Diagnostic Testing


About 10 years ago I had an abnormal mammogram and when they did the biopsy they removed my mamory glands and all of my milk ducts due to calcification throughout. The surgeon felt that it was precancerous and that I should be watched closely. Flash forward to last week and my yearly check up. The night before my husband found a lump in the same breast, I didn't inform my doctor becuase I was scheduled already. The very next day they called to make an appointment with the technician and radiologist for diagnostic follow up. The secretary told me that I would get a diagnosis and action plan at this appointment, is that possible without a biopsy? They said not to worry, but then send a letter stating that my breasts are extremly dense and difficult to screen and its more likely find cancer in later stages. I can't get anyone to answer my questions like what did they see? Am I at a greater risk of having cancer after what they have already removed? Can he tell me it's cancer without a biopsy? I don't know what to expect and the unknown is what scares me, I have to know and have a plan. Any answers to my rambling questions would be appreciated, I would like to prepare myself for my appointment, but I am not sure how. Thank you for you time.


  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    edited September 2016 #2
    when I was first dx'd

    That was in 2002, I knew about the lump and my regular doctor who made the mammogram appt. told them so when I went in, they knew what they were looking at.  After the mammo, they did an ultrasound sound and the radiologist came in and verified it was suspicious and he told me up front he was sure, but said he has been wrong and until they confirm it with pathology we would not know.  

    I was so small breastfed that the lump was noticable, but I had had cysts before and to me it felt the same.  With the last cyst, the gynecologist said if I get another one, it it feels like it changes in size, then come back for another mammo.  But this popped up one day like a cyst and it seemed the same to me and it had only been 13 months since the last one, but I knew it was there  for about 4 months be I showed my gp, as I hadn't needed to go to a dr.  I was 43 with no family history of bc, and figured with how small chested I was.....  no big deal.

    Wish you the best and until the biopsy, you don't know for sure.
