Worried about cervical cancer

Hi everyone. I wanted to ask a few questions about cervical cancer. I'm 28 and I've never had a pap smear. I honestly never realized how important they are and that cervical cancer is from hpv that everyone contracts so I always put the gynecologist off because I never had a reason to go. I booked an appt for the 21st. I've worked myself up into a sweat thinking that because I've never had one, I must have cancer. I've never been super sexually active. I always wanted to wait until marriage to have sex. I had a few oral sex partners from 17 until 23. At 25, my long term bf and I had sex probably around 5 times then broke up. I've read that cervical cancer takes awhile to develop but in my mind i keep thinking, if a partner gave me hpv from performing oral sex on me when I was younger, I would most definitely have advanced cancer by now. I've been so scared these past few days. I do get some pelvic pain (nothing terrible) but I've been getting it since I was around 20. I've always thought it was from exercising. I have no bleeding in between periods. No bloody or abnormal discharge. What is the likelihood that I have cervical cancer? Thanks. I would really appreciate all the help. I'm having trouble eating and feel really depressed.


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Get checked


    Don't spend your time worrying unless you are really having an issued and then the best thing would be to get a PAP smear.   It takes 10 years for cervical cancer to grow.  Further, HPV isnt always active.   Go get your PAP smear.  They only test for HPV if your PAP comes back abnormal.   I only have had my last two PAP smears come back abnormal (after 20 years).   And only one of them came back as HPV positive.   And that doesn't mean that I will get cervical cancer, but they will watch for anything abnormal.  

    You need to face your fear of going to the gyne and getting your PAP.

  • Wendykroyxo
    Wendykroyxo Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for responding. I don

    Thanks for responding. I don't have a fear of going, I honestly just never knew how important it was. I have an appointment for the 21st of this month. Is it possible for it to be dormant then when it activates it takes 10 years or does is take 10 years from when you got hpv?

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    Wendy, I think going to a gyn

    Wendy, I think going to a gyn regularly is a good idea.  Regular paps will be part of your history.  Your questions are great to ask the gynecologist as well.  

  • phokwane
    phokwane Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2017 #5
    Advice:: weakness and swollen feet, is chemotherapy or radiation

    Hi everyone,  my mom was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2014. I dnt know if the intervention was late as only end of 2016 she was booked for a chemotherapy;but still it was delayed due to some tests that the gyno said they needed to be done. So the chemotherapy will be done end of February. She is 60 years now and she is asleep most of the time, she has swollen feet up to the knees,she has a lot of hallucinations of late,sometimes incoherent speech; she needs and aid to walk and vey week, she is on high blood treatment. So will chemotherapy still be effective? 

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    edited January 2017 #6
    Phokwane, I would recommend

    Phokwane, I would recommend calling the doctor's and ask them.  Everyone is different and she has other health issues that need to be monitored.   She'll want to be checked for lymphedemia too. 

  • phokwane
    phokwane Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for reply

    Thanks for the response, she is admitted in hospital now to address those complications i mentioned;but she vomits frequently and does not eat well.

  • Cathyn408
    Cathyn408 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2017 #8

    please go get check if you have any moments of unsurity. Let me tell you about me. Like you, I am 28 years old. What you don't know is that I am a single mom (teen parent) and am a NURSE! Back in December, i started having feelings like my insides were going to fall out. Then I had abnormal bleeding and blood clots. Before that I was on birthcontrol so realize that I KNEW something wasn't right. It wasn't normal for ME! I went to the ER..the one I used to work at as an Emergency Room Nurse....I repeatedly had concerns that something was wrong. The Doctor who I used to work with did not do a pelvic exam even after I have expressed my concerns. He ordered a pregnancy test and discharge me with "dysmenorrhea" and "menorrhagia". It just means painful menstruation and heavy bleeding during menstruation. Why? Because I am a 28 year old and those symptoms were normal for my age group. sadly if only that was the truth. A month later I went to my gynecologist for a pap smear because I was due for one...the result of all this? Stage 2 cervical cancer...and now I am in the process of still getting treatment. I will write more when I have the time, but for now...I tell all my patients this even before my issues arise. You know your body more than anyone knows you, so if something does not feel "right" to you...go get it checked out. I cannot stress that enough.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    Cathyrn, you are right when

    Cathyrn, you are right when you say, "know your body".  

    Yes, please do let us know how you are doing.