Vulva cancer on perineum

I am 3 months done with radiation and chemo. Now I have a lump on the perineum again, can it be cancer this quick. Pretty scared at this point. It doesn't hurt, but it seems like it's getting bigger. 


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    mbz, I can't give you any

    mbz, I can't give you any advice on this particular matter, but call your doctor's office and I am sure they will get you in to have a look.  It is scary and so much unknown.  Best thing is to get it looked at and I hope it is nothing. 


  • mbz
    mbz Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2016 #3
    Thank you for replying, I

    Thank you for replying, I have had my radiation doctor look at it, my chem doctor and my oncologist/gyno look, so now they are sending me to a surgeon that handles this type of stuff, because none of the other doctors know what it is. So hopefully he will have a answer. Thanks again for your comment.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    I am so happy to hear the

    I am so happy to hear the doctors are sending you to someone who specializes in it - too often we hear of doctors who think they know it all.  Let us know how it goes.

  • Thankful64
    Thankful64 Member Posts: 1
    Perineum lump

    Make sure you see a ob/gyn surgical oncologist.  I had surgery for a squamous cell cancer on the perineum 2 months ago and am glad I had a specialist.  Feel free to contact me with any questions.  This is an unusual type of cancer so there are only a few of us to share information and give support.

  • JanuaryDaybreak
    JanuaryDaybreak Member Posts: 21 Member
    mbz, any updates?

    mbz, any updates?

    Depending on the stage of your cancer, it can spread or recur quickly.  A gynecologic oncologist is your best bet, since this type of doctor can also operate if need be.  Growing masses should always be checked out.  I learned that the hard way.  :(

    Hope you ended up with a good report.  Do keep us posted, OK?