


  • GeneRose1
    GeneRose1 Member Posts: 64
    Fantastic Nws

    That is fantastic news. I'll leave it to others for a deeper analysis but this is definitely trending in the right direction.

  • contento
    contento Member Posts: 75 Member

    Sadie , sounds like your husband has made good progress over the past year. It's great that he responded  to the Lupron so well.

    you can read the my space bio's of the many guys that are still going many years after experiencing metastasis  . so yes there is hope...

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,599 Member
    Have to agree

    That is great news. Try to enjoy your time together.

  • Sadie marie
    Sadie marie Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2017 #105
    Nov scans

    november bone and CT scans show no signs of metastasis and PSA is still at .02 is this usual the doctor seems very surprised. 

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Thank you for updating his wonderful progress Sadie Marie.

    "Played" right, HT can work miracles for many men,


  • contento
    contento Member Posts: 75 Member
    Great News

    Sadie, your man came a long way since you first posted. Really good news. 

    .02 is great...

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Second opinions may provide you peace of mind


    When we hear the word cancer we all become scared. Cancer is often linked to death but in PCa cases the bandit can be knocked down in most of the cases. Only in extreme advanced cases one can expect death at his door steps. From the data you shared I do not think that your husband is at such stage. The bone scan was negative and bone is the place where cancer likes to spread. At least you know now that he is not that advanced.
    You are not educated in matters of prostate cancer so that you only see the negatives. You need to read more on the subject to know about what you are dealing with. Disregard the 5-years life sentence. You surely will be looking for a treatment and in most cases the patient lives over the ten year mile stone. 

    The enlarged gland may constitute a problem for RT but such is rare and in most cases they use combine methods to reach all corners of the gland and surrounding tissues (Lymph nodes plus prostate bed). I wonder what clinical stage has his doctor attributed already. The voluminous cancer (all needles positive) plus the Gleason grade 4 (aggressive behaviour for spread) plus the high PSA of 87 ng/ml and the negative bone scan, makes me to guess that he is T3a which classification sets surgery at the risk of failure. His doctor may already believe that surgery will not be proper thought he is trying to find more reasons to justify the intervention. His negativity is logical and such is making you anxious.

    In any case, you know that radiotherapy may be another excellent option to surgery so that you can (and should) consult a radiologist oncologist. I think that most survivors in this forum would advice you to get details on radiation treatment for the details in your husband's case.

    Be positive and get second opinions to have peace of mind.

    Best wishes,


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Earlier Christmas present

    Great news. One may say that hormonal treatment is palliative and do not provide cure to the extent of a radical but surely some cells die if not fed with androgens. Invasive cancerous cells in bone are also more susceptive for attacks by the immune system. In such regard, it is possible that the cancer has diminished its presence in bone but it is hard to confirm that the whole cancer has been eliminated. A CT and bone scan do not provide such assurances. These have limits in detecting micro metastases. You need to wait for the end of the HT treatment to verify then if the PSA maintains its low level. Meanwhile enjoy because lesser metastases equals better outcomes that deserve to be celebrated. Take it as an earlier Christmas present.

    I will raise a glass of wine to celebrate the news.

    Best wishes


  • Sadie marie
    Sadie marie Member Posts: 63
    February report

    another good report for the next 3 month check PSA still .02 and bone and CT scan again show no sign of metastatic disease 

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Another Zero


    I am happy for you. Isn't that good when we receive good PSA results? It is just wonderful.

    Best wishes for a long ... long period on zeros.


  • contento
    contento Member Posts: 75 Member
    Great News

    Great News Sadie .. Let's hope the trend continues...

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,599 Member
    edited February 2018 #113

    As Vasco and contento stated.

  • Sadie marie
    Sadie marie Member Posts: 63
    20 month mark

    Another clean bone and ct scan. PSA holding at .02. No progression just continue current course of treatment.

  • contento
    contento Member Posts: 75 Member
    Sadie, continuous great news

    Sadie, continuous great news !

    Let's keep his going.......

  • Sadie marie
    Sadie marie Member Posts: 63
    2 year mark

    another clean bone scan and PSA of .02. I guess the urologist was wrong when he said my husband would be lucky to make it two years. My husband is feeling good and going strong.

  • contento
    contento Member Posts: 75 Member
    Sadie, your story justs stays

    Sadie, your story justs stays with me as a reminder of hope. Thank you for sharing it's fantastic news...contento

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Good news indeed

    Two years as a survivor and going strong. That is wonderful.

    Let's continue bitting the odds and being hopefully. Congratulations.

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member
    Success Stories

    Always good to read success stories.  Smile, I am.