Here we go again... possible recurrence


I just got off the phone with my reg. gyno and am now nervously waiting for a response from my gyno-onco-surgeon. So I had low grade stage 1A endometrial cancer and everything was removed except for one ovary. I was 40 and opted to leave one behind. In the last 4-6 months, I've felt bloated at first but I thought I was just gaining weight. Then the bowel issues started to happen enough for me to want to get myself checked out. I just got the results of my ultrasound and my ovary is large at 12cm and the radiologist believes it's malignant because of the characteristics of the images and my history with endo cancer.

The irony is I just got cleared from my oncologist two weeks ago into the survivorship program and now this. I'm devestated obviously. Despite the washings, the lymph node test, etc... I had a trips scheduled and I have an amazing newish job. I feel like I'm thinking through sludge like I did two years ago. It was so unlikely that cancer would come back again and here I am going through the motions of what I think is now death sentence. I just needed to throw it out there. I had posted a few times two years ago but I've been watching the forums regularly since.

Can the radiologist be wrong? Could it have spread? How did it grow so fast? How did I go from Stage 1A to now a possible Stage 3/4. This wasn't supposed to happen. :(


  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    edited September 2016 #2
    So sorry

    I am so sorry that you had to,get,this news.  I can't answer most of your questions.  I do believe that it is not a certainity yet, so take a deep breath.  I don't think that you should think of this as a death sentence.  if it is a recurrpence, there is treatment out there.  I had a recurrence 2 1/2 tears ago and am still dealing with it, but I am still here andI have many more good days than bad.  It certainly not what any of us want to hear, but it is something that we can live with and fight.   You did it once and if need be you can do it again.  You will amaze yourself with how strong you can be.  They are making advancements in treatment all the time.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • giggs100
    giggs100 Member Posts: 91 Member
    Am sorry to hear your news

    I am so sorry you have to go through this. You will have to wait for the news good or bad.  Hoping it is good news for you.  Lou Ann is right about treatment for you and each and everyone of us that this is happening to.   I am also a prime example of this.  After chemo treatments my scan came up clear and lo and behold just 6 months later the sneaky cancer cells came back and now am in my fighting mode with radiation following up with chemo again.  It might of reared it's ugly head but I am going to fight it with everything I can.  Again Lou Ann is right we can always hope for advanced treatment.   I put it to my doctor this way - we start with point A and go to point B and we don't know what will happen between those two points as far as cures or treatments that will help us beat this thing.

    Stay strong and hugs and prayers,


  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    edited September 2016 #4
    So Sorry

    I am sooo sorry Blue.  I don't know what to say.  I do really understand as I am going through something similar.  All I can say is we have to stay positive and just figure out what is going on and hopefully, how to fight it.  I promise I will pray for you and I know it will turn out for you.  God bless you.

  • bluesmama
    bluesmama Member Posts: 125 Member

    it sounds like for a recurrence or anything on the ovary, that the surgeon generally moves faster. i waited almost a month before my hysto two years ago but with this mass on the ovary, i may end up on the table sooner. is there truth to that? my gyno tried to lay out what she thinks will be the process. and the surgical menopause... ugh....

    i spent most of my day calling my family and close friends. sending emails. calling my boss. sigh... the tears flowed when i watched videos of my nieces earlier tonight. the report should have been transferred to my surgeon but i heard he was in surgery all day. i hope he gets a chance to read it for a call on monday. i only talked to his nurse and i couldn't really figure out how to express how important it was for him to see the report. i mean every patient there has/had cancer. how am i any more important. i just ended up apologizing and just asking her to make sure he reads that report.... i guess it's now the waiting game which i'm sure you all know is probably one of the worst parts about cancer. 

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    edited September 2016 #6
    Hang in there

    Waiting is so hard.  Hope, hugs and prayers are coming your way.  Lou Ann

  • bluesmama
    bluesmama Member Posts: 125 Member
    thanks lou ann

    appreciate your responsiveness and thoughts... monday couldn't happen sooner.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    edited September 2016 #8
    I am sorry to hear this

    Waiting is a ****, but when Monday comes, you'll have a better idea of what is in your future.  Hoping for the best news possible for you.  And even if it's not, no, it is not a death sentence.  It's just another battle in the war, another opportunity for healing.  You can do this.

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    edited September 2016 #9
    I don't know what to say

    Except waiting is horrible!  I hope this is not a recurrence.  Of course, the radiologist can be wrong because I think the only way to tell for sure is for the gyn oncologist to surgically remove that ovary.  Best of luck to you.  Please let us know what you next steps are.  I'll be thinking about you on Monday.


  • rcdeman
    rcdeman Member Posts: 263 Member
    I can sympathize with the

    I can sympathize with the waiting part. :( It gives you a feeling of uneasiness and helplessness that things can't just be done faster. Even now I'm waiting until Monday for mom's visit to get a PET/CT to see if cancer has metastasized, and after that another period of waiting for results to come back. It really sucks.

    Wishing the best for you,

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    is 4 letter word.  I'm going to hope for the best for you.

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I'm so sorry for the wait and

    I'm so sorry for the wait and the possible reoccurrence:( please let us know what happens. Prayers for you!

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    bluesmama said:


    it sounds like for a recurrence or anything on the ovary, that the surgeon generally moves faster. i waited almost a month before my hysto two years ago but with this mass on the ovary, i may end up on the table sooner. is there truth to that? my gyno tried to lay out what she thinks will be the process. and the surgical menopause... ugh....

    i spent most of my day calling my family and close friends. sending emails. calling my boss. sigh... the tears flowed when i watched videos of my nieces earlier tonight. the report should have been transferred to my surgeon but i heard he was in surgery all day. i hope he gets a chance to read it for a call on monday. i only talked to his nurse and i couldn't really figure out how to express how important it was for him to see the report. i mean every patient there has/had cancer. how am i any more important. i just ended up apologizing and just asking her to make sure he reads that report.... i guess it's now the waiting game which i'm sure you all know is probably one of the worst parts about cancer. 

    Hopefully your call put your report on the top of his pile

    Bluesmama, I am so very sorry to hear about your recurrence. In regards to your question, although I didn't have ovarian cancer, I do follow the Inspire ovarian cancer support group and it seems to me that those surgeries need to happen quickly because of the location of the ovaries and the possibility of it spreading to the omentum or peritoneum. Hopefully your call put your report on the top of his pile. Please let us know what you find out. Wishing you strength and peace, Kim

  • bluesmama
    bluesmama Member Posts: 125 Member
    thank you ladies.

    thank you ladies.

    you all were such a great resource and source of comfort when i went through this the first time. at least this second time, i've got my trusty cancer notebook as a reference for all the things i'll probably need to do before i head down this strange path. i'll keep you posted.

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    bluesmama said:

    thank you ladies.

    thank you ladies.

    you all were such a great resource and source of comfort when i went through this the first time. at least this second time, i've got my trusty cancer notebook as a reference for all the things i'll probably need to do before i head down this strange path. i'll keep you posted.

    What did the oncologist say?

    I hope it was good news.


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited October 2016 #16
    bluesmama said:

    hey folks

    well. finally saw the oncologist on tuesday after harassing their office for two days. he said it has to come out along with omentum, lymph nodes, pelvic wash and will do a few biopsies and scrape away additional tumors if necessary. that it's a 1% chance of a recurrence and more likely a new cancer or benign. got my ct scan and bloodwork done. ca125 is high at 117. cea (no clue what that but it's normal). so that was more bad news. he said he could squeeze me in this coming wednesday for a laparotomy (hello frankenstein belly) if the scan indicates a simpler surgery (no more than 4 hours) but if it indicates extensive surgery then i'll have to wait until the following wednesday so he can devote a day for it. got my surgical consult on tuesday and surgery for now is tentatively scheduled for wednesday. haven't heard from him since tuesday but i'm thankful for the reprieve from bad news. my family is pressing for results but they don't understand that it doesn't change what needs to get done and i'd like a few days to enjoy. going to see my family this weekend.i'm scrambling to figure out how to adjust to surgical menopause. wrap up a big projects before i leave. look forward to getting back to work asap or if i'm headed to chemo life for awhile... Blah.... i'll figure it out once i get there.

    I'm sorry for the bad news

    I'm sorry for the bad news but it sounds like your doctor is reacting quickly to take care of it.  I'm hoping it's benign!!!



  • bluesmama
    bluesmama Member Posts: 125 Member
    hey folks

    well. finally saw the oncologist on tuesday after harassing their office for two days. he said it has to come out along with omentum, lymph nodes, pelvic wash and will do a few biopsies and scrape away additional tumors if necessary. that it's a 1% chance of a recurrence and more likely a new cancer or benign. got my ct scan and bloodwork done. ca125 is high at 117. cea (no clue what that but it's normal). so that was more bad news. he said he could squeeze me in this coming wednesday for a laparotomy (hello frankenstein belly) if the scan indicates a simpler surgery (no more than 4 hours) but if it indicates extensive surgery then i'll have to wait until the following wednesday so he can devote a day for it. got my surgical consult on tuesday and surgery for now is tentatively scheduled for wednesday. haven't heard from him since tuesday but i'm thankful for the reprieve from bad news. my family is pressing for results but they don't understand that it doesn't change what needs to get done and i'd like a few days to enjoy. going to see my family this weekend.i'm scrambling to figure out how to adjust to surgical menopause. wrap up a big projects before i leave. look forward to getting back to work asap or if i'm headed to chemo life for awhile... Blah.... i'll figure it out once i get there.

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited October 2016 #18
    bluesmama said:

    hey folks

    well. finally saw the oncologist on tuesday after harassing their office for two days. he said it has to come out along with omentum, lymph nodes, pelvic wash and will do a few biopsies and scrape away additional tumors if necessary. that it's a 1% chance of a recurrence and more likely a new cancer or benign. got my ct scan and bloodwork done. ca125 is high at 117. cea (no clue what that but it's normal). so that was more bad news. he said he could squeeze me in this coming wednesday for a laparotomy (hello frankenstein belly) if the scan indicates a simpler surgery (no more than 4 hours) but if it indicates extensive surgery then i'll have to wait until the following wednesday so he can devote a day for it. got my surgical consult on tuesday and surgery for now is tentatively scheduled for wednesday. haven't heard from him since tuesday but i'm thankful for the reprieve from bad news. my family is pressing for results but they don't understand that it doesn't change what needs to get done and i'd like a few days to enjoy. going to see my family this weekend.i'm scrambling to figure out how to adjust to surgical menopause. wrap up a big projects before i leave. look forward to getting back to work asap or if i'm headed to chemo life for awhile... Blah.... i'll figure it out once i get there.

    Stay strong, Bluesmama

    Stay strong, Bluesmama. We're all praying that it is benign but if not, you can fight it! You did it once and you can do it again. It sounds like you have a good medical team and they are doing their best to ensure good results for you. Try to do some deep breathing and have fun with your family this weekend!

  • rcdeman
    rcdeman Member Posts: 263 Member
    edited October 2016 #19
    bluesmama said:

    hey folks

    well. finally saw the oncologist on tuesday after harassing their office for two days. he said it has to come out along with omentum, lymph nodes, pelvic wash and will do a few biopsies and scrape away additional tumors if necessary. that it's a 1% chance of a recurrence and more likely a new cancer or benign. got my ct scan and bloodwork done. ca125 is high at 117. cea (no clue what that but it's normal). so that was more bad news. he said he could squeeze me in this coming wednesday for a laparotomy (hello frankenstein belly) if the scan indicates a simpler surgery (no more than 4 hours) but if it indicates extensive surgery then i'll have to wait until the following wednesday so he can devote a day for it. got my surgical consult on tuesday and surgery for now is tentatively scheduled for wednesday. haven't heard from him since tuesday but i'm thankful for the reprieve from bad news. my family is pressing for results but they don't understand that it doesn't change what needs to get done and i'd like a few days to enjoy. going to see my family this weekend.i'm scrambling to figure out how to adjust to surgical menopause. wrap up a big projects before i leave. look forward to getting back to work asap or if i'm headed to chemo life for awhile... Blah.... i'll figure it out once i get there.

    So sorry bluesmama. However,

    So sorry bluesmama. However, I do have to say you are not alone in this. My mom will most likely have to have a second surgery as well to remove her omentum and para-aortic lymph nodes as well to see if there is metastasis. I can only continue to pray for the best results for both you and my mom.

    Stay strong and spend time with your family!

  • bluesmama
    bluesmama Member Posts: 125 Member
    i noticed that my ct scan

    i noticed that my ct scan report is available online tonight but i'm not going to look at it. i had to discover by myself that my ca125 is high and i'm just not willing to ruin my weekend with another possible bad result before i even talk to my doctor. i'm guessing he'll call monday or just wait until tuesday when he sees me in person. so much for avoiding the heart dropping this weekend. why do they release these reports without a doctor discussing them with you first, i just don't know. it doesn't help that i've been obsessively staring at my blood work and reports over the last two years but i do. :(

    thinking of you all.