5 Year Anniversary and 2 Days Later a Growth on Kidney

Chris Ptown
Chris Ptown Member Posts: 116

Hi everyone.  I hope you are all doing good and will doing even better soon.  I can't believe that on Dec 21st I celebrated my 5 year anniversary and then on Christmas Eve I had a CT scan at the ER because of adominal pains and they found a 2.8 cm growth on my left kidney.  I am trying to not to freak out but honestly, I have had enough.  I lost my mother four years ago and my sister a year and a half ago.  Just sick of it all.  Have any of you ever had a growth on your kidney?  I see a urologist in Beverly, MA on January 6th.  Wish me luck.  I really hope you are all doing well.  I don't come here anymore because I am trying to move on with my life but since the support I received over 5 years ago on here, and since then, from so many of you, it brings me back.  Hugs.



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited December 2016 #2
    Hi Chris!

    It's good to see you here again, however, I'm sorry to hear you now have another worry with your kidney.  I certainly hope you find out it's benign in nature and that it will require no treatment.  I, myself, have been dealing with kidney issues, having been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease in October 2015.  However, my issues are a bit different than yours.  Kidney cysts are quite common and usually benign, so I hope that will be the case for you.  I hope your pain has subsided and that you will get good news when you see the doctor on Jan. 6th.  Please keep us posted and take care!


  • Chris Ptown
    Chris Ptown Member Posts: 116
    mp327 said:

    Hi Chris!

    It's good to see you here again, however, I'm sorry to hear you now have another worry with your kidney.  I certainly hope you find out it's benign in nature and that it will require no treatment.  I, myself, have been dealing with kidney issues, having been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease in October 2015.  However, my issues are a bit different than yours.  Kidney cysts are quite common and usually benign, so I hope that will be the case for you.  I hope your pain has subsided and that you will get good news when you see the doctor on Jan. 6th.  Please keep us posted and take care!


    Martha the Angel Strikes Again

    Martha I really don't know what to say about you except that you are one of the nicest people I have never met.  LOL.  You are ALWAYS thinking of everyone else!  You were the first person that helped calm me down over 5 years ago on here and the first to respond today.  You are wonderful.  I am hoping and praying that your kidney issues can be controlled.  I know nothing about anything probably because I don't like to think about bad stuff.  I have had Type 2 Diabetes since 2005 and then the anal cancer in 2011.  I just don't want anything else.  I know it probably sounds selfish.  Thank you again for being so great to me and to pretty much everyone else that seeks comfort and information in here.  xoxo

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited December 2016 #4

    Thank you for your more than kind words.  I am so humbled.  However, we are all in this together.  I often think of that last scene in the last episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show where they did a group hug, then all stepped towards the door still hugging.  lol! 

    My kidney issues seem to be stable right now, thankfully, so I am not too worried about that.  I will try not to worry about yours and I hope you will find a way to distract your mind from worry too.  I know what you mean about not wanting anything else to go wrong.  I am the poster child for multiple diseases/conditions, having been diagnosed with hydrocephalus in 1993, anal cancer in 2008, kidney disease in 2015, then dealing with all of the other stuff that goes along with everything.  I am still on the right side of the grass, however, and so are you, so let's keep the faith together!

    Your kind words are just what I needed to hear today, so I thank you for being such a good friend to me.  You will get through this, whatever it turns out to be, which I hope is nothing of concern.  You hang in there and be good to yourself!  Please keep us posted.  XOXO

  • Lorikat
    Lorikat Member Posts: 681 Member
    Hello Chris...  I'm back for

    Hello Chris...  I'm back for a visit myself at 5 years and 2 months post treatment.  Having a lesion removed from my tongue tomorrow..  biopsy was done and came back precancerous.  Crossing fingers!

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    Lorikat said:

    Hello Chris...  I'm back for

    Hello Chris...  I'm back for a visit myself at 5 years and 2 months post treatment.  Having a lesion removed from my tongue tomorrow..  biopsy was done and came back precancerous.  Crossing fingers!


    So sorry to hear this, but atleast it was caught early.  I hope it will be completely removed, you will heal quickly, and it will be done!  I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope all goes well!

  • Chris Ptown
    Chris Ptown Member Posts: 116
    Lorikat said:

    Hello Chris...  I'm back for

    Hello Chris...  I'm back for a visit myself at 5 years and 2 months post treatment.  Having a lesion removed from my tongue tomorrow..  biopsy was done and came back precancerous.  Crossing fingers!


    Good luck dear and hope you heal up quickly.  Hugs

  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

    I am so sorry that your 5 year celebration has been dampened by this news, but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers that this kidney issue is easily and quickly managed. 

    I think sometimes it seems that once we are treated for cancer, and then when things have been going well for sometime and suddenly something is noted on a scan....our first response is panic!! Remind yourself that if you had never had reason to have a follow-up in the first place, you may never even know about this. If it is something serious, it can now be treated, and hopefully, its something that will prove to be a minor glitch in your "celebration"....

    I will think of you on Jan. 6th and send positive virtual vibes your way!


  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    edited December 2016 #9
    Lorikat said:

    Hello Chris...  I'm back for

    Hello Chris...  I'm back for a visit myself at 5 years and 2 months post treatment.  Having a lesion removed from my tongue tomorrow..  biopsy was done and came back precancerous.  Crossing fingers!


    Thinking of you, hoping all went well today and maybe a good reason to eat cool soothing ice cream this weekend!


  • Chris Ptown
    Chris Ptown Member Posts: 116
    eihtak said:


    I am so sorry that your 5 year celebration has been dampened by this news, but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers that this kidney issue is easily and quickly managed. 

    I think sometimes it seems that once we are treated for cancer, and then when things have been going well for sometime and suddenly something is noted on a scan....our first response is panic!! Remind yourself that if you had never had reason to have a follow-up in the first place, you may never even know about this. If it is something serious, it can now be treated, and hopefully, its something that will prove to be a minor glitch in your "celebration"....

    I will think of you on Jan. 6th and send positive virtual vibes your way!




    Thank you so much.  You folks on this website are so kind and supportive.  I feel guilty for not coming on here more to give back the support.  All I know is that you've all given me a much more positive attitude about this Friday than I had before.

    Thanks again Katheryn, Lori, Martha and everyone else.  Hope 2017 is a good year for us all.



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    As someone who is dealing with their own iffy kidneys, I understand your fears.  However, I think you and I are going to be just fine.  Happy New Year!


  • Bella_G
    Bella_G Member Posts: 30 Member
    Sending best wishes


    I am sending best wishes for your health regarding your kidney growth.

    Please send updates as you can.

  • AmyD1310
    AmyD1310 Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2017 #13

    Hi Chris.


    Unfortunately, I'm new to this whole thing, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I am sending healing thoughts your way.

    Kind regards,


  • qv62
    qv62 Member Posts: 434 Member
    Hello to all and sending

    Hello to all and sending healing wishes to Martha, Chris & Lori. I haven't been on the board in some time but came to check in for the new year. I wish you all good health and blessings for 2017. 2016 presented some challenges here at our home and I have been counting down to the new year to start over. It's actually not starting off as planned. I am scheduled for a hemi-thyroidectomy in 2 weeks. I have a nodule on my thyroid that showed suspicious cells on my last biopsy. Maybe my starting over will begin in February ;)

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    OMG, I have thought of you many times and have wondered how you were doing.  I'm sorry that you have had a somewhat rough year and are now facing surgery on your thyroid.  That is not a good way to begin the new year, but I hope all goes well and that after that, it will be smooth sailing for you.  I hope you'll come back when you are able after your surgery to let us know how things went.  I wish you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

    Thank you for thinking of me.  I am still around and, despite some of my own challenges, I am doing well.  My years always seem to be a mix of good and not so good, so 2017 will probably be more of the same.  All I can do is keep going.

    I wish you a better year ahead.  Get that surgery done and over with and things will be much better--that is my hope for you.  Take good care!


  • qv62
    qv62 Member Posts: 434 Member
    edited January 2017 #16
    mp327 said:


    OMG, I have thought of you many times and have wondered how you were doing.  I'm sorry that you have had a somewhat rough year and are now facing surgery on your thyroid.  That is not a good way to begin the new year, but I hope all goes well and that after that, it will be smooth sailing for you.  I hope you'll come back when you are able after your surgery to let us know how things went.  I wish you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

    Thank you for thinking of me.  I am still around and, despite some of my own challenges, I am doing well.  My years always seem to be a mix of good and not so good, so 2017 will probably be more of the same.  All I can do is keep going.

    I wish you a better year ahead.  Get that surgery done and over with and things will be much better--that is my hope for you.  Take good care!



    Thanks or the encouragement and warm welcome back Martha, it's so nice to be back in touch and I will certainly be popping on the board more often in 2017. Wishing you a great day !

  • Tonora
    Tonora Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2017 #17
    5 year mark

    I reached the 5 year mark in February of 2016.  On December 30, 2016, after  laprascopic surgery  to remove a nodule on my liver, it was discovered that I had a number of squamous cell tumors on my peritoneum (3 on the liver, one on the diaphragm, one on the small bowel and one on the falciform ligament).  Because of the number of turmors found, the surgeon did not remover the lesion pressing on the liver.  I am waiting to hear what type of chemo treatment the oncologist will put me thru.  Radiation and surgery are not options. I will have a full petct scan on Wednesday, and after treatment begins, they will scan me every three months to see if the tumors are shrinking or growing.  I had my first port removed about a year after my initial treatment and just had a power port installed this past Friday.

    Is there anyone out there that has had a similar spread of their anal cancer?


  • 7243
    7243 Member Posts: 249 Member
    I hear your pain and sadness.

    I hear your pain and sadness.  I'm so sorry.  How are you today?  Any idea about the kidney mass?  Thinking of you and sending support. 

  • Workman
    Workman Member Posts: 2
    Best wishes for all

    Best wishes to all here that are back in the fight. I am 2 years out and working through side effects from treatment. 

  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    edited January 2017 #20
    Tonora said:

    5 year mark

    I reached the 5 year mark in February of 2016.  On December 30, 2016, after  laprascopic surgery  to remove a nodule on my liver, it was discovered that I had a number of squamous cell tumors on my peritoneum (3 on the liver, one on the diaphragm, one on the small bowel and one on the falciform ligament).  Because of the number of turmors found, the surgeon did not remover the lesion pressing on the liver.  I am waiting to hear what type of chemo treatment the oncologist will put me thru.  Radiation and surgery are not options. I will have a full petct scan on Wednesday, and after treatment begins, they will scan me every three months to see if the tumors are shrinking or growing.  I had my first port removed about a year after my initial treatment and just had a power port installed this past Friday.

    Is there anyone out there that has had a similar spread of their anal cancer?



    Wow, I am so sorry for this challenge you now face. I can relate somewhat in that at about 4 1/2 years post treatment I was dx with a large tumor in my lung as well as a few scattered areas "to watch" in other places. I was able to have the tumor in my lung removed surgically by having my whole left lower lobe removed, however followed with an aggressive course of chemo. I was given Cisplatin / 5FU (the same as my initial chemo) but for a longer period. That was now 2 years ago......I have been doing well, but recently have noticed some shortness of breath and have appointments in a week to see just whats going on.

    I wish you well as you tackle this, and will have you in my thoughts and prayers for healing.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    eihtak said:


    Wow, I am so sorry for this challenge you now face. I can relate somewhat in that at about 4 1/2 years post treatment I was dx with a large tumor in my lung as well as a few scattered areas "to watch" in other places. I was able to have the tumor in my lung removed surgically by having my whole left lower lobe removed, however followed with an aggressive course of chemo. I was given Cisplatin / 5FU (the same as my initial chemo) but for a longer period. That was now 2 years ago......I have been doing well, but recently have noticed some shortness of breath and have appointments in a week to see just whats going on.

    I wish you well as you tackle this, and will have you in my thoughts and prayers for healing.



    Wishing you all the best with your appt next week.  I hope the cause of your shortness of breath is something minor and benign in nature.
