Mucinous adenocarcinoma with signet ring cell

Mandades Member Posts: 1
edited December 2016 in Colorectal Cancer #1

hello I've recently been dx with the above. Surgeon has said it's confined to pelvic area, originating in my rectum. I've got crohns disease and have had a recto-vaginal fistula for years. I'm expecting to undergo ileostomy, hysterectomy and possible vaginectomy very soon. Anybody out there had/have this and can share their experiences please?


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    edited December 2016 #2
    My word!

    Thats quite the surgical list. I hope its not so complete, leaving you with somthing to play with. 

    I have not had any of the surgeries you mention, just your regular down the line Bowel resection. 

    I would like to welcome you to the forum and wish you well. We are all here for you in your times of need, and whenever you care to visit. 


  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    edited December 2016 #3
    I just had a partial vaginectomy

    I've had the hysterectomy as well.  That was easy compared to the rest.  Pleased that my partial vaginectomy left me enough to play with.  We weren't sure if I'd need vaginal reconstruction or vaginal dilation.  Fortunately I needed neither.

  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member

    Wow, you have a lot on you!  I cannot help out with the ileostomy or vaginectomy.  I just had the colon resection and then about a year later I had the hysterectomy.  Both were due to adenocarcinoma.  

    Are they going to do all the surgeries at once?  How will the ileostomy work?  Are they going to repair the fistula at the same time?  As for my hysterectomy, it was complete and required old fashioned cutting surgery due to the previous abdominal surgery.  Hospital stay was 5 days and recovery was about 6 weeks.  I believe it would not have been that long, but I was not optimized for that surgery having ended chemo for the colon cancer just 4 months prior.  The main thing I can advise is to move about as much as possible and as soon as possible after surgery, stay well-hydrated, and follow whatever nutritional guidelines you are given.  Don't let pain get on top of you before you handle it.  It's better to keep it away than trying to get it down after it has gotten bad.  That being said, I had very little pain from the hysterectomy; mainly discomfort.

    My mother had a vaginectomy, but hers was atypical due to lack of healing caused by an undiagnosed colon cancer.  I do know that it was uncomfortable for her and her recovery was difficult.  

    Please keep us posted.  I hate that you had to find us, but I'm glad you did, since you are in this situation.  Best wishes and hugs.