Cervical Cancer Stage 2b2 Radical Hysterectomy

Hello all!! In October of 2014 I started to notice changes in my body. I went in for a PAP and it came back abnormal, she referred me to my original OBGYN and he did more testing which came back as severe squamous, he did a cone biopsy to retrieve it and upon testing should it was deeper than thought. In December 2014 he performed the LEEP and was hoping that it would get the cells. January 15, 2015 I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer Stage 2b2, due to the level I was referred to another city for treatment. I had a laproscopic Radical Hysterectomy to hopefully remove all the cancer.


It was a success, however the last few days, I have been dealing with pelvic pain and lower back pain like I did when I was first diagnosed. I have not had any reoccurance, nor did I need radiation or chemo, but I am worried that it may have return, I dont have an appointment for another 10 days, but I was wondering if anyone has had any of these symptoms after the fact?


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Gargangela, UNDERSTANDABLY we

    Gargangela, UNDERSTANDABLY we worry every little pain we think our beast has reared his ugly head again.  Try to take a breath.  You say you don't have an appointment for 10 days - so about the 16th?  Maybe you can put yourself on the list in the event there is a "cancel"?  If you still have to wait, try not to get too far ahead of yourself.  You are doing the right thing by getting it checked out.  Please let us know how it all goes.