SCT update, a quick hello and good wishes to all from Paella


Still haven’t adjusted to (nor totally accepted) the long duration of this SCT recovery.  Am simply taking it a day at a time and trying to accept reality for reality.  Other than bone-deep fatigue (which happens now maybe only 3 days per week) no problems with anything else.  Moving and exercising help emotionally AND in re-building my exceedingly deconditioned self.   


Been reading the “weak legs” thread…got those.  No Bendamustine vein problems (power port still in, Hickman out).  Glad Matthew caused no trouble for you, Max! 


And Sal1010 / Sharon - wondering how your SCT is going?




  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member

    Glad to hear your recovery from the SCT is going well Paella. Are your bloods counts "normal" now or is your body still working on building up the bone marrow? Even though I ended up not having the SCT I still have to work on building my system up.

    Good luck.

  • paella
    paella Member Posts: 81
    lindary said:


    Glad to hear your recovery from the SCT is going well Paella. Are your bloods counts "normal" now or is your body still working on building up the bone marrow? Even though I ended up not having the SCT I still have to work on building my system up.

    Good luck.

    As for blood counts...

    ...definitely still working on the bone marrow.  Six weeks ago WBC was great, but RBC was 2.79 (vs. 3.91 to 5.18), hemoglobin and hematocrit (both whole blood) were also a bit low as was MPV.  Doc not concerned back on August 29 and my next appt. is....tomorrow!  I'm hoping for an UP in the low stuff and am confident that's what we'll see .  Been eating multiple small meals a day for these past six weeks with lots of beef, moderate amounts of chicken, a little turkey and lots of veggies/friuts.  Minimum 2 liters of liquids, mostly water, but a good amount of Arnold Palmer as well and have been splurging on pomegranate juice.  Plus moving as much as I can, as often as I can.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    paella said:

    As for blood counts...

    ...definitely still working on the bone marrow.  Six weeks ago WBC was great, but RBC was 2.79 (vs. 3.91 to 5.18), hemoglobin and hematocrit (both whole blood) were also a bit low as was MPV.  Doc not concerned back on August 29 and my next appt. is....tomorrow!  I'm hoping for an UP in the low stuff and am confident that's what we'll see .  Been eating multiple small meals a day for these past six weeks with lots of beef, moderate amounts of chicken, a little turkey and lots of veggies/friuts.  Minimum 2 liters of liquids, mostly water, but a good amount of Arnold Palmer as well and have been splurging on pomegranate juice.  Plus moving as much as I can, as often as I can.



    I give thanks for this wonderful report from you Paella.  May your return to strength and recovery continue.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited October 2016 #5
    paella said:

    As for blood counts...

    ...definitely still working on the bone marrow.  Six weeks ago WBC was great, but RBC was 2.79 (vs. 3.91 to 5.18), hemoglobin and hematocrit (both whole blood) were also a bit low as was MPV.  Doc not concerned back on August 29 and my next appt. is....tomorrow!  I'm hoping for an UP in the low stuff and am confident that's what we'll see .  Been eating multiple small meals a day for these past six weeks with lots of beef, moderate amounts of chicken, a little turkey and lots of veggies/friuts.  Minimum 2 liters of liquids, mostly water, but a good amount of Arnold Palmer as well and have been splurging on pomegranate juice.  Plus moving as much as I can, as often as I can.



    Duplicate, self-deleted

  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member
    paella said:

    As for blood counts...

    ...definitely still working on the bone marrow.  Six weeks ago WBC was great, but RBC was 2.79 (vs. 3.91 to 5.18), hemoglobin and hematocrit (both whole blood) were also a bit low as was MPV.  Doc not concerned back on August 29 and my next appt. is....tomorrow!  I'm hoping for an UP in the low stuff and am confident that's what we'll see .  Been eating multiple small meals a day for these past six weeks with lots of beef, moderate amounts of chicken, a little turkey and lots of veggies/friuts.  Minimum 2 liters of liquids, mostly water, but a good amount of Arnold Palmer as well and have been splurging on pomegranate juice.  Plus moving as much as I can, as often as I can.



    All good news.