A little something

Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member

Well, two little somethings actually.  My gyn/onc went over the PET scan with me.  There are two "suspicious" areas in two lymph nodes, one para-aortic, the other just above my kidney.  Neither of the nodes is enlarged, and the sizes of the suspicious areas are tiny..one is 7mm, the other 5mm.

So the question is, what to do about these little devils?  At the moment, he feels chemo would be overkill.  He is going to talk to my radiologist about possibly using cyberknife to blast those lymph nodes.  However, he doesn't know whether they would want to use cyberknife without confirming that these nodes do indeed have cancer cells.  The one para-aortic node would be inaccessible for biopsy, and the one above my kidney would be tricky.  Also, since the biopsies are CT-guided, he is not sure the area would even show up to guide the biopsy.

He is going to get back to me Monday after he consultsl with the radiologists.

Similar to daylady's gyn/onc, he said that this was purely nodal, not life-threatening, but certainly something to keep an eye on.  So begins the game of whack-a-mole.

Not great news, but not horrible news.  Oh, and neither of these areas was in the area that would have been radiated by external radiation.  Nothing showed up there or in the pelvis at all.



  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    Yay ?

    Don't ya just wish there was some sort of definitive test that could be done to get this stuff once and for all?! 

    So glad you don't have anything showing up where you were concerned!!  We'll take the wins Laughing

    Prayers for direction and guidance for you and your team Kiss  (((HUGS)))

  • Mmpeterson
    Mmpeterson Member Posts: 124
    edited October 2016 #3
    Sending you prayers and hugs

    Sending you prayers and hugs that your doctors will decide what the plan is.  Not horrible news is the hope I look for everyday! Maryanne

  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    I did chuckle at your Whack a

    I did chuckle at your Whack a Mole comment.  But wishing you the best and as the ladies stated take it as a win and that it turns out not to be anything. trish

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited October 2016 #5
    Chris, I wish your news was

    Chris, I wish your news was absolute. Seems like we just can't ever get that with this cancer! I'm glad you don't have to do chemo again and I hope you can resolve this with minimal treatments. Please let us know once you know the next steps. Glad you are in a good place mentally. Love and Hugs, Cindi

  • rcdeman
    rcdeman Member Posts: 263 Member
    edited October 2016 #6
    Darn! Was so hoping that your

    Darn! Was so hoping that your PET scans were clear. But at least they don't seem to be too serious and detected quite early. Now the question is, my doctors told me that PET scans don't pick up hybermetabolic activity less than 8 mm, so how were they able to pick up these small 7mm and 5mm "suspicious" areas?

    Hoping for the best resolution to tackle these areas. Personally, I think cyberknife may be the best option even if these nodes aren't cancerous, just in case. It may be a precursor or something.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    Chris, I can only support a

    Chris, I can only support a lot of what the ladies have already said.  I do know you have always done your homework and suspect you will do the same now.

    Hugs dear one. 

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member

    Ah, Chris! The worries never end, do they? I'm sure it's going to be a long weekend for you until you find out what direction your doctors want to go in. I'm hoping you can find your "happy place" to retreat to, but I know that's easier said than done. Uncertainty is such a b.......!

  • beccabtown
    beccabtown Member Posts: 234
    edited October 2016 #9
    Sorry you didn't get an

    Sorry you didn't get an unambiguous response, but I'm glad for you that it seems to be manageable. Take some time to breathe before diving in again!

  • Diya
    Diya Member Posts: 93
    edited October 2016 #10
    So annoyed to hear your news.

    So annoyed to hear your news. I was hoping for a clear scan for you. Really hope it clears somehow quickly. Sending you hugs!!

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    edited October 2016 #11
    Actually, I don't feel too

    Actually, I don't feel too bad.  I'm glad that whatever impelled me to call my gyn/onc and got me the PET scan happened so we could find these so early.  Nothing shows to account for my other sensations, so it just might be part of my new normal.  They seem to have diminished quite a bit.

    I did get an email from my gyn/onc late this afternoon saying he had already talked to my radiologist who is going to consult with his colleagues.

    Regarding the PET scan and the size of the activity, I believe my doctor said it won't pick up anything less than 5mm? I'm looking forward to getting the hard copy of the report so I can see exactly what it said.

  • takingcontrol58
    takingcontrol58 Member Posts: 272 Member
    edited October 2016 #12


    As you probably know from reading my posts, I really believe that the only way to prevent or stop cancer is determine
    the root causes of what is making your body form a tumor. So in your case, you have to look at the role of lymph nodes.

    The role of the lymph nodes is to filter out waste products, bacteria and viruses, and assists the immune system
    in building a response. They also contains immune cells.

    I would suggest you talk to your doctor about getting a blood test to test your immune system- I get a test
    regularly which is called Lymphocyte Subet Panel 1 through Quest.  It will tell you the state of your T cells, B cells and Natural
    killer cells. This is what comprises our immune system and  the immune system is the body's innate process to fight all diseases.
    As you know, radiation can damage our immune system. 

    If you find out your immune numbers are not optimal, there are some good supplements to use that boost the
    immune system.  I have had tremendous luck in boosting my own immune system with some of these supplements,
    in addition to my changed diet.

    Doctors are quick to rush in with more treatment when they don't know what to treat.  Your lymph nodes are
    enlarged for a reason.  They are doing their job so if you just blast them away, and you still have an underlying
    issue that isn't addressed, the problem may show up in new lymph nodes.

    Just a suggestion. Personally, I would prefer trying a non-toxic solution first, since what was discovered on the PET is so small.


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member

    I always find your posts interesting and I agree with much of what you say. Working with my naturopath, I am already taking a number of supplements to aid my immune system, and I have just notified her of this latest development.  So I'm pretty sure there will be an adjustment there.

    Because this area of suspicion is so small (the nodes aren't even enlarged), I am not in a huge hurry to rush into anything major.  However, it is certainly a concern.

    I will check out the Quest site regarding that test.


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I'm glad they only found

    I'm glad they only found those two nodes.   And,  they could be anything, who knows?  Keep us updated about what you're doctors think .  It sounds like just another little blip on your road to recovery. 



  • LindyLu
    LindyLu Member Posts: 72
    edited October 2016 #15
    no easy answers...

    Chris, was hoping for a clear result for you!  Love your attitude, an inspiriation.  Keeping you in my prayers as you and your docs deal with this newest findings.  

    Hugs, ~LL


  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    edited October 2016 #16
    Something suspicious

    I am so sorry that you have to go through this waiting and worrying.  When my Gyno-Onc ordered a PET scan because he saw two suspicious spots in my abdoman, they turn out to be nothing, still there , but nothing.  Hoping this is what your spots are.  If they turn out to be something, it is certainly early,  something good.  You are so strong, you can handle what ever comes.  My Pet scan did show other spots that were Metastizised cance.  If I hadn't had the PET scan they would have gone untreated for another three months and would have a good chance to grow.  Sometimes things that don't seem like it at the time can turn out to be a blessing.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    edited October 2016 #17
    Glad your taking it slow and

    Glad your taking it slow and not allowing concern to turn to panic.  Evidence of your strength! Praying it turns out to be something that can be quickly and easily mitigated.

  • daylady
    daylady Member Posts: 122
    edited October 2016 #18
    Thinking about you...

    Hey Chris, Have been thinking about you non-stop and sending hugs your way.  I know you will make the choice that seems right for you, and there are no easy answers.  But I have been leaning more and more towards "sometimes less is more".  My gyn/surgeon has concern about "treating a scan" and often reminds me that "doing nothing" is actually an option.  Wish it were easier.  Many hugs sweet lady.  I'm in your corner!! - Helen

  • BC Brady
    BC Brady Member Posts: 70
    edited October 2016 #19
    Missed several days - I'm nodal too

    I am trying to get caught up on the blog. Did you decide to treat these nodes? You look great and I hope you're not too disappointed. Lymph nodes are amazing structures - and Eldri is right, the activity seen could be anything. My disease is nodal as well - and now I have a few less after the lumpectomy last week. Oddly, the pathology came back showing no new primary breast cancer afterall. All tissue was uterine metatsiszed. I was told at my postop yesterday that had the pre-biopsy showed that, I would not have been operated on. I'm not sure if I should feel upset I've been put thru surgery, or grateful to have had 2 tumors and 12 diseased lymp nodes removed. Less cancer is better, right? And I'm making a pretty good recovery so far. Add to that - now I'm re-eligible for the MATCH Trial, but I would have to stop the targeted chemo I'm on now for 8 weeks - a scary prospect. All opinions welcome. xoxox


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    edited October 2016 #20
    BC Brady said:

    Missed several days - I'm nodal too

    I am trying to get caught up on the blog. Did you decide to treat these nodes? You look great and I hope you're not too disappointed. Lymph nodes are amazing structures - and Eldri is right, the activity seen could be anything. My disease is nodal as well - and now I have a few less after the lumpectomy last week. Oddly, the pathology came back showing no new primary breast cancer afterall. All tissue was uterine metatsiszed. I was told at my postop yesterday that had the pre-biopsy showed that, I would not have been operated on. I'm not sure if I should feel upset I've been put thru surgery, or grateful to have had 2 tumors and 12 diseased lymp nodes removed. Less cancer is better, right? And I'm making a pretty good recovery so far. Add to that - now I'm re-eligible for the MATCH Trial, but I would have to stop the targeted chemo I'm on now for 8 weeks - a scary prospect. All opinions welcome. xoxox



    My doc didn't get back to me this week, and frankly, I've been busy enjoying my life apart from cancer and didn't feel compelled to chase him down.  However, I am going to get in touch with him at the beginning of the week to see what his various consultations had to say.

    I received my copy of the PET scan report in the mail today.  I'm glad I did, because I had confused some of the numbers.  There are two areas of "interest."  1) a 9mm focus of increased activity just medial to the left renal pelvis SUV 4.3  and 2) increased activity within a left posterial coronal node measuring 7mm SUV 3.8.  That first one doesn't sound like a lymph node to me, but I thought that was what he indicated.

    In any case, I haven't done anything yet other than what I am already doing with diet, supplements, exercise, etc. except that I have added nightly castor oil packs, which have been shown to increase the production of T-11 cells and stimulate the immune system.  

    I'll let you all know what I find out next week.


    And yes, Bille, less cancer is definitely better!

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    edited October 2016 #21
    I love to hear that you got

    I love to hear that you got too busy to worry about you doc calling.  I want to do that more and more myself.