Pain, abdominal ache, bloating etc. etc.

Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
edited November 2016 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

Hi all,

I need to pick your brains.  I have been having pain like a period coming on- that's the best I can describe it.  My abdomen is tender aching and distended, it feels like I have overies that are aching, low back ache and unexplained weight gain.  This is all very alarming since I have nothing in there and that is exactly the same as what got me to the Dr. in the first place along with spotting.

I have recently had blood drawn to see how my hormones are after being slammed into menopause.  They are also wondering if it is possibly lymph related but I only had 10 nodes removed???

Today I had an ultrasound and they said everything looked as expected with a radical hysterectomy (April 28).  Next week I am having more acupuncture, more IV therapy and seeing a licensed massage therapist and then a pelvic floor specialist.

Is there anyone who has experienced this post treatment?  I finished chemo Sept. 21st.  Other than my bladder being tender during chemo this is all new within the last few weeks.

Appreciate anyone chiming in.  I have NOT gotten my gyn/onc involved yet as she made it pretty clear that this is the most safe time cancer-wise so I am thinking it is possibly scar tissue or lymph or my body getting used to having a large empty space to fill?????  I will see her Dec. 21st forsure as that is my 2nd check up after chemo.

Thanks much  (((HUGS)))


  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    edited November 2016 #2
    My chemo ended end of June

    My chemo ended end of June and I still have some pains that I believe are mainly related to constipation, but just recently I have had some lower back pain, too. I'm not sure what that is all about, but it concerns me a little. It's easy to think it's something bad like cancer, but I try to think it may be I just lifted something wrong.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    It's so darn hard not to

    It's so darn hard not to become a hypochondriac!!  Every little twing or twitch and I think the cancer is back.  I recently added an additional 500 mg of Metformin and my GP told me to take it with an evening meal.  I didn't - I took it right before I went to bed on an empty stomach.  About 3:30 a.m. I woke up in terrible stomach pain and the first thing I thought is the d*mn cancer is back in my stomach.  It took me two nights of this until I remembered what my doctor had said about when to take it.  When I took it with a meal, I have been fine.  My point is, things we would have just ignored or taken an asprin or tylenol now becomes a huge issue.  But....what else can we do??  It COULD be a huge issue and what if we ignored it?  

    I wish I could tell you what to do but I don't even know what to do for myself (((Nell))).



  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    edited November 2016 #4

    So, I have had some of those things and still do!  My initial surgery was 11 years ago.   I had the unexplained weight gain.  My doctor said American's eat too much.   But I didn't!   It seems they don't worry when you gain weight only if you lose but I know something wasn't right.   But all my tests were normal.   This is how I explain it.   I say I have "Achy bowels".   It caused lower back ache.   Mine is mainly on the left side.   I do have some soft tissue masses but they have been watched and tested and nothing comes of them.   My achy bowels get worse when I get a little backed up.    I also have this thing where I realize that I am in pain.  Not the pain that you get from hitting something or a splitter.   The achiness is the pain.  Once I take a tylenol or motrin I feel so much better.

    But keep mentioning it to your doctor.  They will look more closing at the scans if you get them.    I did have a recurrence five years after my initial diagnoses and the only thing different was I was needing tylenol or motrin almost once a day.    I've been good since then but recently I have had unexplained weight gain again which I mention to every doctor I go to and the achiness is back.   But like I said I do have a PET positive (low) soft tissue mass that has been there since 2010.

    Did you have brachytherapy?   It can cause scar tissue to form in various places too.



  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited November 2016 #5
    Thanks Soup, Eldri and Kaleena

    No brachytheraphy or any rad.  I chose not to go that route.  They say they have nothing to watch on me- no CA 125 as my numbers never changed by much the whole time- no scans unless there is something going on.  My Dr. didn't even want to do the ultrasound which now I've had but it looked normal.  She said I'm probably still healing from surgery and there could be scar tissue from that ....

    I take natural things to keep me regular otherwise constipation is a problem.  I am super careful about everything I eat and drink and I am walking almost every day- almost back up to 2 miles- not quite there as the fatigue is awful and the pain down my right hip and leg and across my lower back - my knees take turns... urgh  But seriously- is that enough to account for this stupid unexplained weight gain?!  I can't wait to see what the hormone panel shows- maybe it's just something to do with menopause?  I get a little frantic about weight gain since I worked so hard to lose 250 lbs!  I can't go back to that!!!!  Stupid C----r I was living my 2nd life - kicks ground - stomps feet :(  waa 

    Ok- rant over.  I appreciate the input- most certainly helps to know that I'm not alone!!!   (((HUGS)))