post menapausal spotting

hello im new here i have been out of menopause for 4 yrs  now spotted last year once had biopsy nothing came out of it now this year have spotted once or twice after sex and this month at least 3 times after  urinating slight cramps i have always noticed a lump on right side of overary since mids 30s. im worrie since i have been spotting recentlly. my dads mom died from overian cancer wheni was 4.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,545 Member
    Dear, please go to a

    Dear, please go to a gynecologist and tell them what it going on.  Bleeding after menopause is a sign something is going on.  If the gyn says it is nothing, find another one who will FIND OUT WHAT IS GOING ON.  I put those words in caps as that what my gyn said to me.  Ultimately, if they find anything please make sure you are referred to a gynecologic oncologist.  Please don't wait until something happens again, you need to get looked at now.

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I second that! You need

    I second that! You need answers.

  • babe12
    babe12 Member Posts: 103
    I third that!! I was told my

    I third that!! I was told my spotting-bleeding was because I was at the 'jumping odd point' of menopaus. Get it checked out, if it's nothing then you will won't worry anymore!

  • susy1225
    susy1225 Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2016 #5
    please go

    hi my mom is 56 she stop like 5 yrears ago ,now she is start spottong and with also soem white yellowish discharge .

    now she been diagnosted with Vaginal cancer 2 weeks ago ,please go !!!

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,545 Member
    edited November 2016 #6
    susy, I am so sorry to hear

    susy, I am so sorry to hear about your mom.  As I hope ilovecarmelcoffee comes back to tell us how she is doing, please let us know how your mother is doing.  All are in my prayers.

  • Beverly30
    Beverly30 Member Posts: 18
    Please go to Dr.

    I had spotting after menopause. I went to Dr. they did a biopsy ,  came back clear. My nurse practitioner ordered an ultrasound, they saw something there but didn't know if it was where they did the biopsy .  I had a D&C. There is where they found adnormal cells. all my other tests were fine. Was scheduled for complete hysterectomy .  During surgery the cells were determined to be Stage 1b. Do not wait please. Be your own advocate .  My Dr. told me that the spotting is normally when we find out something is going on. 


  • susy1225
    susy1225 Member Posts: 2

    susy, I am so sorry to hear

    susy, I am so sorry to hear about your mom.  As I hope ilovecarmelcoffee comes back to tell us how she is doing, please let us know how your mother is doing.  All are in my prayers.

    thank you

    hi my mom is we look for a second opinion and we really like this dr ,he saud taht is just with chemo and radiation and a 95% of thsi type get cure .

    the doctor is very good ,she will have a pet scan on friday .

    i will keep you posted

    thank you!!!

  • kerrylf
    kerrylf Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2017 #9
    Hi all you lovely people, My name is Kerry

    Hi everyone

    I have just joined here, because i am 2 years postmenopause, have had spotting and bad cramping,also pain on urinating.  I went and had a biopsy which was negative for cancer, then an ultrasound that showed lining was 7mm, had 12mm ovary cyst on right ovary and also showed adenomyosis.  spotting has stopped but now i have extreme pain from my back going down right leg to my foot.  Doc put my on pontstan for cramping and i am awaiting an outpatient appointment to see him regarding my outcome.  Not sure how long that will be.  Has anyone else had similar thing happen with im guessing nerve pain in leg??   Thanks

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    edited August 2017 #10
    I personally never bled

    I personally never bled heavily and my journey began with just spotting and fluid gushing that just had a little blood tinge and I had to urinate a lot and it was somewhat painful. I thought it was urinarybtract infection but that was negative. I finally went to the gynecologist and had an internal ultrasound. It showed thickening. She was unable to do an endometrial biopsy, so I had a D+c. That gave me a definitive cancer diagnosis. Has it been suggested that you have a d and c? Several people had endometrial biopsy which didn't indicate cancer, but they went on to have a d and c that did say cancer.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,545 Member
    kerrylf said:

    Hi all you lovely people, My name is Kerry

    Hi everyone

    I have just joined here, because i am 2 years postmenopause, have had spotting and bad cramping,also pain on urinating.  I went and had a biopsy which was negative for cancer, then an ultrasound that showed lining was 7mm, had 12mm ovary cyst on right ovary and also showed adenomyosis.  spotting has stopped but now i have extreme pain from my back going down right leg to my foot.  Doc put my on pontstan for cramping and i am awaiting an outpatient appointment to see him regarding my outcome.  Not sure how long that will be.  Has anyone else had similar thing happen with im guessing nerve pain in leg??   Thanks

    Hi Kerry, you will find a lot

    Hi Kerry, you will find a lot of people who care here and so I ask this with the same "care" in mind.  Can you tell what kind of doctor you are working with?  I would recommend you ask a gynecologic oncologist review your file and have a chat with them.  

  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member
    Pain down leg

    You may have more than one problem at once.  Sounds like sciatica to me.  I see a good chiropractor for mine, one who adjusts my back manually.  You may have a herniated disk in your back, but you can also have sciatica without the herniated disk.  Sometimes it takes a few adjustments to get rid of it.  Try taking Aleve for a few days without stoppingand taking breaks from it.  That relieves the inflammation.