Nose Sores

Now I have learned I never do anything normal.  I now have one killer sore in my nose.  I wasn't paying any attention just thought since the hair was gone it was sensitive.  Well now it is a true ooowie, swollen and painful.  I tried Vicks and it soothed for a while  I just put heating cloth on my nose and put some neosoprin in my nostril.  With the help of the oxycodone (yep that bad, isn't that crazy) it is a bit better.  I am waiting for a call back from the doc but that may not be too soon as a sore nose will not go to the top of anyone's list of urgent medical care needed - except for me!  I am at the middle of my nadir.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  


  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    Whack a mole

    That's the first I've heard of that....but I'm not surprised.  Unfortunately I have not advice.  Weird things pop up all the time on this journey. Hopefully the doctor calls you back pronto!

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited September 2016 #3

    I've had some bloody noses, but no sores so far. I did some digging on line and here's a link that might be helpful for you to ask your dr. about when he calls back:

    Let us know how this goes for you!

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Dont have any advice but i

    Dont have any advice but i hope it goes away for you. 


  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    Thanks All

    Warm rags and neosoporin are sort of working ok.  Have left another call asking if I could get some mupriocin from MAbound article.  Weird I have slept most of the day just waking up to but warmth on my honker.  You are all great and thanks again.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    My nose bled all through

    My nose bled all through chemo and beyond after never having a nose bleed in my life.  It was swollen and sore.  I had humidifiers in our bedroom and family room even though we have a whole-house humidifier on our furnace.  All my doctor said was to use Vaseline.  I also used Neosporin.  My husband and I even had a secret sign so he could let me know when blood was running out of my nose because I couldn't feel it - the bald, chubby lady with blood running down her face.....quite the picture!!!  LOL

    I sure hope you can get some help!!!



  • giggs100
    giggs100 Member Posts: 91 Member
    edited September 2016 #7
    I had that happen to me

    It was like getting cold sores inside of my nose.  I got the neosoporin with the pain relief and put that on a q-tip and swab the inside of my nose 2 or 3 times a day (or when pain would come back) that helped me tremendously.  Eventually they would go away but lo and behold would come back next chemo treatment so again I would start my applications of neosoporin.  About the only thing I found that would help. 

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    Doing Much Better

    Well fought the fever last night up to 100.4 so took cold showers, took 600 mg of ibuprobin, ate pop cycles, stripped down to underwear with wet towels on head in front of fan and so didn't have to go to emergency room (he said at 100.5 I had to come in)  wooo close call. This morning swelling was a bit down and fever was normal, pain had almost disappeared. Giggs, the neosoporin seemed to really help and probably saved a trip to the dreaded ER...  I hate going there soooo bad!  I also had hubby buy me a humidifyer as suggested by Edri.  Jumped in a saw the doc (on a 3 day weekend wanted all issues resolved)  He gave me some strong antibiotics but thinks the neosoporin has resolved most of the issues.  So I start a three day weekend with nothing worse than fatigue. Life is good and thanks each of you for your support.  Hated to call brother and say I am in the hospital for a sore nose.  Just sounds a bit too sissyfied.  I have cancer and a sore nose lands me in the hospital.  Go figure.

    Love and thanks to all...  Patty  

    (Edri no nose bleed so far..  hubby said our code words would be, "Your nose is bleeding".. what a romantic he is.)

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited September 2016 #9
    Glad to hear!

    So glad catastrophe averted! When you're immune system goes into the crapper for awhile during chemo, you really have to stay on top of the little things that can become big things when they otherwise wouldn't! Bringing this up, you perhaps made others aware of an issue that otherwise some wouldn't realize needs to be considered and steps taken to prevent from happening as we move towards winter heating season. Good job!