How do you....



  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Wish you a good results with

    Wish you a good results with your check up! 


    What helps my husband and me - we don't know too well in advance when the check up would take place. In our country we ourselves make an appointment with ultrasound doc, and usually our doc is avbl pretty soon (Works in expensive private clinic, majority of people prefer cheaper options, but my husband has good insurance). So we simply remember that once in six months we must have a check up. When approx 6 months pass, we are like "ooops, time for follow up!". So husband calls to make an appointment and usually gets a visit on a very next day or so. So we have only a day or two to worry. Not knowing in advance that day X is approaching helps me greatly.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited September 2016 #23
    Heyker, smart seeing someone

    Heyker, smart seeing someone on how best to manage the anxiety. For me a low dose Xanax works wonders.

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    edited September 2016 #24
    Heyker said:


    I entered my profile. 

    Your Profile?

    I can't see it. We used to have a problem with updating profiles. I wonder if it's still happening. I went to your profile and it's blank.


  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member

    This has been a problem for me too all along. I'm also on a 3 months CT/bloodwork schedule and with what I was told is a 2/3 chance of mets in the next couple of years, I still get very anxious at scan time. The other issue is I used to get scans in the morning and results in the afternoon. I can't do that anymore. Now there is a 1 week delay getting my results. Funny thing is I don't get anxious until I've had the scan and I'm waiting to see the doctor. Then I get really, really anxious.

    It does get better with time.

    I'd say do all the stuff they talk about doing to help reduce anxiety. Exercise. Get enough sleep. Meditate, pray. Do something you love to do and stay busy. I still turn to a little ativan when I can't sleep. I don't take it all the time (it's habit forming) and I take the smallest dose that will work (for me 0.5 mg usually works, but I'll take another if I have to).

    It is hard to make long term plans. I agree. I'm still having a big problem with this. This diagnosis has really affected my attitude about living into old age. I used to think I was going to live a long time. I just assumed I would. The diagnosis seems to have increased my urgency to enjoy life while decreasing my peace of mind. This is a struggle. You're not alone for sure.

    I say make the plans anyway. I've been trying to do that. Sometimes I'm successful.

    There's hope.

    Wishing you the best.


  • louis99
    louis99 Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2016 #26
    Rob57 said:

    Just Focus on Now

    I went for yearly checkups after my nephrectomy. First year was fine, second year the CT scan showed something in a lymph node in my chest. That was distressing. I had not even seen an oncologist up to that point. Found a good oncologist, and scheduled a biopsy with a thorasic surgeon. The thorasic surgeon went in and took two samples for biopsy. Both were negative, but he said that it looked bad to him and that we should get it treated. Had another scan at 2 months after the first and it showed growth. Then went to a radiological oncologist and she scheduled radiation therapy over a 3 week period. Had the radiation, went to Barcelona with my wife and about three months later had another scan that showed significant reduction in the tumor. Started on Votrient about a month after that and have been on Votrient for about 18 months. I have had scans every three months since the radiation therapy the last one being just about three weeks ago. The tumor has continued to shrink and is stable. My oncologist and I decided to go for four months before the next scan. If there is no change will go to six months. 

    I know that it is stressful having the scans so often, but it is better to know what is going on and be able to take the necessary actions to keep progressing in your treatment. The worst thing for me personnaly is not knowing what is going on with my condition. I would rather have all of the information that I can get so that I can deal with facts and not my imagination. 

    I know that this whole experience is stressful for you. The only advice I can give is try to live for today and plan for the future based on what you know to be true, not what you fear may be true.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope that your results are good.

    Hi Rob,

    Hi Rob,

    What stage was your cancer  at time of Nephroctomy?  Thanks!


  • Rob57
    Rob57 Member Posts: 25
    edited September 2016 #27
    louis99 said:

    Hi Rob,

    Hi Rob,

    What stage was your cancer  at time of Nephroctomy?  Thanks!


    Not really sure

    I know that it sounds kind of weak, but I have no idea what stage my cancer was at the time of my nephrectomy. I know that the tumor was 5.5 cm x 3.5 cm. It was contained within the kidney and near the center of the kidney which was why my urologist recommended that we take the whole thing. I did not have any other problems until 2 years later after my annual CT scan. A lymph node in my chest showed a tumor. Had a thoracic surgeon do a biopsy and it showed it to be non-cancerous, but in consultation with him and my oncologist decided to treat it as cancer anyway. Had radiation and started Votrient and have been on it ever since. The mass in my chest has shrunk to about half the size that it was and has been stable for about a year now. Nothing new has shown up in the time that I first saw the mass in my chest which was more than 2 years ago. Again, not sure what stage I was at diagnosis or would be considered now. Sorry.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    edited September 2016 #28
    Plain and Simple

    It isn't easy in the beginning.  It does get easier, more relaxed, and more like a routine to check out the stuff inside---good or bad.  Read my most recend post to find out what 10 years can do to you.  I won't say I'm blase' about the tests, but they do

    Stay busy, focus on a reward, get involved with life, play with a pet or a child or a grandchild.  Clean out a drawer, a closet, your workbench  It won't change the world, but it will keep you busy and focussed.

    Best Wishes and Good luck  on the test,


  • Heyker
    Heyker Member Posts: 36
    Thanks all

    Thank you for all the comments. Yesterday was my birthday and I can remember thinking when I first found out would I make it? I'm off tomorrow to the beach by myself until friday. Both therapist and doc feel it's a good thing to go and recharge. It's been a hellish year and not just with my cancer. I'm so ready for these few days. I'll be back.



  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    edited September 2016 #30
    Happy belated Birthday Heyker!

    Wishing you all the best this year and many more to come!  You mention you filledi in your profile but it's empty!  This is a bit complicated but it's so helpfull, please try again!   Some of us mention this from time to time, please fill in your profiles, its difficult to keep up with you if we don't have that info to go back to. It's also of so much help forl us all.  We look how others with similar cases are doing.  Its helps in so many ways!  Thank you!