Prostate surgery



  • LvGuy1
    LvGuy1 Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2016 #42
    Surgery date

    I am going in for my pre-Op tests and also a breathing test due to my COPD on Friday 12/09 and will go in for surgery on Tuesday the 13th of December. Have to be there at 7am for a 9 am scheduled surgery as there are some medications that have to be given beforehand. I am starting to get scared and anxious at the same time and i think that it is of the unknown even tho i have done a lot of homework on this and have also looked at youtube videos of the operation and that just made it more confusing as there was no explination on what they were doing. anyways the nurses at the Drs. office have been calling me every couple of days for the last week asking how i am and if i still have any questions they can answer for me, I think that is very considerate of them. anyways if i dont post anything before the surgery I will start a new post and start out with my after surgery results for all the new people and the ones that have been so nice to answer questions and relax me when i needed it. Thanks all


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    Look for a stress relieving week-end trip before D day

    You have done an excellent "job" by becoming PCa educated. You have chosen the best treatment for your case and have a trustful team of physicians caring about the situation. Nothing else is necessary except to be confident for the D day. Forget the fear and thing that you will live to see man on Mars as much you saw man on the Moon and got a picture of Pluto.

    Best wishes for a successful surgery.


  • LvGuy1
    LvGuy1 Member Posts: 54
    Thanks VascodaGama, your an

    Thanks VascodaGama, your an inspiration to all of us 


  • Will Doran
    Will Doran Member Posts: 207 Member
    edited December 2016 #45
    3 Years ago, today


    I wish you the best on your up coming surgery.  Three years ago, today (Dec 10th), I was, at this very minute, in surgery having an RP done with DaVinci.  Surgery took 5 1/2hours due to complications from a birth defect, mesh from a double abdominal hernia repair, plus excess muscle developemnt in my thighs from road cycling. Doctor had trouble locating the lymph nodes in my right groin.  Did get through the muscle mass and found them, and then had the robot do mirror image and found the lymph nodes in my left groin area.  There was one very tiny spot in one lymph node found in the pathology.  It was so small that it hadn't shown up in my MRI's.   I started with a PSA 0f 69, and a Gleason of 3+4 -7.  At this time, My PSA is still holding at undetectable levels.  I had 8 weeks of radiation and two full years on Lupron, as follow up.  I was listed as a Stage pT3bN1, and was treated as if I was  Stage 4.  I have been off the Lupron for almost a year at this point and my Testosterone is back up in the normal range.  My"T" level had been clear down to 17, with normal being between 250 and 1,100.  I'm feeling much better at this point and we are hopeful .

    So, there is hope and don't be concerned.  The fight is a hard one, against this beast.  Fight like Hell, and don't back down.  Keep active, and exercise as much as you are allowed to do and get back to normal activity as soon as you can.  I was to get back on a treadmill after two days and did so.  Then, I was not to get on my indoor spinner bike for 8 weeks. However I bugged the "H" out of my doctors and they left me try the bike after 6 weeks.  They said I'd know if I was doing too much.  All went well and I'm back to up to 2 hours per day on my spinner, Plus weight lifting and physical therapy exercises that were given to me as follow up.    I don't feel secure out on the road anymore so do all my exercise indoors. 

    Know that you are in my thoughs and prayers.  Fight hard and don't back down to this beast. 

    Best wishes for a fast recovery.

    Love, Peace and God Bless


  • LvGuy1
    LvGuy1 Member Posts: 54
    Postponement of Surgery

    Great... The had to cancell my surgery for tomorrow because the Hospital did not do a full breathing function test. now they cant do anything until at least middle of January, and that means another month of pacing and second guessing myself again. God i wish this would just be done and gone with. sorry guys just a little depressed and know you will understand my feelings, This club sucks royally somedays can i revoke my membership ?

  • LvGuy1
    LvGuy1 Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2016 #47
    surgery update

    Had the VA give me a call after i talked to the Urologist's office today and they are going to have me go see my pcp at the VA to give me the medical Clearance needed for the Surgery tomorrow the 13th and they said that the Urology office will try and schedule me for Surgery on Thursday or Friday as The hospital already has done all the tests except the PTT and i had one done in the VA in July so that will be good enough. I havent had this much Drama in my life since i was in the Army back in the

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    Just little details

    I understand the inconvenience on the delay and your willingness in having this problem over your shoulder. One more day or month will not affect the results of this intervention. I still think that you should consider to go for that trip you always wanted to do and start planning it, including that super dinner to commemorate the end of this yours moment in life. The delay demonstrates that the Physicians are attentive to RP's little details.. You do not need to domesticate them.

    I wonder about your family. They may be also stressful for the situation.

    Best wishes,


  • LvGuy1
    LvGuy1 Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2016 #49

    You are right on with the stress with my family, They are worried and seems like they are on pins and needles but i try and keep up a cheerful front and do a lot of joking and my wife said just yesterday "How can you be so cheerful and be in a joking mood " and i said being in a positive mood is the best kind of therapy for me to get thru this surgery and for my  recovery afterward and if i look at all the bad things that can happen i will just get more depressed and it will take longer to heal. I cant guarentee everything will come out picture perfect but then i also cant promise everyone that i will go outside and get hit by a bus either. she also asked what if the cancer returns and i said if it does we will deal with it together. But my brother who is 14 months older than me is real worried tho and i cant seem to shake him out of it we are so close i think that he feels my fears. But i am good hands and trust the Dr. and the Hospital.    

  • Will Doran
    Will Doran Member Posts: 207 Member
    Positive mood


    By now you are in surgery, or maybe surgery is complete, I suspect.  Wishing you the best and a fast, easy recovery.

    Good for you.  The question from your wife----->  "How can you be so cheerful and be in a joking mood "   Yes that Positive Mood is a great big help.  My wife, to this day, three years post surgery, still tells me that she can't understand how I can be in as good of a mood as I am.  I admit, there are times that I get down, and just sit and cry and / or yell.  However as time has gone along, my mood has improved even more.  The day of my surgery, I was laughing and goofing around with my surgeon, as they were doing the prep work on me prior to the surgery .  He came in to see me before we went into surgery. Then the anestheologist, as he was hooking up my IV in my arm, hit a nerve.  I about jumped off the table in the pre-op room.  The Anestheologist, said,  That's what I wanted to happen.  My surgeon and I looked at each other and laughed.  Then my surgeon told me he was sure that would be the worst part of this day.  And it was.  Then they rolled me into surgery, and BAM, there, right in front of me, stood the DaVinci Robot.  The staff told me later that my eyes got as big a saucers.  Then the blue and yellow lights on all  the Robot's arms started blinking.  That night, when the surgeon came in to see how I was doing, I was sitting up in bed watching a soccer game.  I told Him I saw the Robot.  He had said I'd never see it.  Then I said, "And I saw the lights blinking on the arms."  He laughed and said, "Oh you saw that did you."  Later, he told me he knew I was still at myself enough and he did that just to fool around with me.  It was and has been that relationship we have that has kept me from going off the deep end at times.  We still, till this day, goof around  like that. 

    That kind of sense of humor and feeling really helps, so keep it up.  It will also be a big help to / for your wife as well..

    Hoping and praying for the best for you.

    Love, Peace and God Bless


  • Prostate cancer

    My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 3 months ago and on the 7th of Dec,2016 he had his prostate gland remove.He was told he was a 7 on a Gleason scale but the urologist called 12-12-16 to check on him and he was actually 8 Gleason scale. He has the Cath out next week,but was told one of the tumors was very aggressive.He will have another psa text in 4 weeks and if it's showing any signs they are going to take about radiation. What are the chances of him being about to work during radiation  treatments

  • LvGuy1
    LvGuy1 Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2016 #52
    Surgery Update

    Well they finally rescheduled me for surgery on the 20th of Dec instead of middle of January, glad to be finally getting this behind me so i can move forwards. The only downside is i dont know how i will be for Christmas but will deal with it when it gets here, but from what everyone says i should be up and walking so i will try and eat at the kitchen table with the rest of the family. we are keeping it simple as i usually do all the cooking but my brother is going to do it with me telling him what to do. hope my insurance is paid up as they might need it after The Home Depot 5 gallon bucket is going to look real nice with the Table Setting. gotta keep my humor Merry Christmas everyone and will try to post Friday or Saturday on how it went.   

  • LvGuy1
    LvGuy1 Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2016 #53

    Just little details

    I understand the inconvenience on the delay and your willingness in having this problem over your shoulder. One more day or month will not affect the results of this intervention. I still think that you should consider to go for that trip you always wanted to do and start planning it, including that super dinner to commemorate the end of this yours moment in life. The delay demonstrates that the Physicians are attentive to RP's little details.. You do not need to domesticate them.

    I wonder about your family. They may be also stressful for the situation.

    Best wishes,



    Vascoda, i talked to my wife and we are going to take a nice 2 week trip to Germany when i am healed up enough probasbly in March when it is beautiful. Havent been there since 1977. we plan to visit nothing but small hamlets and really enjoy ourselfs and maybe find some good deals and friends along the way. I am going to refresh my German even tho they speak and understand english pretty good but you never know what you will encounter. Thanks for the suggestion as we need to go on a 2nd honeymoon anyways as we havent taken a trip since our wedding in 1980.


  • Will Doran
    Will Doran Member Posts: 207 Member
    edited December 2016 #54
    Speedy Recovery


    Glad you are getting your proceedure done sooner than later. I wish you a VERY SPEEDY RECOVERY and many, many more Christmas celebrations without the "Home Depot Bucket".  I got my Cath out two days before Christmas (2013).  I had been using a State Liquor Store bag to take my Cath Bag with me,  when I went to doctor's appointments.  That always got a big laugh from the medical staff, especially my Urologist..  Yes, Keep that humor. 

    As soon as you're able, let us know how you're doing. 

    Good Luck, and wishing you a Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and many more.

    Love, Peace and God Bless


  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,480 Member
    BrightEyes: Please start a new thread

    in the meantime, it would be really useful to have a complete pathology report on the prostate.


  • LvGuy1
    LvGuy1 Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2016 #56
    Surgery tomorrow 12/20/16

    Ok I will go into surgery at Noon but have to be there at 10am. Will post about how it went as soon as i can. 


  • n_mac
    n_mac Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2016 #57
    Go with God and my prayers.

    I pray that you are blessed with most positive of outcomes.  I tread not too far behind you my friend at 60 years with a recent PSA = 4.4 (not too bad), Gleasons in 3 of 12 at (3+4, 3+4, 4+3), N0, no PNI detected, capsule appears intact, and a small 26 cc gland (probably a good factor).  Looking like RALRP for me in late January.

  • Will Doran
    Will Doran Member Posts: 207 Member
    God Bless


    Wishes for a fast recovery and very sucessful surgery.

    God Bless

    You're in my Thoughts and Prayers


  • LvGuy1
    LvGuy1 Member Posts: 54
    Thanks All

    Getting ready to go to the hospital and getting all my prep done for the Open Surgery. They are having me wipe down my body with some wipes called 2% Chlorhexidine cloths (CHG) for the reduction of risk of infections. Supposed to reduce bacteria on the skin. the stuff stings but not too bad. got a bag packed with the laptop , charger and real loose sweats and oversized t-shirts. it is 28 degrees out and for Las Vegas that is freezing cold as we also have the wind this morning. But i will make it, The next time i post will be on a new thread for post surgery, maybe tonight.  

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,162 Member
    Speedy recovery

    Good luck with your surgery and hope you have a very uneventful recovery.



  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member


    When talking about being positive, I would recommend talking with Will Doran.  He is the survivor that sees all forms in the positive way. He has survived a critical case that most would dare in being positive. He doesn’t have negatives and no matter how scare would be the case he always provide good recommendations.

    I am glad to know of your decision in a trip to Europe.  And I think that I know where you are going if the theme is a “2nd honeymoon”; travelling the Romantic Road in the Bavaria region. It is simple wonderful.  You and your wife will love it.

    I think that you should not miss a visit to Neuschwanstein Castle in Füssen . This is the one that served as the model by Walt Disney to represent each Disneyland. It makes part of the 19th-century Romanticism period. Some people say that it got its style from the Portuguese Pena Palace also built in those romantic times and now turned into a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Best wishes for a good start in the New Year.
