every day, I am not on multiple times during the day as I was.  We'll miss you, but we know you're still around.  You've got to do what's right for you.



  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited January 2017 #6

    DITTO what everyone else has said.  Wishing you SO MUCH peace, happiness and continued feeling better!!!  We will miss you and so glad you didn't just disappear and leave us wondering.  (((HUGS)))

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    I'll be missing you

    I certainly understand the needing a break and you deserve one.  You have been through a lot.  I am so glad that you are starting to feel better.  Maybe now you can put the big C behind you.  May you always dance with good old MR. NED.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Best wishes Eldri! We will


    Best wishes Eldri! We will miss you, but you must do what is good for you. Go out and enjoy life

  • bluesmama
    bluesmama Member Posts: 125 Member
    Totally understand!

    Hey EZ. You probably won't see this and that's totally ok. I did the same thing. And what I've discovered is should you ever come back, even if just to say hello, we'll be here. 

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    Good luck

    I've had to take breaks from time to time, so totally understand.  I wish you the very best and have enjoyed being part of your life, even under these awful circumstances.

  • Hi Eldri and all

    I stopped posting on the site for the same reason.  I'm not all clear, having some pains which I imagine is a recurrance, but can't be worried until it's diagnosed.  However, I refuse to feel bad, and I hate that I can't be a cheerleader for the new ones.  I appreciate all the members that stick it out, but It takes a lot out of me to be cheerful, helpful, when I just want to forget(?).  Thank you all who are healthier than I, or have more courage than I, for being there.  I do read the posts, just don't contribute.  And all in all, I might be OK?  Hugs Nancy

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member

    It is so good to hear from you.  Don't waste any precious time worrying about things you don't know about.  Just enjoy your time feeling better.  Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • Unknown
    edited January 2017 #13
    Lou Ann M said:


    It is so good to hear from you.  Don't waste any precious time worrying about things you don't know about.  Just enjoy your time feeling better.  Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

    Lou Ann, you are one of the amazing!

    There are several "old timers" (not in age, but in battling this cancer), that I admire.  You are one of them, who inspire me to not give up, to always look for the sun, and I hope and wish the best for you.  Hugs Nancy

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Nancy, as soon as I saw

    Nancy, as soon as I saw "Donswife48" I thought, "Donswife!!!!"  Thanks for checking in and go enjoy life!!!  

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Glad to hear from you Nancy.

    Glad to hear from you Nancy. I hope you find those pains to be nothing but birthday accumulations! :-)

    We all have our limits on providing support while dealing with our own "stuff"!  I hope you find sunshine every day.

    Thanks for posting. It was really nice to see you.

    Love and Hugs,


  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    I will miss you.  Those darn

    I will miss you.  Those darn reacurances bothered me too.  I had to avoid them at times.  I understand that you need to get off.  You might not even read this and thats okay. 

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    Eldri, maybe we should just

    Eldri, maybe we should just think of it as "graduating"? You're moving on but will always be an important part of this board. Come back and visit whenever you like - or not - I think we all get it.

    It's great to have experienced so many of us graduating from needing so much support and then moving on to bigger and better things. I've even noticed myself tapering off my visits as my "normal" life has started taking more of my time. 

    Good luck to you, Eldri and best wishes for a fun, long and wonderful life! Kim

  • beccabtown
    beccabtown Member Posts: 234
    Good luck, Eldri! Wishing you

    Good luck, Eldri! Wishing you a long and happy life with no recurrences.

  • derMaus
    derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member
    edited January 2017 #19
    Kvdyson said:

    Eldri, maybe we should just

    Eldri, maybe we should just think of it as "graduating"? You're moving on but will always be an important part of this board. Come back and visit whenever you like - or not - I think we all get it.

    It's great to have experienced so many of us graduating from needing so much support and then moving on to bigger and better things. I've even noticed myself tapering off my visits as my "normal" life has started taking more of my time. 

    Good luck to you, Eldri and best wishes for a fun, long and wonderful life! Kim

    "Graduating" is a wonderful term

    "Graduating" is a wonderful term. You can 'graduate' but still go back and see your old friends if you like! I'm also glad to hear from you - was wondering if everything was OK. I always struggle with how much time I'm spending in my real life (vs. Cancerville), and you and Eldri have given me some good insights. 

  • Scotgirl
    Scotgirl Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2017 #20
    Good times not to be shadowed by fear - seek therapy if you can

    Eldri, I am not yet in your position but look forward to feeling good again physically. My last chemo will be Jan 31st and although I dropped Taxol from my combo of Carbol/Taxol this past treatment, I may also opt out on the last Carbo only infusion. My medical oncologist brought up the next phase of recovery this past treatment and discussed with me how difficult it can be, that is, dealing with the completion of treatment. She suggested seeking out a follow up program that will help deal with what you are experiencing. I do believe I will enroll in a program that will give me the psychological tools to help me enjoy the future I have worked so hard to obtain, I don't want to waste another moment waiting . . . Enjoy your well being now, you've earned it! 

  • rcdeman
    rcdeman Member Posts: 263 Member
    edited February 2017 #21
    Dear Eldri, you've been one

    Dear Eldri, you've been one of those constants that have been so encouraging to not only me but to many more around here. Your voice here on the forums will definitely be missed, but I understand your concern. I just hope that you come back again once in a while to keep us updated on how you are.

    I thank you for all the help and support you've given to me and my mom.
