Another Newbie to group

Just diagnosed with SCC in a lymph node on the left side of the neck about two weeks ago.  PET scan confirmed mass but found nothing else anywhere.  ENT surgeon has removed tonsils (not so fun for a 63 yr old but am recovering ok).  He also biopsied a couple of other places at the base of tounge and in the throat.  No results yet from those biopsies.  The plan is to do a partial neck dissection in two weeks to remove the swollen node and some others nearby.  At the moment, we're just expecting targeted radiation to start about 4 weeks after the neck dissection.  Not talking chemo yet but again, still looking for results of most recent biopsies.  Working on taking things day by day.  


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry that you are here, but it is a good place to pick up information.

    One day at a time is good.  Read through the superthread and check out old posts, that way you cover all your bases.

    Start drinking water and swallowing often, it is important and seemingly easy to do.

    Good luck,


  • aiken109
    aiken109 Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2016 #3
    CivilMatt said:



    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry that you are here, but it is a good place to pick up information.

    One day at a time is good.  Read through the superthread and check out old posts, that way you cover all your bases.

    Start drinking water and swallowing often, it is important and seemingly easy to do.

    Good luck,



    Thanks Matt.  Biopsy results confirm origin was in left tonsil.  Current plan still on track.

  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    edited November 2016 #4
    Step by Step

    Hi Aiken109,

    I think for now your last sentence, and as Matt suggest, take things day by day. Try not to get ahead of of yourself or your doctors and medical team. I've TRIED to do this since July 1991. I've have done my best to follow this matra and so far so good. It's not always easy to do on the tough days and stretches of uncertainty but hang in there.

    All the best josh r.