Recurrence with implants ?

mschaben Member Posts: 87

i had my exchange surgery in March of this Year.  Afterwards it was pretty good. But the last couple months I have had  swelling which is thought to be lymphedema but not sure. I hurt in my sternum and around whole outside area around right implant and along under arm area and chest wall. There is a lumpy area also.  I have burning and pain. My plastic surgeon doesn't think it's the implant but has said he thinks I need a pet scan. Is it possible to get recurrence . This is all happening on side of original cancer. And had lymph vascular invasion and aggressuve grade.  Can anyone relate 


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    NO advice..just hugs and

    NO advice..just hugs and pixie dust..



  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    Pet scans

    The doctor may be using pet scan to check the placement of the implants, not only for malignancies. I hope everything works out for you!

  • Roxy2
    Roxy2 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2016 #4
    Hello. I am very new to the

    Hello. I am very new to the site. I had a double mastectomy with expanders this summer and am still in the process of having the fillings weekly. As of this past weekend I am having the red, inflamed and painful breast. i was seen over the weekend at the ER because I was throwing up so terribly. They said I have cellulitis and started a dose of IV antibiotics. I followed up the next day with the surgeon and he put me on oral antibiotics and two days later I am not throwing up but my breast looks and feels awful.  I called his service tonight to be sure it's ok to wait till the morning to be seen because I also have a fever now. Ugh. So I am going in tomorrow and he is talking about surgery. I hope all this waiting doesn't cause any problems with the infection. Has anyone experienced anything like this?? Any advise in comfort measures??




  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747

    I had a single mastectomy, followed by an implant.  Two years later, I had a recurreance of cancer under my mastectomy scar.  But your symptoms don't sound like mine; i had a hardness along the mastectomy scar that i thought was just scar tissue.

  • Lisa-Nana to 5
    Lisa-Nana to 5 Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2017 #6
    I too have a recurrence after implants. ☹️

    I had low grade DCIS in my right breast in 2008. My mom had lost a 7 year battle against cancer when she was only 38. I was hoping to avoid that type of fight by having a bi-lat mastectomy. I did the surgery, expanders, lost them both to infection and ended up having a latissimus flap reconstruction. This past June I found a lump in the right armpit. Yep! Cancer again but this time IDC. PET scan shows some satellite cells in the area and MRI found two spots on inside of right breast. Both cancerous also per biopsy. I have a surgical consult today with my original plastic surgeon and back to the general surgeon in the morning. They are proposing taking out EVERYTHING, flap, implant, capsule.. EVERYTHING! I have to make this decision by tomorrow morning. I'm leaning towards a repeat mastectomy. I'm still in a state of disbelief! The plastic surgeon says if I decide to do reconstruction again he'll have to do a tram flap  Upside is I guess if I decide to do it I'll get a tummy tuck in the process.