Well.....i guess I'm in the club (41 year old male/11cm)



  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    edited September 2016 #22
    Welcome to the Survivors' Cllub

    So sorry the initiation ceremony leaves you with your butt hanging out.  You can read my stats by clicking on my user name, so I don't have to repeat myself for everyone.  It was Dx'd at Stage IV with a recognized mets to the liver on the ultrasound, done to see if I might have a gall stone.  Oh!  Was I surprised.

    On Wed. after the CT last week, I'll find out if I've passed the 10 year mark.  What really makes me happy this week are that all the tests my daughter-in-law went through the past two weeks say there is no breast malignancy, just cells that are not quite normal-an adenosis-but benign on biopsy.

    It's a love/hate relationship with tests.  You 'gotta have them, but sometimes the news can freak you out.

    Don't be in a great rush to return to work.  Your muscles are weak and you fatigue easily at this time.  If you tend to over-do, you'll know it and more than likely ease off on doing too much.

    Best wishes on a comfortable recovery.  At 6 weeks, after being released to do normal activities, I started walking in the pool and built up to swimming and exercising in the pool.  Senior rate didn't hurt, either.


  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    edited September 2016 #23
    Welcome to the club...

    Welcome to the club that nobody WANTS to join.  Glad you made it through the surgery OK.  Take it easy but -- like others have said -- remember to work on the breathing and walking stuff. 

    And naps.  Work on naps.  Looks as though you have a great little physical therapist in your photo.  Not sure if it's a lap dog (or a yap dog), but hopefully as a NAP dog your furry friend will be able to give you some good pointers. 


  • duster10
    duster10 Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited September 2016 #24
    you guys are great....

    you really are.  Such positive vibes.  I am expecting my pathology either today or tomorrow.  Can anybody begin to prep me on what is good and what is not so good?  I like my Doc a lot, but I would like to be able to ask some constructive questions when he does in fact call me.  ANy input is appreciated.  thx


    Oh and as far as the NAP dog, that is y beloved Wheaten Terrier......we had to put him down about 3 months ago, which was one of the toughest things we have ever done.  The good news is that just yesterday the breeder emailed me to tell me her dog (also a Wheaten) was pregneant and due in the middle of Oct.  We havent told the kids yet, pending the pathology results, but i viewed it as a sign that things were going to be OK.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited September 2016 #25
    General starting points

    This will be on your path report but you may want to follow-up with these topics: Type of cancer, Grade of tumor,  sarcomatoid features?, Necrosis features?  Because of the size of your tumor, you may want to ask about meds or trials--your doctor will probably lead this discussion.  Some people on here may even ask you to seek out an oncologist.  Also, because of the size of your tumor, I'd push for frequent follow-up--3 month compared to 6.  These are just a few of the topics you may consider.Wishing the best for you!

    I'm a dog person, too.  I'm an avid upland game hunter and have a German Wirehair Pointer.  Fantastic dog with a great personality and family dog.


  • Kangaroorex
    Kangaroorex Member Posts: 47 Member
    So, now your a survivor...

    Glad to hear you made it through surgery okay.  I was out of active office travel for 5 weeks after surgery but was working from home on monday (surgery was the previous friday), but I love my job and I like to keep busy.  Its been said before, rest and dont push yourself too hard but do keep yourself as active as you comfortably can. 

    I would also recommend a shorter time between scans, at least until they are sure there is nothing active left in your system.  Best of luck with your recovery!

  • penitent
    penitent Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2016 #27
    Just stay on top of the pain

    Don't be a hero...it's okay to take it really easy for as long as it takes.  I'll second the note from Stub above...type, grade, sarcomtoid and necrosis % are the key things you'll want to know.

    Now, just get well...and know that all of the 'club' members are in our prayers.

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    duster10 said:

    you guys are great....

    you really are.  Such positive vibes.  I am expecting my pathology either today or tomorrow.  Can anybody begin to prep me on what is good and what is not so good?  I like my Doc a lot, but I would like to be able to ask some constructive questions when he does in fact call me.  ANy input is appreciated.  thx


    Oh and as far as the NAP dog, that is y beloved Wheaten Terrier......we had to put him down about 3 months ago, which was one of the toughest things we have ever done.  The good news is that just yesterday the breeder emailed me to tell me her dog (also a Wheaten) was pregneant and due in the middle of Oct.  We havent told the kids yet, pending the pathology results, but i viewed it as a sign that things were going to be OK.

    Good stuff

    You'll have some good framework for questions to ask when you get your path report. 

    Sorry to hear about having to say goodbye your fuzzy guy, but -gracious! - the thought of you potentially having a sweetie wheatie back in your home by the end of the year is wonderful news. 

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited September 2016 #29
    This is good news

    This is really good news Duster.  I also hope you continue to contribute on here.  I'm less than two months out from when my mass was found and find it theraputic to read and post on here.  Your story and experience WILL help others that find out about a mass the size of yours.  They will find hope in what you have gone through.  I guess this is how we can pay it forward.  I'm very happy for you and your family with this news.  Celebrate in a restful way:)


  • duster10
    duster10 Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited September 2016 #30
    Just got the call....

    from the doc about the pathology.  HE said it came back as "classic" clear cell.  No sarcomtoid (which I am gathering from you guys is VERY good news).  Lymphnodes were CLEAR!  HE said that based on the size of the tumor, this was best case scenario.  There was nothing difinitive if it had invaded the fat of the liver, it was not a clear yes or no, so based on that, they are going to scan me every 3 moths for the next 2 years, and then 1 year every year after that.  I asked him how big the actual tumor was, and he said he didnt have the pathology in front of him......he was in the car.  I did not ask about Necoris%.....I really dont know what that is?  He did finish up by saying that this was all good news, and I told him i was a "numbers" guys ad he said that he would put me in 70/30 it DOESNT come back, but if it does, it will likley be in the next 2 years.

    Cant thank all of you enough......my wife is in tears right now.  I think my days of filet mignon are essentially over.  She is converting the kitchen into a cancer fighting machine.   So, in closing, I am currently NED.  I will continue to stay active on here and offer support to those in need in the same way you guys have supported me.

    We are going to tell the kid tomorrow that we are getting the puppy in Dec.....they will be so excited!

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    edited September 2016 #31
    Hello Duster!

    Glad to hear things went well for you and now you are on rest and recuperation mode!  

  • penitent
    penitent Member Posts: 79
    A very positive pathology

    So pleased that you had such good news!  Glad tidings!   

    BTW, necrosis is evidence of dead/dying cancer cells that basically indicate that the tumor is/was growing so rapidly that it couldn't keep up enough blood supply to keep those little bugger cells alive.  0% necrosis and no sarcomatoid features is wonderful.  Enjoy your day and just get well.


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    duster10 said:

    Just got the call....

    from the doc about the pathology.  HE said it came back as "classic" clear cell.  No sarcomtoid (which I am gathering from you guys is VERY good news).  Lymphnodes were CLEAR!  HE said that based on the size of the tumor, this was best case scenario.  There was nothing difinitive if it had invaded the fat of the liver, it was not a clear yes or no, so based on that, they are going to scan me every 3 moths for the next 2 years, and then 1 year every year after that.  I asked him how big the actual tumor was, and he said he didnt have the pathology in front of him......he was in the car.  I did not ask about Necoris%.....I really dont know what that is?  He did finish up by saying that this was all good news, and I told him i was a "numbers" guys ad he said that he would put me in 70/30 it DOESNT come back, but if it does, it will likley be in the next 2 years.

    Cant thank all of you enough......my wife is in tears right now.  I think my days of filet mignon are essentially over.  She is converting the kitchen into a cancer fighting machine.   So, in closing, I am currently NED.  I will continue to stay active on here and offer support to those in need in the same way you guys have supported me.

    We are going to tell the kid tomorrow that we are getting the puppy in Dec.....they will be so excited!

    Great news

    Well done Duster mate. I reckon you and your Mrs deserve a week in Venice with and option on Verona and Tuscany. THEN think about going back to work

    (Oh enjoy the mushrooms and kale)

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Great about your path report!

    Great about your path report!

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    great news all around

    Awesome report. Believe me when I say we all get very proud.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    YAAAY!! and a puppy too~

    YAAAY!! and a puppy too~

    Thanks for this update! Hope your healing goes well..do not rush it!

    Gentle hugs, Jan

  • love_of_my_life
    love_of_my_life Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2016 #37
    Great news

    My wife was 41 when she had her right kidney removed 4 years ago.

    She went in for her annual checkup today as she is still cancer free.

    Prayers are with you buddy!