Louisiana The Great Flood of 2016

Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
edited August 2016 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Photos of our Neighborhood 1 day after the flood


Hi everyone this is a video of Avies Knoll where I lived for the past 17 years, stop the video from playing right at 808 and look to the bottom left side you will see my White Truck and the Green roof on my work shop. We did ok and did not get flooded but everyone else and one of my Daughters Melissa did not do so well, they got over 3 feet of water in their home. It has been really hard here for everyone because there is so much flooding everywhere you look. But by the grace of God we will get through this as well. From what I am told about 65% of the State of Louisiana is all in the same condition.

I have never in my life seen rain like what came down here, it was like someone pouring water out of a jug not

God Bless







  • Sandraw
    Sandraw Member Posts: 40

    That's a LOT of water! so sorry you're having to deal with that and not feeling well. Prayers

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    wonderful blessing


    Despite all the damage from flooding it is amazing to me to see people who don’t live here in Louisiana come out and help other in getting their homes back in order. Also many of the local fast food and restaurants here are going around handing out plate lunch to all the people working trying to get their homes back in order. It has been a wonderful blessing to everyone of us, may God bless them all




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Tim needs a boat or stilts.

    I saw it, lower left, white truck, green roof on shop.

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    edited August 2016 #5
    Oh Tim, I'm so sorry

    you're battling pneumonia AND flooding. You must feel like Job. Prayers for you.
