Last Rad Tomorrow

My husbands last radiation treatment is tomorrow. He's managed but it sure hasn't been easy.  

His cancer was in his upper left cheek and jaw area. This past week his tongue is causing major pain. It does t look to be thrush as its only his tongue. Question is:  normal pain or sores from radiation?  Anything help besides pain meds and how long after treatments do sores begin to heal?



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  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    (early) way to go


    Early congratulations!  It is tough, but doable and you are proving it.

    I only used magic mouth wash for throat, mouth and tongue discomfort.  I did not need pain meds.  My rad onc looked in my mouth and said  “your mouth is ablaze” and I told her, “it’s not bad”.

    Generally, most H&N members say the bad stuff  peaks at 2  weeks post.  Regardless, he will  be on the road to a “new normal” filled with glasses of water, dry mouth aand a better understanding of H&N cancer.

    Good going,


  • kurt3000gt
    kurt3000gt Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2016 #3
    CivilMatt said:

    (early) way to go


    Early congratulations!  It is tough, but doable and you are proving it.

    I only used magic mouth wash for throat, mouth and tongue discomfort.  I did not need pain meds.  My rad onc looked in my mouth and said  “your mouth is ablaze” and I told her, “it’s not bad”.

    Generally, most H&N members say the bad stuff  peaks at 2  weeks post.  Regardless, he will  be on the road to a “new normal” filled with glasses of water, dry mouth aand a better understanding of H&N cancer.

    Good going,


    My last RAD was wed. Looking for recovery hints

    I just had 2nd bout with thrush mouth, my doc gave me fluconase to kill it off. works in 3-5 days with no follow on effects.

    I have not been able to swallow anything solid for a month, wondering if there are any good tips to hasten mouth throat healing after end of treatments. Any food or drink that might help, but have not seen anything concrete. Most food 'diced to hell' in broth or milk do still irritate mouth going down.


  • SylMarie
    SylMarie Member Posts: 91 Member
    edited September 2016 #4


    I was only in week 2 and had cheek and gum pain, with a coating on my tongue. The med. onc.'s PA told me it was thrush and they prescribed Nystatin Oral Suspension, which is an anti-fungal medication. It's a rinse. It worked very fast. This may be all you need. Check with your rad. onc.

    How is your husband faring otherwise? I'm the other person on the board who had the partial maxillectomy and cancer in the same general area as your husband. I'm about to start week #3 tomorrow. :)

    Glad you guys have the treatment portion behind you!

  • MichaelHill1
    MichaelHill1 Member Posts: 13
    After rads

    Three weeks out here.  Togue soars are usually worse than my throat.  I've been on 10/325 Hydrocodone/Tylenol.  It works and sometimes have to take two.  When I take the Hydrocodone I also take 2 to 4 advils.  That usually does it for me when I'm having a BAD day.  Unfotunately the know it alls have told me they are worried about me getting addicted so they cut me off.  They gave me codeine which gave me horrible dry mouth.  Tried to sleep was up at 1,2,3,4,5,6.  I have a humidifier right next to my bed too.  Didn't help.  I now have to find somewhere that will give a crap about the pain.  Again, not every day.  I have good days and bad.  When it is a bad day crap it hurts.  By the way Georgia surfer, we just got the best swell this whole summer.  Best in two months, and I'm so freacking sick that I don't even want to stand up and walk to the fridge.  Very bumbed.

  • MemphisTn
    MemphisTn Member Posts: 41
    edited September 2016 #6
    Almost 4 weeks out...

    ...and for me, finally some real healing, especially the base of the tongue on the radiation facing side. Im positive it will of course, depend on his final side affects once rads are complete. Try to keep in mind how long it took to get in the condition, it will take about that long to start to feel 'human' again. As for other than pain med solutions, magic mouth wash is very helpful in numbing up the mouth to help drink, eat or sleep. I found shaking it well, real well, rinsing once then waiting about 10 min and repeating was very effective in helping me eat, drink or get to sleep.

    Its definitely doable, stay positive, it will be over and in the rear view mirror before you know it.


    Much love,



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