Natural ways to deal with nausea?

Hello, last month I was diagnosed with TNBC and I started my first chemo Wednesday. Three day's later and the nausea is awful. Wondering if anyone has natural remedies for nausea or foods that will help me with this. This is no fun but I am remaining positive. I do have take home medications but it seems not to work.



  • takingcontrol58
    takingcontrol58 Member Posts: 278 Member
    edited November 2016 #2
    Dealing with nausea

    Chemo kills all your gut bacteria, the good and the bad, which is why you get nausea.

    I would suggest you take probiotics, which will replace the good bacteria. Luckily, I never once
    got nausea during my 6 treatments of Taxol/Carbo.

    You have to replacewhat the chemo is destroying, that is why supplementation is important.



  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    Ginger root capsules

    Helped me a lot, but I also stuck with all of the anti nausea meds they gave me. Best of luck to you.

  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    edited November 2016 #4
    The meds didnt help me much

    I took the medication they recommended, but I was still terribly sick. The only thing that seemed to help was eating bland foods such as grits (I'm from the south) or oatmeal. Bananas were good. Tell your doctors though, they may be able to change your meds for better results. And remember chemo doesn't last forever, you'll get thru this!!

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    edited November 2016 #5

    I didn't have much nausea since the Zofran and Ativan did their job pretty well, but I did occasionally use either ginger ale or anything ginger.  Mostly, food was just not appealing to me, not true nausea - except for the last cycle.  I was able to eat and on the days that I felt yucky, I did make myself eat things like smoothies, milk shakes, etc.  I do remember that yucky feeling! 

     If your meds aren't helping, call your oncologist.  They can prescribe something different.  There are lots of anti nausea meds available.  Good luck.


  • SPRD
    SPRD Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2016 #6
    Ginger, broth

    Ginger is any form has been proven to have anti-nausea effects. You can obtain ginger in drink form (ginger ale or more natural Reeds Ginger Brew) or capsule or chews. 

    Mineral and/or bone broth are medicinal as well - and they help with hydration.

    Cold/frozen products and bland foods as mentioned are well tolerated. 

  • SLS100
    SLS100 Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2016 #7

    they said to try ginger chews, if you have trader joe's there, that is where i got mine. also ginger tea but the main thing is you have to stay on top of the meds. tahke them a little early, if you get behind it is miserable. i had meds for six hours and eight hours, this was andyomacin. good luck

  • gordonj
    gordonj Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2016 #8
    High Protein With Ginger Reduces Nausea by 5x

    A high protein diet with ginger has been shown to reduce the frequency of nausea by a factor of about five: “Reports of nausea were significantly less common among patients  treated  with  high  protein  meals  with  ginger  for  3 days  following  their  initial  chemotherapy  treatment”.
    See: “Protein  and  Ginger  for  the  Treatment  of  Chemotherapy-Induced Delayed  Nausea”
    At:; filename=Protein_and_ginger_for_the_treatment_of.pdf