Cervical Cancer Survivor, if you call it that.

My name is Tina and I am 44 years old.  I have been trying to get some information on what I am going through.

I was diagnosised with cervical cancer back in 2013 but I had all the symptoms since 1990 and the first pap smear was obnormal.  I was turned away by every doctor and E.R. would just leave me out in the waiting (was marked as a drug seeking person).  I was a single mom and if I could work due to the pain and the horrible periods (those were like a faucet and not once a month, happened whenever), the job never offered insurance.

In 2009, I was finally told I had cancer cells and the doctors removed them.  Two weeks later ended up in E.R. because I never stopped bleeding (had to be carried in).  My stomach began to stop accepting food andeverr sypmtom I had was a trillion times worse and I had more. 

I dropped 60lbs., turned a pasty grayish/yellow, and I had to literally push myself to get up and go back to work so I could survive.  By 2012, I ended up being rushed to E.R. and was given the name of another free clinic.  After an examination, I was informed it was cervical cancer and I had 6 months, if that to live.  My organs were shutting down.  It had spread to my uterus but I wouldn't see it become full blown because I wouldn't be here.  In 2013, had a partial hysterectomy (told the only way I could go because I was dying). 

Had the surgery and three years later, I can say I survived but my body is not the same.  I was taken out of work last year because my back went, it gone.  I finally in a year gained 20lb. of that back but the exhaustion and tiredness that feels deep seated in my bones is horrible.  I still cannot eat much. 

My family history throws off the doctors because each generation has cancer but its either prostate or liver.  My generation is the first to have cervical cancer and every male child is fine.  I also have Leukemia in my family.

My doctors just keep saying my body is attacking itself  but it doesn't know why (I am 5'9 and dropped to 120lbs. and it was found i have 4 other lumps).  I have thyroid issues.  I have had many tests and they have found nothing to explain it, of course they won't test me for the cancers that actually run through my family.

I just want advice knowing how I can just function because all my symptoms are still there minus the blood and pain.



  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,524 Member
    tbellie -- I am so glad to

    tbellie -- I am so glad to hear you proved them wrong with their prediction that you had "six months"! 

    Not sure I can give you any advice, you seem to be a fighter and you should be applauded for that!  It is hard work being a warrior and taking care of your mind and body, but maybe you can find something to celebrate YOU!