Rang the bell!


Today I finally rang that bell. I can't believe those seven weeks just flew by. Everyone says it gets harder bef it gets better and that has certainly been true. I've been vomiting mucus all weekend and today and it's hard to keep anything inside my stomach. I've been keeping up with the mucinex and doing salt and soda rinses. Add to the misery, but I have little bowel movement thanks to the Oxycodone. They just prescribed Reglan today to help with motility. I'm nervous about potential side effects and how it could react with my SSRI. Anyone take Reglan without issue? I should probably toughen up and at least try one dose, but I'm nervous.



  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    edited August 2016 #2
    Congrats! You can now focus

    Congrats! You can now focus on your healing! 

    My husband took reglan for a bit during his treatment but he had to stop because it made his hands shake, which is a possible side effect. I, however, took reglan for months during one of my pregnancies for nausea and I had no issues with the drug. You can always try one dose, and even a half a dose (which is what my husband tried too). You can also stop the med if you have to.

    Feel better and congrats once again!

  • bebo12249
    bebo12249 Member Posts: 181 Member


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,722 Member


    Welcome to the other side, it is all sunshine and lollipops over here.

    I would do almost anything to avoid or treat constipation.  I think, maybe, you are tough enough to handle one dose, but what do I know.

    Good times lay ahead for you, without nausea.


  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167

    Yay Kari!!  You did it!!!  I was thinking about you at about the time you were ringing snd I was with you in spirit!  I took Reglan for a short time and had no side effects.  I am having the same problem as you with mucus, nausea and vomiting.  This is your moment, you should be so proud of yourself and after a week or 2 of still cooking you can begin the healing!  Well done!!


  • Raddude
    Raddude Member Posts: 84
    edited August 2016 #6

    now it's just letting your body heal.

  • Fritz
    Fritz Member Posts: 106
    edited August 2016 #7
    Great Job!

    I am so happy for you!!

    Give yourself another 2 weeks or so of cooking and then begin the slow healing process. Mucous still haunts me and I am now on my 5th week post treatment. I hope you have better luck with it.

    Again, congrats on ringing that bell!


  • Kari2007
    Kari2007 Member Posts: 108
    Thanks everyone

    Despite how crappy I feel right now with the mucus, I am really glad to be on the other side of the treatment process. Now I can start charting progress and encourage everyone who is going through their own treatment to keep their eyes on the prize! 

    I took half a dose of the Reglan this morning. I'm a very med phobic person, so you can imagine what suddenly being on all these different kinds of meds with all their different side effects is doing to my anxiety!! Thank god for ativan, LOL. If I really look at the last several weeks, I've tolerated way more meds than I ever thought possible, so hopefully the reglan is just one more that provides some relief, rather than added issues. It's hard to keep track of all the different things I'm supposed to take and when, and I've been trying to be diligent about writing it all down. One almost needs a nursing degree to make it through this treatment!

    Hopefully the mucus knocks off a bit soon. Freddie, I hope you start getting some relief, too. Five weeks is a long time to deal with the constant spitting up. You'll get there, and in so many ways you're doing great already. 

    Joanne, I'll be thinking of you when you ring that bell today!! I'm so excited for you. Now we can compare healing notes and tips :)


  • cardoza33
    cardoza33 Member Posts: 81
    edited August 2016 #9
    Kari2007 said:

    Thanks everyone

    Despite how crappy I feel right now with the mucus, I am really glad to be on the other side of the treatment process. Now I can start charting progress and encourage everyone who is going through their own treatment to keep their eyes on the prize! 

    I took half a dose of the Reglan this morning. I'm a very med phobic person, so you can imagine what suddenly being on all these different kinds of meds with all their different side effects is doing to my anxiety!! Thank god for ativan, LOL. If I really look at the last several weeks, I've tolerated way more meds than I ever thought possible, so hopefully the reglan is just one more that provides some relief, rather than added issues. It's hard to keep track of all the different things I'm supposed to take and when, and I've been trying to be diligent about writing it all down. One almost needs a nursing degree to make it through this treatment!

    Hopefully the mucus knocks off a bit soon. Freddie, I hope you start getting some relief, too. Five weeks is a long time to deal with the constant spitting up. You'll get there, and in so many ways you're doing great already. 

    Joanne, I'll be thinking of you when you ring that bell today!! I'm so excited for you. Now we can compare healing notes and tips :)


    Congrats.  I was sick in the

    Congrats.  I was sick in the morning for months after treatment and it was very discouraging.  However, it stopped and the 21st of this month will be 8 months since the day I started treatment and I feel really good now.  I laughed at your nursing degree comment. My wife and I were looking at our notebook during he war of treatment/recovery and all the notes we took of meds/dosages/vomits, etc.  Crazy time.  Be patient with yourself and have faith it will eventually subside.  

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    Kari - Welcome to recovery phase!

    So glad you are finished with the treatment phase. Things will be better slowly but surely. When you get discouraged...take a look in the rear view mirror to see how far you have come. Hopefully you will be hearing good news (NED - No Evidence of Disease) in the not too distant future.


  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    Ding, Ding

    Congradulations Kari !!  " Stay the Course ".  Time to heal, Mucus will be gone in a month and you will start to feel a little more like yourself.  You did good !   Big hugs, Lisa 

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    The Bell


    Congratulations on the Bell Ringing, it is a wonderful feeling to be able put this all passed you and get moving with your new normal. Remember it is going to take a little more time for healing but you got passed the bad part the rest is all down hill..

