Transition from PEG to "real" food

I have really been struggling with the depression and anxiety lately, which doctors and everyone here has assured me is normal. One of the things that I KNOW would make me feel better is getting off this dang feeding tube. I know I shouldn't push it, but it would make me feel so much more like I'm headed in the direction of "normal." I'm only two weeks out post treatment, but barely have any throat or mouth pain (just a touch along my tongue that's bearable) and I'm swallowing really well. My sister just made me a protein smoothie and I was able to get that down in about half an hour with no difficulty. I'm ok with smoothies and things like Ensure for while until I'm eating more solid foods, although I wonder if I could eat softened solid foods. The smoothie tasted on a touch like anything (a hint of blueberry, a hint of protein powder), but it wasn't awful. 

How did you guys start making that transition and how did you know you were getting enough calories? Does the ensure/boost help with the calorie stuff? I'm a little anal and worry that I'd not be getting enough nutrients. I'm going to bring this up with my speech therapist next week, as well.





  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    eating taste good


    Put a smile on your face and some food in your mouth, you  are making the transition.

    I drank smoothies for 7 months until the awful feel and terrible taste no taste went mostly away.

    I popped my PEG at 2 weeks post and sampled everything I could think of.

    I doctored up items with olive oil and vegetable oil to add calories.

    I carried around a little igloo cooler filled with protein drinks and water.

    I had dinner with my parents every Sunday (1 bite of chicken, 3 or 4 peas, 1 bite of mashed potatoes), not much, but trying.

    I wasn’t depressed, I held out hope and was happy to have survived.  I saw H&N members fly past me in eating, but I caught up and now have very good time with taste and eating.  Meals take much longer, my wife always finishes first and it takes multiple glasses of whatever to help down a meal.

    Happy meals ahead.


  • Kari2007
    Kari2007 Member Posts: 108
    CivilMatt said:

    eating taste good


    Put a smile on your face and some food in your mouth, you  are making the transition.

    I drank smoothies for 7 months until the awful feel and terrible taste no taste went mostly away.

    I popped my PEG at 2 weeks post and sampled everything I could think of.

    I doctored up items with olive oil and vegetable oil to add calories.

    I carried around a little igloo cooler filled with protein drinks and water.

    I had dinner with my parents every Sunday (1 bite of chicken, 3 or 4 peas, 1 bite of mashed potatoes), not much, but trying.

    I wasn’t depressed, I held out hope and was happy to have survived.  I saw H&N members fly past me in eating, but I caught up and now have very good time with taste and eating.  Meals take much longer, my wife always finishes first and it takes multiple glasses of whatever to help down a meal.

    Happy meals ahead.


    PEG pop

    You got yours popped two weeks post end of treatment? According to my doctors, they make sure I've maintained a certain weight before they want to pop it out. I'm going to talk about that with them next week when I have my follow up appointment. How many smoothies did you drink a day and did you supplement? We have probably different caloric requirements, but just curious.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited August 2016 #4
    taste recovery


    I provided a detailed analysis to my nutritionist of my calorie intake for 1 week before they would let me pop my PEG. I consumed 2.5 to 3.5 K a day. 3 a day.

    I made mostly milk & protein mix vanilla or chocolate smoothies with bananas, berries,  nuts & veg oil, nothing fancy.

    I was always taking bites of things, I wanted to know when the taste buds turned back on.

    As I mentioned earlier, I had great luck with tomatoes, cucumbers and olive oil, corn-on-the-cob and sweet tea.  You just never know.

    You will get there.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited August 2016 #5
    CivilMatt said:

    taste recovery


    I provided a detailed analysis to my nutritionist of my calorie intake for 1 week before they would let me pop my PEG. I consumed 2.5 to 3.5 K a day. 3 a day.

    I made mostly milk & protein mix vanilla or chocolate smoothies with bananas, berries,  nuts & veg oil, nothing fancy.

    I was always taking bites of things, I wanted to know when the taste buds turned back on.

    As I mentioned earlier, I had great luck with tomatoes, cucumbers and olive oil, corn-on-the-cob and sweet tea.  You just never know.

    You will get there.


    2 weeks

    2 weeks out is very early

  • Sandraw
    Sandraw Member Posts: 40
    Just had a grilled shrimp soft taco with mild Baja sauce!!!

    My last chemo was June 7-11th for 96 hours, left my mouth an awful mess, Mucositis.  I lost 30# during treatment but oncologist let me have peg out end of July, I started to worry it was too soon because I got a real sore throat on L side where I had most intense radiation in February and March.  Been surviving on Boost and trying to taste any and everything, shared a chicken fried steak with a friend last night, not enough gravy so not so good. I can now enjoy salads with a lot of salad dressings,  fried eggs over easy, yesterday for lunch I had Asian rice with stir fried vegetables and drenched them in sweet and sour sauce, so I've been lucky if the food is moist enough.  But I have been craving my fav soft grilled shrimp taco with Baja sauce since this whole thing started back in February, actually bought one my last day of treatment and cried because I couldn't eat it, today however, I nearly inhaled that sucka!!! noticed I didn't need as many sips of water with it too.   I can say, it gets better!!!  I call them baby steps, and measure my progress really a day at a time and today?  Stellar!!!!! Epic!!!  Bonus!!! though I do still drink 3-4 Boost plus a day just to make sure I'm getting consistent nutrition. Hang in there and be curious, take lil bites of something if you crave it and keep that water bottle nearby.

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    Popping the Peg

    Hi  Kari,   I kept mine in for at least the 1st month since mucus, mouth sores were just to sore. You don't have to use the tube all the time.  Just make sure you flush it daily.  I ended up with burning mouth and tongue so I could drink some of my organic shakes which I get at Walgreens or CVS.  They don't have all the nasty crap and too much sugar.  The are organic. ( Orgain ) and come in a milk lookin square container.  They are 250 calories with 16 Gms Protein.  Come in Choc or Vanilla and easy to transport in a cooler if you are out and about and I like the twist off top. They are very smooth, not too thick and not chalky.  I drink as many through my mouth but if it started to burn I could easily tube feel them (11 oz each) and also add extra water and juice thru the tube so it didn't burn my mouth and tongue.  I also started trying very soft food with creamy sauces.  Lots of soups.  Stoffers Fett Alfredo was a good one and often add a tad extra organic milk to make it creamier.   Also with Mac & Cheese. But always had the back up peg if my mouth hurt or the mucus was really bad.  Finally came out by 2 month.  By the way, the Vanilla Orgain shakes are nice cause you can drink them plain or add a tad of Choc syrup or Strawberry syrup.  I continue to drink 2-3 a day since I love the taste and convenience.  Probably be a staple in my everyday diet.  Just so easy when I don't want to get out the blender and all the stuff.  Hope this helps.  Keep working it.  I am 5 months out and can eat a good rare tender juicy steak, prime rib, and it is delishes.  I have always had taste buds and they were not damaged from treathment.  Feel Very fortunate.  Hugs,  Lisa. Ps:  I lost 35 lbs during treatment Since I could not eat or drink anything.  Very thankful for the tube.

  • MemphisTn
    MemphisTn Member Posts: 41
    edited September 2016 #8
    Two Weeks Out

    Honestly after reading a lot of posts about HnN recovery, I was very worried about being able to resume eating in the normal manner. I recieived 66 and 56 gray to the surgery bed and surrouding area. Of course, saliva, mucous, etc was affected. However, I decided two things early on. First I did not want a tube. Second, I would move to an all liquid diet right away. I accomplished both of these. It cant be stressed enough, treatments and side affects are different for each patient. However, over the last week, I did try a couple of yougurts (regular Yoplait, blue berry and strawberry). Yestrday in lieu of the Ensure, I ate a bowl of cold cereal which i let sit and get soggy. Yes, It tasted like card board, but I enjoyed the feeling of something solid being back on my stomach. I am now noticing, just as with the outside of my face, the inside of my mouth is now 'peeling'. Thats ok, it means another step toward hopefully, a complete recovery from the sores on my tongue and in the throat. I have read others who are clearly upset over the issues with taste. For me, that is less of a focus than the cure. Provided I can feed myself somewhat normally choosing usual foods, Im happy for the moment. Point is, taste as you go, though I recommend you steer clear of anything hot and test carefully cold items or anything that would be spicy. As mentioned elsewhere, keep your bottle of water near at all times : )


    Much Love


  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    edited September 2016 #9
    Long process for me

    My last rad was in early July and I didn't start on mostly solid food until late September (2012).  I would use the tube for most nutrition but did my best to keep swallowing (big challenge what with the swelling, heavy mucuscititis and pain) and found that it took time to heal. 

    I found that at about 9 weeks post rads I could swallow a bit more easily, though the lack of saliva was very hard to deal with.  I would sip water when I ate real food and had to really work at it to find a balance.  Too much and food was too gushy, too little and it was very difficult to get down.  I found that little sips, taken as you chew worked (takes some practice to get it right).  I was limited in what I could actually swallow for some time, eating soft foods like scrambled eggs, processed meats (I used to like Spam...) and soup, but it was always an exercise in courage and determination to just decide to take solid food. 

    I found one day that I could actually swallow what most people would consider to be a normal sized bolus of food in mid-september and soon found that I could eat a lot more foods, even trying Burger King and fries.  Warm worked, Hot and cold did not, so I did my best to regulate thermal temperatures. 

    I also started keeping a food diary, noting what I'd consumed and when.  I found that once I started to eat - and it took some fortitude to do it - I progressed fairly well.  I had my tube put in in May and was able to have it pulled in October. 

    the chart/diary came in real handy to prove to my RO that I was maintaining my weight without using the tube.

    I will say that I am grateful I had the ruddy thing, pain the (insert the expletive of your choice) but it helped me survive (now 4 years since the end of treatments)

    One thing that helped a lot and that was the aspect of just "deciding to do it".  Much like jumping into a pool that is cooler than you'd like, it is best accomplished by diving in - forcing yourself if you will - to just do it. 

    It does get better, I can eat just about anything as long as I have some water of liquid available when I eat.  I do miss being able to grab a handfull of chips or pretzels without worrying about having someting to drink handy, but I'm doing well.  The only thing I can't eat is anything really sour.  My favorite candy was Ferrah Pan's "Lemonheads" but they are just too sour for me to tolerate.  Oh well.....

    It takes time, but it can be done, give yourself the chance to heal, push yourself to see what you can eat.  It works!

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I didn't know there was a transition

    period.  As soon as the mouth sores were gone I started eating, and tho it didn't have any taste, I never had another Boost.  My Dr. wouldn't remove the PEG either, until I gained weight...after 7 weeks of not using it I wore a pair of Danner steel toed work boots in for a weigh in...and voila!  I got the tube out the next week (they have never let me weigh in with shoes on since...LOL). 

    I became a  "souper" favorite being homemade veggie soup.  I also got French bread, and I'd slather it with butter, and soak it in my soup.  I bet I ate 8 gallons of that veggie soup in the first month.  I also like homemade loaded potato soup, and Cauliflower and cheese soup.  I learned early, that blander is better...veggies have some taste, where other things like yogurt, icecream, eggs didn't.  I was into texture and putting food in my mouth, and feeling the warmth of it in my belly.  It's healthier too....

    So, like Matt said....start eating, and see what you can do.  Soup is lots of liquid with soft things cooked in it.  Not hot, but warm.  I think you heal faster once you get back on solid food...and it certainly lifts the spirits.


  • Kari2007
    Kari2007 Member Posts: 108

    I've been eating without the PEG for the last week with a mixture of Ensure, Boost, smoothies, and mostly soups. I think I have a ways to go before I'm actually eating enough to maintain my weight (although I'm going to think about that steel toed boot idea, phrannie!), but I feel like I'm headed in the right direction. I saw my speech therapist today and she cleared me to start trying all kind of textures, with caution (keep the water handy). And, I can actually taste somethings - for me the more spice (not heat spice, but herb spice) the better, as well as garlic. Of course, anything salty tastes pretty good, too. Tonight a friend is bringing over a cauliflower curry with naan bread. I'm looking forward to it!


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    edited September 2016 #12
    Kari2007 said:


    I've been eating without the PEG for the last week with a mixture of Ensure, Boost, smoothies, and mostly soups. I think I have a ways to go before I'm actually eating enough to maintain my weight (although I'm going to think about that steel toed boot idea, phrannie!), but I feel like I'm headed in the right direction. I saw my speech therapist today and she cleared me to start trying all kind of textures, with caution (keep the water handy). And, I can actually taste somethings - for me the more spice (not heat spice, but herb spice) the better, as well as garlic. Of course, anything salty tastes pretty good, too. Tonight a friend is bringing over a cauliflower curry with naan bread. I'm looking forward to it!

    Kari garlic and

    onion...I could taste onion in things almost all the way through treatment, and when it's the only thing a person can taste it's wonderful :)! My sister made me a macaroni salad with had finely diced celery and onion in it....and it was so good.  Always water to wash things down by my elbow.  Meat is actually the diciest thing to this day, meat just goes around and around my mouth till I drink some water to wash it down.
