husband had 4cm lesion waiting to see specialist

Hi, new here and first post.  My husband had an MRI for other reasons and they found a 4.1 x 2.5 x 4.2 lesion on his rght kidney and other small lesions they didnt measure.  The Dr referred him to a Urologic Onchologist - that alone freaked us out, then because the first availalble appt is not until January I have called daily to see is there are any cancellations, when I called the first time the lady looked at his chart and went and asked a nurse if they could fit him in "because of his diagnoses" - we don't have a diagnoses!!!!! 

The waiting is killing us, does he have cancer?  Maybe not?  The office person sounds like it.  


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    edited December 2016 #2
    Dont Panic!

    The appointment will come round sooner than you think. Just the thought of cancer is enough to drive anybody crazy. But for the moment there is not a great deal you can do.

    Please remember that Cancer is not a death sentence anymore. I was diagnosed with the worst possible grade of kidney cancer in May 2013 and I'm still here and thriving. There are plenty of others who have been here longer than I.

    But, as you said, you havent even been diagnosed yet. Try not to worry (ha!) and enjoy Christmas.

    Good luck.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited December 2016 #3
    Glad you found us, but please

    Glad you found us, but please, take a breath and we will be here for you. IF this is kidney cancer, his lesion is small enough to be stage I which is really good. Most of the time, our tumors are caught accidently looking for something else. The Urologist will go over your test, but probably will order a CT. It is more precise for what he's looking for. i know, I had an MRI and had to be sent back for CT.  Mine was about the same size and I am going on 3 years=no more sign of cancer!

    You are monitored for several years so you'll be in good hands. Once the pathologist examines the  removed tumor will you know for sure if its cancer. the surgeon (Urologist) can tell you what he suspects. He may do a "partial"which is only removing the tumor and surrounding tissues and leave the rest of the kidney. Otherwise, he may have  "radical" which means whole kidney will be removed due to various reasons, like the position and such. i had to have a radical because tumor was near the blood supply area.

    Ask if this surgeon does robatic, laproscopic surgeries. I have had 2 and found the recovery easier than my other abdominal surgeries for other things.

    We will be here for you and your husband. So ask away and know that most likely your husband can likely beat this with surgery. 

    Now breathe.. and let us know how things are going.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Get a copy


    Get a copy of the MRI report. It may recommend a CT scan. If it does see if the doctor will order one pending the appoinment as that may likely be requested at the time of the apoointment. At 4cm even if it turns out to be Cancer it  is still small and unlikely to spread anytime soon. I was in your husband's situation almost 15 years ago.  I know you don't feel that way, but consider yourself lucky that it wasn't diagnosed further down the road.



  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

    Jan is right even if it is cancer the findings were small and that would indicate a probable T1, wich comes with  a very high survival rate.  And you have not even found out if it is cancer chances are good it is not.  January 1 will get here soon enough and your husband is not at risk at this point.  Please understand that won't take away your anxiety but know we are here for you, for questions and information, or just so you can vent.


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited December 2016 #6
    Welcome Figment

    There's lots of good news here.  1. It's small and obviously caught early on and 2. these are typically very slow growing.  Important to keep this in mind because although January seems like forever away and it's gnawing at you, very little will change within that time frame.  But press on and maybe you'll be able to get in sooner.

    I wish you & your husband the best and will be praying for you.  Please keep us posted.


  • db8ne1
    db8ne1 Member Posts: 142 Member
    edited December 2016 #7
    I waited 19 months before I had surgery

    Sorry you are on this board - but you will find lots of good info and supportive people here.

    Just for some perspective - I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colorectal Cancer (CRC) in December 2012.  At the same time, they discovered a mass on my left kidney.  Because it was small, we "watched" it for 19 months while I underwent CRC chemo/radiation and surgery and follow-up chemo.  Once recovered from that, we decided the kidney cancer had grown a bit and was "ripe" for the picking.  Had a DaVinci robotic assisted partial nephrectomy in July 2014.  At time of removal - it was still stage 1.  (Unlikely to return at this stage...).

    Generally (at least the type of RCC I had) - it is slow growing.  So, a few week wait is unlikely to change either the stage nor the outcome. Further, while cancer may be suspected - I don't think that they really can confirm it is malignant until it is removed and sent to pathology. When mine was being watched my urologist told me, "If it grows it is cancer and we take it out".  

    That said, I wish you all the best and will keep you in my prayers. Please be sure to keep us updated.



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    I know it is always a shock

    I know it is always a shock hearing this news. My 13 cm tumor was discovered the end of September and I didn't have surgery until December. It felt like a very long wait. I had stage 3, with lymphovascular invasion. It is now 3 years and have been in the clear!

    Chin up, we are here for you!



  • figment4896
    figment4896 Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2016 #9
    Thank you all for the support

    I have read all of the comments, I do feel better.  He is not focused on it right now, which is great, however I can't help but be concerned.  

    Some history - He has PSC (primary sclerosing cholangitis) a rare liver disease that caused him to also have US (ulcerative colitis) - the US was so bad he had his colon removed in 2013, his recovery was HARD, he was to have jpouch connected 6 weeks after colon removal however we waited a year because he had such a hard time, so jpouch take down was in 2014.

    I am guessing that this tumor removal surgery will be MUCH eaiser then either of these surgeries. He has has so many strange things happen including his appentix removed twice, yes twice, the second was a stump, along with the PSC and UC.  

    Thankfully we are near Duke so a great place to be and get great care and treatment.  

    Thank you all for the encouragemnt and support

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member

    Thank you all for the support

    I have read all of the comments, I do feel better.  He is not focused on it right now, which is great, however I can't help but be concerned.  

    Some history - He has PSC (primary sclerosing cholangitis) a rare liver disease that caused him to also have US (ulcerative colitis) - the US was so bad he had his colon removed in 2013, his recovery was HARD, he was to have jpouch connected 6 weeks after colon removal however we waited a year because he had such a hard time, so jpouch take down was in 2014.

    I am guessing that this tumor removal surgery will be MUCH eaiser then either of these surgeries. He has has so many strange things happen including his appentix removed twice, yes twice, the second was a stump, along with the PSC and UC.  

    Thankfully we are near Duke so a great place to be and get great care and treatment.  

    Thank you all for the encouragemnt and support

    Wow, Figment

    Sounds as though you and your husband could teach us all a bunch about persevering in general. 

    My small kidney mass was discovered in March. They finally did surgery this Tuesday and removed "Bob the Blob." That I'm sitting at my kitchen table this evening typing this, shows that while -- yes, it's major surgery -- at least for some of us it's not even the surgical ordeal your hubby has already been through. 

    Hang in there. As you've seen, some great advice and encouragement here. Keep us posted.
